They're protesting, vandalizing, and disrupting their own left leaning cities for this "anti-Trump movement". and I see nothing but praise from prominent leftists. Do they honestly not realize that this only helps the validation that Trump was the right choice? I always thought lefties were a bit autistic, but this is just ridiculous. The ignorance is almost comical at this point.
Is the left really this retarded?
Blacks have been doing it for years.
They always get away with it.
It will be forgotten by the new year.
What if Sup Forumsacks are not autistic after all but every normie actually is?
>They're protesting, vandalizing, and disrupting their own left leaning cities for this "anti-Trump movement".
nah, they're not. Soros is. Soros is just playing on the fact that he knows people like to stir shit up, E S P E C I A L L Y if they think they're the majority
Liberals are FUCKING RETARDED, in case you haven't noticed already.
They are already eating themselves alive.
>pic related, anyone trying to calm these halfwits down is being accused of not checking their privilege
Red pill is trully horrifying
>Is the left really this retarded
You can say the obvious answer to this ten trillion times at least, and still be surprised at what they pull next, and have to ask more.
Yes. They are really this retarded.
Clinton and Obama made oblique references to riot. The subtext of both speeches was fight. The media should be calming shit down but they are so butthurt they just can't help themselves.
A parent needs to put them in time out and calm them the fuck down
It's an early Black Friday for them. They call it rage, but it's all about discount savings
Soros wants this. Think about it. Rile them all up to be ready, put a power hungry flawed woman in power who everyone knows is corrupt, stand back and watch the shitshow as everyone tears each other apart. He wants America destroyed. And Russia. His bets were hedged.
They've been raised for years that they can get their way if they just throw a tantrum hard enough.
They have yet to realize kicking and screaming isn't going to work this time.
Think about it, what if an autistic race (jews) subverted everyone in to thinking that being autistic is the true norm and vice versa.
Trumptard from outside LA here. Please somebody just nuke this shithole now, for the sake of the country.
Nothing will do more damage to the white mans image than this election. With bush we just though you were stupid. With this, the whole world will come to rally against you. They will see you for what you really are here in the information age, an ashamed arab albino. Weak. Defeective. Diseased. They will surround you. They will destroy you. Hitler had to rise to power for Germany to fall and be vindicated forever in history. The holocaust will pale in comparison to the 2016 election on the damage it will do to ashamed albinos image.
What good is it when the world looks down on you. Here you are. Lonely. Hiding from the normies.
>Has white gf
>Fucks her in the butt like a degenerate.
>Fuck you albino, you will pay fascist scum.
You will never beat liberals. We have something you never will lonely cowards. Allies. We will unify. We will crush you albino. Not today albino. But your guns and ammo will not help you when we are you doctors and lawyers.
Your image. Your trust. Destroyed. Youre the nigger now. Defective mutant. Actual subhuman leper.
Its just not your world to covet anymore albino. Look around you. Where were rallys and protestat obamas election?
Youre going to pay. And this realization is how albino. Who will respect you when you cant even respect yourself. When you are a coward to the truth. We will crush your weakness.
That's what happens when you're drunk on identity politics, they don't even know what they're protesting besides UGGGH RACIST SEXIST REEEEEEEEEE
I'm not even white you dumb cunt. I am southern European/Native American. and whites have done more for this world than every other race combined. Please do us a favor and kill yourself.
>Is the left really this retarded?
They clearly have no idea what tolerance means.
>minorities deal with being shot on for thousands of years
>whites reach their limit at 8 years
Weakest people on the planet. Can't even stand in the sun for longer than 30 mins without roasting under the sun.
>As a woman, I will have to carry my can of pepper spray now. Imagine how African Americans, Muslim Americans, Latino Americans, etc feel?
Like they are more likely to get pepper sprayed when they try to rape you.
"If you had more education you'd be a better human being"
I just saw someone say that. That the left is doubling down on privilege-checking limousine liberalism is utterly remarkable.
They believe tolerance is accepting and appreciating something you agree with or at worst are indifferent to. They do not believe in tolerance of something you are diametrically opposed to and are passionately hostile to.
>They do not believe in tolerance of something you are diametrically opposed to and are passionately hostile to.
The problem lies in the word 'believe'
When belief is used in definitions you are simply doing it (and most likely everything in life) wrong
This is only further going to ensure a Trump victory in 2020 as well. I just cannot believe how they're acting. It seems they're committing political suicide.
Euroes are nothing but ashamed albinos. Its why the middle east is under you. Where your ancestors came from. as albinos. 2016 and you dont know this. Trash. Trash beneath my feet. We will step on you and discard you albino.
