White House won't rule out pardon for Clinton

She's finished!

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You don't even have to put her in prison. You can do other things to ruin her life. Simply cutting the head off of the foundation would keep her and her daughter out of politics for good.

Her foundation is dead. Who is going to donate when she holds no public office?

Throw the book at her.

>You'd be in jail!
He has to do it!
For the memes, kek wills it.

>they feel in charge.

If they pardon her for emails then they will simply wait till Trump is in and get her for treason.

>keep her daughter out of politics

This is what we need to work on next. No more Clintons!

This is what we meme next. Lock her the fuck up.

>the law applies to everybody equally

when will this meme die?

Asuka won't quit until you are in jail Hillary.

>no punished Clinton redemption arc from new Clinton blood

Trump won. It's bè stupido for him to fight her now. He only has to lose while she already lost everything.

you cant pardon someone if no crime was committed. the president cant write you a chech to commit X amount of crimes in the future, King Nigger can but not The President of The United States of America.

Nigga, don't kid yourself.

She wired like 1b to Qatar 2 months before this all came to be. She's got enough money to live a happy, pizza filled life for the rest of her days.

Now the people have their jaws around her neck, they shouldn't be letting go. Trump isn't the end, alone he can't do shit, just like alone he couldn't get elected, it took everyone rallying for that, it'll take everyone rallying to get her foundation pulled apart, making her daughter stay out of the house in the future etc.

You people don't get it. In all things political you have to be relentless, never stop, if you give them even an inch they'll take another 100m in taxpayer funds.

People are getting so fat and lazy off this victory.

Hello rare friend, how nice to see you

then just don't charge her until Trump is in office

besides, she didn't do anything wrong, hasn't that been the story this whole time?

I'm guessing they're concocting some scheme where they'll have Comey charge her as a formality and then Obama pardon her so Trump can't do it when he's in office.

If she is charged when Obama is out of office then it is gonna be too late for her.
They have to charge her soon and let Obama pardon her to keep her out of the jail.

Going to take a while before
> she gets charged
> subsequently tried
> found guilty...

A trial that big will take well over 6 months, plenty of time for Trump to take office.

In retrospect, would this diminish the Trump victory?

Can't ((they)) just have ((them)) charge her and then pardon? I don't think she has to go to trial first, does she?

>be Hillary
>Trump squad busts into her hall of evil
>Screams at Trump that he can't take her foundation's money away on bogus charges
>Oh, but I can Hillary, under my new statute. I got the idea from you.
>I call it: Trumped up trickle down economics

She doesn't have to be charged to be pardoned, but it's essentially an admission of guilt that would kill off Chelsea's political ambitions. If she thinks Trump won't charge her Hillary won't ask for a pardon.


Leave that sad womin alone... she suffered enough.
She lost her dream.

repeating numbers say jail

firing squad if three or more digits

Dude she won the popular vote despite the mountains of evidence of how corrupt she is. It means nothing to idiots here. Her daughter can easily continue a career in politics.

Obama will not pardon Hillary. He's terrified of Trump.

2*double digits=lifetime

No actually trump won it at the end.

No. She is evil and she must be destroyed completely. She has ties to fucking satanism and underground pedophile sex ring.

Ok? So let's say he did. Still 49% of the people who voted, voted for her you dumbass.

Nah she's the kind of person we need to hound until she's dead. Any normal person would just retire but this woman is a power crazed individual.

No more political sway with the foundation
Expect massive "layoffs and cut backs"

>official pardon
>literally admitting guilt and taking ownership of crimes she never went to trial for

They wouldn't DARE touch this

> Hillary will be pardoned
> The Boss will be remembered as a war criminal

There's no justice in this world.

He literally said shed be in jail if he was president.
He has to fucking press it now, no way out

Reminder to meme Rowdy Gowdy for AG if we want Hillary to go down
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
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>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG

Fuck yes

Hillary will go to jail in my lifetime.

Barron TRUMP 2036

>Obama pardons Clinton

But who will pardon Obama?

the boss knew and accepted that fate. shitllary knew she would face prosecution.

i dont know how to feel...

> (OP)
>Simply cutting the head off

You should have stop stopped there

>she dindu nuffin promise
>were gonna pardon her for her crimes

How does this even make sense? Doesn't it just prove the fbi were protecting her anyway?

Agreed indeed

This is just an open door, time to take our steps through.


>People are getting so fat and lazy off this victory.
>Now the people have their jaws around her neck, they shouldn't be letting go.


Are there any lawfags who can clarify this?

I was under the impression that one has to be tried and convicted of a crime first in order to be pardoned for it. Is that wrong?

Can king nigger really just say "Well I don't know what crimes you committed or will even be potentially charged with in the future but here's a get out of jail free card"?