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With darkness and silence through the night

did he died?

A few more detailed talking points on why the popular vote doesn't matter:

1) The rules were known in advance, and campaigns were directed accordingly.
A popular vote system would have resulted in completely different tactics, and completely different results.

2) The country is called "United STATESSSSS of America", not "Single State of America".
Every state has its autonomy, every state has its own representation in the electoral college.

3) Solid red/blue states sometimes have fewer people actually voting because the result for their state is already known.
This heavily skews the popular vote.

4) The electoral vote system is based on population anyway.

5) It's extremely close anyhow, and Trump might actually still win it because of military absentee ballots

It sure is very nice of you to post this but for what reason? 99% of the people who use the popular vote argument are retarded anyway. You won't be able to convince them with logic and facts

This is more than a 2D post.

Yes, they will give up by Sunday though and go back to being cucked

Popular vote would be like playing a losing season but because you won a couple games by 50 points you get in the playoffs for total points scored

Who actually does it by popular vote? Canada doesn't either. Nor any of the commonwealth I think, we all use that one system.

actually, the popular vote is still being counted, there's only 200 000 votes difference between clinton and trump. trump can still win the popular vote, even if it's unlikely

I've just been showing them the by county decision. It's quite clear most of America is against them.

That's what I thought as well. They will do their little protest and in a week or few they won't even remember Trump is elected. I mean, we are talking about normies here...

>for what reason?

If nothing else, an abundance of clarity.

I don't think many countries do, but there's a lot of misleading wording and semantics that make people think most of the world uses popular vote.

To get that far in the game and dominate so much just to still lose, you'd have to be an idiot.

It's an exaggerated example.

France goes by popular vote, that's why the only city that matters is Paris and how they vote, that's also why we're depressingly liberal and why only meme magic could get Le Pen elected in May

Also, to easily BTFO people using the "muh popular vote" argument on you.

What a thrill!
I'm searching and i'll melt into you!

>American Education

Not necessarily, sometimes people throw away pieces precisely to get in good positions like this

wow you guys are fucked as hell
that'd be like London deciding the next PM



God dammit.....
I was ELO 1860 in high school...

My inner chess nerd is cringing right now because the only way that mate could happen is if whites queen was on spaces that it could be captured. Its as if Kasparov was playing black, and a 5th grader was playing white, and Kasparov had to take a shit so his 7 year old nephew took over the board from him and shit the bed

Almost looks at a shitty attempt at a scholar's mate. How did black not even develop their pieces yet all of white's pieces are gone?

This. Liberals sat down to a game of chess, were checkmated, and are now assblasted that the game wasn't checkers.


Both sides played like complete retards to get this outcome.

Your point?

This would be an absurd case of that.

>less than 1% diffidence in popular vote

Both sides played like complete retards to get this outcome.

Literally how

If you want to generate a more plausible situation, with similar piece count, I'd be more than happy to insert that into the pic.


I'm really interested to know how you guys feel about the UK parliamentary elections on 2015

The winner takes all system is really fucking retarded desu. It allows a canditate to get 74% of the popular vote and still lose

It's the "United StateSSSSS of America". The states have their own representation.

And the electoral votes are allocated to the states based on population.

So if you have a state that is deep blue/red, a lot of people are simply going to stay home and let the others vote.
The result is the same, but the popular vote count is skewed.

how the fuck did the queen move from anywhere on the board to there?


That FPTP is still better than proportional representation because PR gives you a retarded coalition government which exactly no one voted for.
PR is retarded for many more reasons than just that though.

You just lack the wisdom of our founding fathers. This system prevent the tyranny of the majority. Imagine what our elections would have have started looking like once California started letting illegals and felons vote.

The red states would unironically declare war and start ethnically cleansing. Though maybe that would be for the best.

H1 > H5 > F7

You blind m8?

How naive.

Ukip was fucking cheated

H5, horse kills it
G6, pawn
G8, rook
E6, pawn
D5, rook/horse/pawn

Long term vs. short term.
PR might benefit your favourite party this one time but it'll fester and become cancerous with time.

Or do you believe it is a good idea to add yet another at least two layers of unaccountability between the electorate and their representative?

Yes lad but one day the greens or some other faggot party could get a similar vote share, and they'll be screwed too

hows it make you feel, that I have no clue where your shithole country is on a world map. i hope you like freedom.

>how does my ignorance make you feel?

Pretty good about myself.

What a fear in my heart
But you're so supremeeeeeeee!

>stupid and proud

america has a long line of being proud about ignorance, like when we flew bombs over France and dropped them.

May Kek stay with us.

>lose presidential election because of stupid system for 8 years
>win next 8 years
>not fixing shitty system
>lose elections now because of shitty system

Why Democrats can't learn from their mistakes?

It's not a stupid system, at all.

It makes perfect sense when you consider that America is composed of fairly autonomous states.

the opponent dosent necessarily have to take the piece




I learned something new.

t. politically ignorant guy

What could you possibly have learned about politics from that post?