Youre scared of the truth. It will come. The masses will arm their self with my knowledge.They will never see you the same. They will see you as I see you. for what you really are. An ashamed brother. A cower. A leprous frightened arab albino.
Frankly this isn't the time for shit-flinging. You have some very real problems in your country with the incredible polarization that's going on.
Instead of throwing insults you need to be humble and realize that your side would've done the same if you had lost. You all need to listen to each other and start to come together for the good of the country.
>Check your privilege at the door
At the door of what?
>At the door of what?
the wall of course
Were going to kill everyone one of you fascist ashamed albino. First the left will take ur jobs. Then ur guns. Then when you think that enough is enough? We will take ur meat. Thats right bitch. You wlll learn to live on veggies for the good of the planet Albino. you wont be able to handle it selfish albinos. And for the good of the planet. We will be rid of you Albino.
You will pay for what you have done and deep down you know its much deserved.
Everything you said in this thread has nothing to do with anything and you are retarded.
What THE FUCK are you talking about?
go take your medicine!
>your side would've done the same if you had lost
Where were the riots in 2008 and 2012?
This is a liberal tantrum, pure and simple.
Am I correct that a lot of this rioting has originated from college campuses and is being perpetrated in a large part by college students?
>lgtbthtrghhh rights
>women's healthcare rights
basically allowing abortion whenever slut gets gangbanged and dont want a child?
Don't kid yourself, this election was very infected and very polarized. And considering how very tight it was, there would for sure had been Trump supporters in the streets shouting "Madam Not My President" "Inmate President" or some such.
That is 100% false. The right would have accepted defeat and moved on. Where were the protests in 2008/2012?
Stfu fascist scum. I am tatking about ASHAMED ARAB ALBINOS. You are cowards. Always afraid. Always fearing retribution. You will COLLECTIVELY pay for what youve done merely on this site ALBIINO. Digging your own grave. Fuck you albino. Even if you are my brother. I will stay silent when it comes time to take your head. Your reckoning will be at hand and it will b deserved.
Albino and ashamed. Defective failed genetics. Ashamed and cowering at reality. Nothing but a fearful albino monkey.
They have elevated hypocrisy to a shitty art form as far as i am concerned never even have i seen it so blatantly.
This website is the protest albino. Unlike the lett. You are lonely coward shut-ins.
>First the left will take ur jobs. Then ur guns
Now I know you're trolling.
I get it, you have something against albinos.
What is your point?
what the fuck are you even talking about? I hate to break it to you, but if you were to try and kill whites, the more technologically advanced society would win.
You are inbred to the maximum. The value of your currecny lost 1/3 of its value. You are albino and ashamed of your defective genetics. I knw trump would win. TRUMP IS PRESident in back to teh future. This is all programmed. Youre noting but tools. And youre going to pay for your ignorance and apathy albino. 500 years of karma will crush you.
The right would have done the same if trump lost.
Fuck you hypocrites. you elected a monster
I know mental healthcare in the US can be very expensive, but you should really consider it.
Or just kill yourself and rid the world of your stupidity.
Don't interrupt the enemy while they are making the wrong decisions - Jim Kon Jine
no we wouldn't have. sure, we'd be upset. but we would accept the results and hope Hillary wouldn't turn out to be as terrible as we thought. I know for a fact we wouldn't have destroyed our own cities. and if you believe we would have, you're too lost in the plot.
Its over albino. You discriminate against me? You lose your job, your status, everything. The world will crucify you. If I do the same to you? I am edgy. I am cool. I am saving the world.
You will pay for what youve done albino. I here just to remind you how small and self-destructive your predetermined victory really is. You will pay albino. This didnt happn when obama was elected. Your time is coming albino. You have so much more to lose ashamed coward shitstains.
You are a lonely albino and I fuck your women here in America. I will always be above you lonely motherfucker
Holy shit, if you look at the facts they actually do exhibit more signs of autism than we really do.
Muh thread lads.
>your women
It's that tribal mentality that is going to get you killed someday tyrone.
>Your image. Your trust. Destroyed. Youre the nigger now. Defective mutant. Actual subhuman leper.
All this hatred
It's an interesting pattern
When you hear right wing arguments they are all filled with reason and critical thinking even if they are not eay to digest.
When you hear leftist arguments it's emotionally charged, biased, lacking concrete facts and filled with the hatred and intolerance they claim to be against
Really makes me you think...
