You Americans have the same problems we do in France (with our African population). By problems i mean:
1-Disproportionate incarceration rates. (not not necessarily due to the war on drugs , they're just more prone to criminality than others)
2-They do not adapt as fast as let's say...East Asians. (i.e. Japanese , Chinese , Koreans..)..
3-Disproportionate failure in school. (so much so that our government had to dumb down education for everyone , including natives , to get rid of educational disparities. So our dilplomas are slowly but surely becoming worthless. (unless you go to an expensive private school)
4-We (of course) had to copy all the bullshit you guys already have (positive discrimination / affirmative action) and not just with our African population but also our Arabic immigrants. ..
Regardless of IQ , when you listen closely to what these dumb bitches are saying , you quickly realise that universities Universities have become an echo chamber for totalitarian marxist/socialist & anti-white ideologies.
These kids , (even the few intelligent black kids or the white ones and especially women)...Never had a chance to begin with...
They're basically hooked on Marxist/Identity politics. Where they're told that everything that's wrong with this world is due to white men. to "white privilege" (i wish that shit was real , that way we could have a country of our own and enforce Saudi type immigration laws)...
Anyway , in a nutshell , all their failures and problems are explained away by blaming the very people who invented , created the society they're all taking advantage of...
This is why we're losing the ideological war.
All universities in North America..And Western Europe have been Hijacked by marxists & so called "antiracists" (i.e. Anti-whites who firmly believe that their hate against whites is the only form of acceptable racism).
What can Trump do about it ?
Almost nothing...