Is that Miley Cyrus?

Is that Miley Cyrus?

Also, the other bitch holds a sign that says "I dont want a rapist president" and she voted for the Clintons

Btw when did Trump rape?

Other urls found in this thread:

who gives a shit.

They look degenerate.


Yeah, probably.

Man has a court case for alleged rape in under 30 days.

Stop making these shitty threads.


>Secret Service ordered dozens of trucks filled with sand to form a barricade around Trump Tower to protect it from the communist scum


>In the face of death I shall have no remorse

>when did trump rape?

He raped Hillary Clinton on November 8th 2016

very good

ship them to germany, we're full now

>Brown skins
>dyed hair
They're just upset about potentially losing their gibs.

Like anyone is going to rape them

not even with a rented dick.

worthy of a small amount of keks

literally tell commiefornia to fuck off

Fuck off.


the one holding sign is hot though,
I would

>I dont want a rapist president
>implying, anyone is brave or stupid enough to even touch he with a stick

>when you try to grab the pussy but get a handful of gunt

>Also, the other bitch holds a sign that says "I dont want a rapist president" and she voted for the Clintons

You have no idea who she voted for, so keep the speculations to yourself.

Thats the most exercise they've ever had.

In other news is that hayden?


>All those fat and ugly mexicans


cue the balding guy on the right

>I came here to fuck bitches and protest and Im all out of protest


i don't know... i'd probably rape that bald guy in the back

kek approves with a hearty kek

kek approves this message

She looks like Lauren southern

I see at least 7 dwarfs and a snow white. Some whore similar to Miley, but it ain't her or she forgot make-up. Could as well be Justin Bieber, maybe they the same person, just one is with make-up(Miley) and other is without(Bieber).

What happened to Miley? She used to be a proper young lady.

they never worked in their live.

>libtards finally realize bitching on twitter/tumblr/facebook accomplishes nothing and take their protest into the real world
A day late. If they got off their asses and went to the polls maybe they'd have won.


ID checked.

>stupid earrings

Trump's never been conviced of raping anyone.
Liberals are stupid, attention-craving children and should be ignored as such. This isn't news.

Well now that Miley accepts him I guess we can confirm his election?
What's the deal with people going on about "accepting" it.

You either like it or you don't like it but deal with it anyway.
If you don't accept it, well, absolutely nothing changes. So accepting it changes nothing either.


But Lauren southern is actually a %%man%%

My pet spider likes your joke

>When did Trump rape
When it was politically convenient for the establishment leaders.

>everybody is either short fat and brown and an ugly degenerate

i dunno that bald guy might get raped by those fatties.

So Miley Cyrus, the girl who popularized shaking your pussy at everyone who will look, is upset that Trump objectifies women?

You can always rape them with metal brush in the ass then kill them

That bitch's face on the far left lmao. Screams "I don't put time into my thoughts, but I'm still self-righteous about it! Woohoo! I'm doing something by yelling that I hate white people!"

Hey libs, feel the butthurt...


"hi im donald trump and i approve of grabbing her by the pussy"

They are bringing in trucks filled to the brim with sand to guard against bombings. The sand shields against the impact, and mitigates damage to the building.

It sounds like there are credible threats being posed to Trump tower/Trump.

Twitter is a gold mine right now.
Celeb bantz, libtard tears, celeb libtard tears..

I wish this happened more.

The key word here is alleged.

#CelebsBTFO #HollywoodSTFU #TheRealAmericaHasSpoken

of course, because of this

Over the next few days many new documents will be released. The contents of these documents will contain evidence of perhaps the largest coverup in American History. Before this happens we would like to explain ourselves and answer a few questions you may have.

Until this month, WikiLeaks and Anonymous have worked together in building an efficient, detailed, comprehensive set of documents that would be responsible for the incarceration of Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and 21 individuals ranging from the DNC, FBI, CIA, and Clinton foundation. These documents will show without a doubt, evidence of Treason, Obstruction of Justice, Election Fraud/Manipulation, and Bribery.