Thats why youre mistaken and thats why you will lose albino. Im not black. But no one likes a bully. And youre going to pay for what youve done and said about our perfect infaliable brother/father ALBINO. Youre gonnna pay in full. Its started. You know it. You have payed. In your lifetime. So much more you have yet to give. Just watch albino. And you will remember that you heard it from me first.
>Not black
>Still fucks your women
>Cuz I have game and social skills you lonely motherfucker
>Youre albino and ashamed of it
>albinism is a disease, youre missing things mutant.
it's true. The left is too ignorant to realize they're the actual bigots.
The right is about equality of opportunity and individualism
but currently, the left is about equality of outcome and collectivism
Brazilians. Lmao. Albino ashamed. no clue. Race is a lie. White supremacy will perish in flames. And you albinos who took such pride in your DISEASE will pay the most. What a fitting end. Cry at the world at how great you are. And then have your OWN SCIENCE come down and CRUSH YOU. You will pay in full albino.
privilege is not liking the results of a democratic election , voicing your opinion openly about that fact, then going out to protest peacefully , and then when it turns violent and you turn to beating, shooting , and looting , the system you are attacking and rioting against turns the other cheek and sympathizes with/for you.
there may yet be hope for canada
Your the idiot my friend. Your right, white isnt a race, its a genetic marker that shows which groups of individuals are able to build and maintain structures and live in them for thousands of generations without interruption.
Your also dumb, because you don't realize if your group somehow does succeed, the world itself will collapse and the 8 billion humans non-sun-dependent people's society supports will cannibalize itself to near extinction in 2-3 years.
You guys pulled the same shit when Obama was elected.
Trump campaigned as an outsider, and if you bought into that you should literally kill yourself. He's the most reckless, uninformed, and dangerous president-elect we've ever had, and he's beholden to corporate power. He'll gut EPA funding. He'll get rid of Obamacare. He'll get rid of the Iran deal, incentivizing them to continue their nuclear program, which opens a pathway to a costly war in Iran that would completely sink the economy. He'll be against raising minimum wage at a federal level. He's cutting every tax and regulation on predatory corporations. Plus, he's going to ally himself with Putin and Xi, meaning we're no longer a voice for human rights internationally. The guy is a piece of shit, and Pence is just as bad, so it's not like we can just take them out.
Privelege is pretending any of that land your standing on belongs to you frenchie. Thats red mans land. It will always be red mans land. Their ancestors are buried there, not yours albino. Privelege is making up a huge lie for the world to believe in just because youre ashamed of teh truth ALBINO.
>You are inbred to the maximum.
Actually that's niggers and Muslims. White's inbreed a lot less.
>The value of your currecny lost 1/3 of its value.
For 24 hours
>You are albino and ashamed of your defective genetics.
I have brown hair
>I knw trump would win. TRUMP IS PRESident in back to teh future. This is all programmed. Youre noting but tools. And youre going to pay for your ignorance and apathy albino.
>500 years of karma will crush you
I'm only 27 years old, haven't even accrued 500 years of karma
That reality is ten times better than 1 more second of letting your ASHAMED ARAB ALBINOS pretend like youre the hottest shit around, when youre nothing but sacks of defective genetics being held together by the seems by the remaining genetics of your dark skinned ancestor who your are ASHAMED OF. FUCK YOU ALBINO. PAY IN FULL.
"The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition." It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.
They are trying to provoke violence as a reaction, and they will then use that violence to amplify their message 10x.
Britain is so fucking inbred. So proud you are of youre porcelain white skin and blonde hair. ARAB ALBINO AND ASHAMED OF IT. MAXIMUM LVLS OF ALBINISM. Maximum disease. Every brit I see has the msot fucked up teeth. Inbred like joffrey. Your albino ancestors were cousins and fucked each other for your existence. Albino and ashamed of it.
/brown hai you got from your melanted ancestor albino. Youre soo blind. Soo afraid to admit the truth. That your favorite thing about yourself. Youre lie.Youre "whiteness" its just albinism.Its just defective failed genetics. Youre just missing melanin a PERFECT human being would have.
Deny it albino. It will make it so much sweeter for us when your institutions give up and begin to force the truth down your throat.
I am 27 as well. And I knew it when I was a small child playing with my white friends. Out of nowhere their cousin begins commenting on my skin and how im not a real human. You will collectively pay for what I had endured at the hands of white America. You played your role. And you know it. You said nigger this, mudskin shitskin that all day with your internet anonymity. This is what that hate looks like albino. These are your ripples. There is a tsunami coming and you know you caused it tossing your boulders.
