What should be done?
What should be done?
Deporting a lot of illegals and tightening immigration will help this. We wait on Trump to deliver.
Get fucking.
Well, I have 2 100% white children. What are you doing?
>will help this
It really won't. That's where the delusion sets in. The measures need to be much, much more dramatic. Actual reversal needs to take place, that means repatriation and revocation. You clearly don't have the stomach for it. You're probably out of shape or have an Asian girlfriend.
>What should be done?
Remove "Hispanic" from racial classification. They're white + Amerind.
remove illegals, shoot to kill during riots, and take all people who meet a minimum threshold as immigrants who are white (not slav) no wait period
no more brown immigration
>non-hispanic whites
what a redundant phrase
Remove welfare and re-educate for white pride. Minorities have so many kids because a) the state supports being a horny fuck up and white workers pay, thus having fewer children themselves and b) minorities feel alien in the nation and naturally have big families to combat this - make whites feel the same pride they do.
No, you're not getting it. That's not enough. Just getting rid of illegals doesn't do enough. European countries can't afford to lose any more people to immigration.
There is no legislative solution to this. If you're still in the mindset of looking for one, you've already conceded defeat.
You are going to make them "honorary" whites?
Delete the Hispanic part and you'll be looking pretty good
i though this had just been fucking dealt with?
How about some ideas that are actually realistic and not another "KILL ALL GOOKS SPICS AND SPOOKS" post.
Replacement rate is 2.1. Have another.
So 2 = >2?
>expecting productive discussion on Sup Forums
encourage white immigration
limiting immigration from latino countries
deporting illegals
stimulate immigration from europe
Nothing. It's the course of nature.
Recessive genes are purged at the presence of the stronger one.
Start going to church you immoral faggots. Men have to band together if wife leaves you have a bruh set her car on fire with her inside.
Look it up. The replacement rate is a little above 2 because not all women have children due to disability, disease, laziness etc.
What about childlessness taxes and paid sterilization like they do in India?
Side question
Why is the black population so stagnant?
Inb4 nigger killings, we know that's not the answer
Stop pretending that "Hispanic" is a race. Most of us have lighter skin than "white" Italian-Americans and Greek-Americans.
pipe dreaming idiot.
>Recessive genes are purged at the presence of the stronger one.
Oh lawd. That's funny.
Reproduction rates have nothing to do with an ethnicity's recessive genes, nor are Caucasian genes "stronger" or "weaker" than the genes of any other ethnicity. They just are what they are.
>It's the course of nature.
Poorer people just have more kids, you can't really change that.
Except they are. Blue eyes for example are recessive genes.
>thinking that "race" and "complexion" are the same thing
Albino niggers are still niggers, you know.
These the same experts that (((projected))) Hillary to win in a landslide?
abortions, niggers kill more of themselves then cops ever could
if you have a bucket of water it's water, if you have a bucket of shit it's shit, but if you mix a bucket of water and shit your just end up with shit anyways.
Blue eyes allow for better absorption of vitamin D. But they're recessive so they must be "weaker".
>Non hispanic whites
The fuck is a hispanic white?
Remeber it's the liberals and college degree holders who are not having children
Future will be alt-right
immigration from european countrys will happen sooner or later
my hope for a glorious reich is fading away
A white from a Spanish speaking country. For example most Argentinians.
nuke china
>implying Trump wont stop this from happening
Zimmerman was classed as white
>Mexican and Cuban parents
This is nearly as bad as saying pizza is a vegetable.
Deport illegals/anchor babies
Send blacks to Africa
Increase capital punishment
Make miscegenation illegal
Provide incentives for whites to have children
Encourage immigration from European countries
That's random, I agree though, just start from the north, and nuke us last, so I can die happy knowing China is destroyed.
It's not stagnant it's just growing slower than the Hispanic. Blacks have a positive natural growth rate (births-deaths)
>uneducated masses having more kids than the educated, well-off white couples.
oh wow, what a suprise!!!
There is only one chance and its education.
You have to make decent human beings out of them by educating them.
this, and the rest of us need to make up for the faggots, and the kids they will adopt and ruin.
but me and the missus are working on our first so i've got alot of work to do.
Theres no way the ~2000 niggers capped per year equals the number of niggers born each year
By that logic asians are killing each other and aborting too
it's the one true reason to support abortion.
it can't be stopped. the population needs to nigger to better cope with global warming. it's evolutionary.
protip climate change is niggerising the human population
>considered an ethnicity
>including ethnicities in projections about race
into the trash it goes