This was left on my car this evening by a rabid Trump supporter.
Glad to know that hatred and bigotry is now the norm for America.
This was left on my car this evening by a rabid Trump supporter.
Glad to know that hatred and bigotry is now the norm for America.
that was me
Such awful people. Call the police. #StillWithHer
I saw him and didn't say anything. Sorry op.
I'm scared Trump will get JFK'd by a nigger.
Hold me guyz.
It actually fell off the car but I put it back. I'm sorry too OP
Hatred and bigotry are the norm worldwide and always have been.
Fake and gay
You're welcome, faget.
Quick question: Are you a fag?
This is important.
omg, you poor thing
how could anyone be so intolerated and bigotant?
I'm literally shaking
we should riot and block traffic to stop this kind of thing
wtf i hate trump now
im now a #santorumshotgun
(You) spelled fuck wrong
Sure it was OP, I'm sure while you were prepping the bull you had the idea to write this out and post it on Sup Forums to really give to those trump supporters.
Report this to Huffington Post, OP
You're clearly a victim of a hate crime
>implying they'll ever handle a rifle with military precision
>implying it won't be a chimp out where they indiscriminately fire an smg out of the window of a moving car
The chances of them actually hitting their target are slim.
It's sloppy penmanship, that's actually a turnip 2016 supporter
Those are some soft and fat hands op
Ultimate martyrdom and Michael "Spear the Queer" Pence takes over? Bring it on.
I voted for turnip.
>those soft hands
Definitely a faggot
That implies a lone gunman would do it. But in Trumps case I think there would be a conspiracy.
>things that happen right now in america because you voted for a fascist
I'll take things that didn't happen for $800, Alex.
You accidentally ripped it when you put it back on so I rewrote it, sorry OP
Don't worry Niggers can't aim and it's hard to look through a scope when holding the rifle sideways.
Trump supporters draw dickbutt on a piece of paper and put it gently between your windshield wipers.
Hillary supporters beat your ass with a bat, steal your shoes and your rims.
stop reading /r/conspiracy
He'll become a martyr.
Pence will become president with Ben "So Sleepy He's Woke" Carson as vice.
You didn't smear semen on it as an offering of good faith to hillary voters, So I smeared mine on it. You're welcome OP.
you get a nasty note while packs of 'progressives' pull the elderly out of vehicle and mob bash him for voting trump.
These people are legitimately mentally ill.
What, you thought "liberalism is a mental illness" was just a joke?
wtf i hate turmp now
read the filename
its a mockery of all the "notes" that showed up on the internet today
thanks for the reassurance