>Race is a lie
>you albinos
Lonely motherfucker I fuck yourwomen while you play with yourlonely albino hand.
>t. Butthurt nigger
Go back to Africa if White civilisation is so shit
Google image search dravidian albinos. I dare you. You will shit yourself albino. Your whole world is a lie. It will be exposed. Everything you are. The truth. Your fascism will turn on you.
Go home Louis CK you're drunk
Stfu albinos, youre entire world is fake and I will watch the west crumble. I will watch as you beg and plead the world to continue to look at you as some sort of adonis adamic God. Your vanity, like a facebook instagram whore losing her popularity. It will crush you. In my lifetime. I will witness the complete and utter destruction of white supremacy, aka the indan caste system. Ashamed arab albinos. Pay in full. Over 2000 years.
>I will watch the west crumble
Pic related
>Is the left really this retarded?
Yes. Yes they are.
>With this, the whole world will come to rally against you
Pretty much everyone I know and work with is happy that Trump got in, then again most of the people I know arent a bunch of latte sipping poofs like yourself. Shit even my mum was banking on a Trump victory.
Border of the United states
Saudia arabia, a mslim nation, full of what you call sand "NIGGERS" could buy your entire nation multiple times. Dubai. Richest place on earth. While you hoity toity ashamed arab albinos play pretend, those arabs doing the real thing. And they look down on you Albino. They same way you look down at the rest of the world. Before I am done with this life. You will all look towards the heavens to spare you from such shame.
living on stolen land you descendant of theives and rapists. Do you have a homeland to go back to? Where you ancestors lived and died albino? You dont. Youre the last to arrive. An albino is born 1 in every 20,000
We would devastate Saudi Arabia in a war, and it wouldn't take long either. Bomb their oil fields, they will have no income. Food embargo's, they will starve. They don't produce food because they live in the desert. Whites dominate this world because we are the master race. KYS
>every other race got BTFO by ashamed albinos
Do you hate yourself?
>people think Establishment didnt plan with Trump in mind
They will trigger another Great Depression and its whole fault will be blamed on Trumps policies.
It will be a clear proof to the world deglobalization doesnt work.
Youre just albinos and ashamed of it. None of us could be lesser than you, you who is afraid of the truth. That you are nothing but diseased recessive weak genetics.
I wish I didnt have to hate you. I knw you are my brother. But your vanity. It is too much. Your need to look down and abuse the beings of this planet. My planet. You will apologize or you will pay. And we both know youre FAR TOO VAIN to ever do something as easy as say sorry. This is why they left will beat you. This is why it always has. Because of willingness to compromise.
Oh yeah. And because we can get away with this. Because in comedy. You can get away being the underdog. No one likes a bully. Sooner or later. They get stood up to. And the result is glorious. Heaven-sent.
forgot link
they're acting like spoiled brats that didn't get their way. it's hilarious.
No I am a proud human being. I just wish I didnt harbor as much ill will as I do against repuliKLANS. I know obviouls that much of it is media programmed from propaganda. But a lot of it, and mostly you yourselves. You just go online, to the comments, or facebook. And I just read your hate. All of it. Blacks, muslims all day hate. full steam. How can I love that. How does one learn to love and forgive something so evil. Redpill me on forgiving fascism.
It's not our place. And real weakness is accepting a shitty condition you have the power to change.
>Youre just albinos and ashamed of it.
I love being White
>None of us could be lesser than you, you who is afraid of the truth. That you are nothing but diseased recessive weak genetics.
See >I wish I didnt have to hate you. I knw you are my brother. But your vanity. It is too much. Your need to look down and abuse the beings of this planet. My planet. You will apologize or you will pay. And we both know youre FAR TOO VAIN to ever do something as easy as say sorry.
We have nothing to apologise for. I didn't ask to be born superior.
>This is why they left will beat you.
What is 'Trump won'?
>. You can get away being the underdog. No one likes a bully. Sooner or later. They get stood up to. And the result is glorious. Heaven-sent.
I know. TRUMP WON!
The KKK were democrats
>Muh oppression
Yeah its kinda tragic, its what happens when you take msm as gospel.
liberals were always silly, but now they are genuinely scaring me
their reaction right now is so childish and ridiculous . they are acting like the world is ending. their hysteria only seems to validate trump's victory and proves that we really do need the law and order candidate after all
liberals keep saying how trump makes them feel in danger, but ironically it's the liberals who are taking to the streets, rioting, protesting, blocking traffic, putting people at unease
they think this shit is gonna be overturned or something like with the Nigger Lives Matter shit