This was intended to the be October surprise. But before the release of these documents, we were contacted by a member of the FBI, as well as another from the CIA, and a week later by the NYPD. All with information retaining [EDIT: sic] to something much darker than even we imagined.

Due to the nature of these leaks, we all worked together as efficiently as possible to ensure two objectives. 1.) That all necessary information would be given to the public in an organized, searchable, manageable way. 2.) Those who provided us with this information would be able to find safety before these releases were made. (This concern wasn't without warrant)."

>Man has a court case for alleged rape in under 30 days.

So is this a real rape accusation like "trump raped me the day before the election", or more like "Trump did this or that thing 32 or 86 years ago and today I finally realized it was rape"?


Those five on the right clean my house, I swear!

Trump grabbed me by the pussy back in 1992

Leftmost whale is clearly a hermaphroditic Huttese crime boss of some sort. She needs to go back to her palace on some Outer Rim planet.

Where is this quote from??

>hilary ain't taking these guns


If cancer had a human form this is what it would look like

Fucking degenerated trans-scums

how can those fuckers not know that they are actually the main reason for trump's victory?

Get prepared brother. The hackers have breached in to pizzapong files, and everything is finally clicking on together.

Assange and Kimdotcom did not anticipate quite these, even with the huzzle over Megupload. Now everything is coming clear.

Know when Trump started to run for precidency? The moment after he visited that Epstein island - once. Once was enough for him to see wickedness.

May the emperor protect us. Be vigilant brother

>As your Lord Commander I demand to know the source of this text.

well she certainly didn't vote Dahnald so i guess between the 3 other choices with the highest probability being Hillary. also she is in a protest sponsored by hildawg

We should get her fired from The Voice.

>she voted for

Stop assuming a person's gender. It's 2016 shitlord.

The second one. All the allegations from the 50+ females who say trump brutally raped them repeatedly a thousand times, none of them are sooner than 15 years ago.

>all ready
please learn to spell, Rodriguez


top kek


The second, big time. Most have been debunked already. Classic smear tactic.

Isn't this a board for discussions? Why are you silencing people? The truth does not fear investigation. They're namecalling based on hearsay because the media threw everything in the world at the man who wasn't in the same pockets they were in and he still won.

they thought disliking donald trump on facebook was their vote for clinton

too bad miley is just a brainwashed sex doll for her dad and his friends in hollywood

shes probably seen some shit as a kid

check out her shirt

>special snowflake hair
>balding cuck

MK Ultra at work.

God damn I am starting to honestly fucking believe what they do is for the best.

Good. Now get yourself put back together, and make America great again!

>buy a crossbow
>go into a van/car, safe spot
>randomly fire to the sky for a parabollic trajectory
>empty 30 arrows

>Btw when did Trump rape?
He kinda raped the republican and democratic establishment :P

I am proud to be in 16,1%. Makes me minorty. Give me rights


you have the right to be processed into candle wax or soap.


Kimdotcom helps revealing largets scandal of pedophiles for all time and help Trump win.

He is 400 pound hackers. Should he be turned in to a candle was or soap?

Translation for comic:
>Berlin, 1943

is that phoebe from friends?

New thread mates.

Go home! Go on! Say hi to mommy for me, ok? Bye-bye!

>I dont want a rapist president
>Wore some stuff that looked like a dildo
Yes, very convincing.

>Btw when did Trump rape?

it can have happened pretty much anytime by any means, from stare rape to fart rape: haven't you got the memo?

not gonna lie, would tear that pussy up


I can believe that this entire campaign has been to put him in a position to deliver righteous justice for all those little children.
>The depths of their immorality is absolutely unlimited

He is german, so he will merely be reeducated.

And see how progressive nazi policy really is.

Hugh Mungus wot

haha all women are taller than the men here. fucking betas

When did Clinton rape?

It was consensual with Bill.