On behalf of the left I apologize for the butthurt protesting and riots Sup Forums. I voted Hillary...

On behalf of the left I apologize for the butthurt protesting and riots Sup Forums. I voted Hillary, I wanted her to win, but I never wanted us to behave like this if we lost. Not trying to throw shade but we thought you guys would pull this shit and that we were actually better than that, but I guess that shit went out the window when we faced loss. You guys worked hard to get him elected and while we do have far too many things we disagree on, you guys deserve to celebrate bigly right now without this noise in the back. Again, I apologize guys.

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These images are so passive aggressivd and ooze butthurt. I dont wanna see them after the election is over, please

>I voted Hillary, I wanted her to win
You're a fucking liberal not a leftist.


You've been manipulated since the first time you laid eyes on a tv. I forgive you.


Fuck your apology

You leftists better get ready for the day of the rope

We've been keeping track of your treasonous little comments on social media

And every single one of you traitors are going to hang

>Voting Hillary
>You're a fucking liberal
Literally what

Help us fight Soros. He is a foreigner trying to push a different way of life on us all. I work with many people who came here from other countries, such as Russia, Iran, Sudan, Philippines, Azerbaijan and others, and they all came here because it's the least shitty place. Most of them voted Trump.
We need you back. Help us with the Marxist menace.

this. fuck off and die you roach. hillary supporters deserve to be gunned down, you have no fucking place here

>I forgive you.

You aren't one of us

We can't forgive these traitors. They must feel our wrath for their treason

Go be weak somewhere else

We have to make an example in history that if you turn against your own people, horrific shit will happen to you

>We need you back

Fuck you

We don't need them

The only thing we need is for them to die horrific deaths as an example for history to show what happens when you fuck with real white men

Who are you OP, that you can speak on behalf of the left?

I'm just doing my best my best to heal the divide. Things are getting worse and the way things are going I see dark days coming. Now what you're doing isn't helping either, by not even want to accept a sincere apology for the retarded shit we're doing.

I think it's something to appreciate actually that there's differences of political opinion, it's like checks and balances. It's how a healthy democracy works. But being at each other's throats literally all the time is just counter productive and will get us nowhere. I'm sure most of you can agree on that

Fuck off

I suppose you were redpilled out of the womb? Fuck off, this guy has some sense, let him grow.

>I'm just doing my best my best to heal the divide.

The only way the 'divide will be healed' is when every one of you leftists, every kike, every nigger, is either expelled from our nations or dead.

I prefer the latter.

That day is coming soon


Is that your uncle?

some advice

Would it surprise you I'm actually a Trump supporter turned Hillary voter?

Perhaps the gayest shit I've ever read. You sound like a programmed television anchor.

Tell me this, cuckboy, can you heal the divide between lion and the hyena? Let me give you a clue who you all are in this situation. You're not the lion.

Remember Satan is the accuser. A Goodly man stands redeemed when he wants to do the right thing for the people.

I post on a board that has awakened an ancient egyption god of chaos. Nothing surprises me anymore.

What happened though? I am curious.

I accept your apologies. Stay safe m8.

Then you really should not be speaking "on behalf of the left". You are some strange kind of shitposter aren't you?

Half the country voted against him. We should make his life hell, just as you know the right would have made Hillary's life hell if she happened to win by a similarly narrow margin.

>just as you know the right would have made Hillary's life hell if she happened to win by a similarly narrow margin.

Her husband and her close confidant Mrs. Wiener already accomplished that for us.

Apology no accepted you libtard fuck. You think we are so easily forgiving after all the shit you put us through? Every Trump sign you stole, every Trump supporter you assaulted, every death threat you sent, every expulsion you gave, every friend and family member you shunned, all the shit you stole and vandalized and you say sorry?! Actions speak louder then words asshole! And your parties actions have spoken volumes! Sorry but sorry is not gonna cut it! If you really want to apologize then start fucking rebuilding the shit you damaged in the first place!

Muh threadddd

This Gif, seriously related.

I disagree with OP.

Trump campaigned as an outsider, and if you bought into that you should literally kill yourself. He's the most reckless, uninformed, and dangerous president-elect we've ever had, and he's beholden to corporate power. He'll gut EPA funding. He'll get rid of Obamacare. He'll get rid of the Iran deal, incentivizing them to continue their nuclear program, which opens a pathway to a costly war in Iran that would completely sink the economy. He'll be against raising minimum wage at a federal level. He's cutting every tax and regulation on predatory corporations. Plus, he's going to ally himself with Putin and Xi, meaning we're no longer a voice for human rights internationally. The guy is a piece of shit, and Pence is just as bad, so it's not like we can just take them out.

Dude .... look im not trying to attack you here but i just have to say it.

One of the top things i hate about liberals is their need to feel the victims by blaming themselves for an event that is currently happening or has happened. Its like you get some kind of pleasure from victimizing yourself and saying how bad you are.

Now im pretty sure you are not a loser in real life. Why have such a defeatist attitude that you need to blame yourself for others deeds? I mean i dont want to call you a cuck but you are kind of acting like one now.

>sinking economy

You're a fucking moron

And like the rest of your ilk, you seem to think you're the apex of human intelligence

It doesn't matter, the time when we are going to purge you fucking traitors is coming soon

I mean shit, this would be the reverse had hilldog won, but at least that didn't happen. Maybe accept the dudes apology? Could drive him towards us rather than away because of nihilistic idiots like you

>Expecting autistic memers to riot and chimp out in the streets

At best we would have tried to shoplift hot pockets as an act of defiance.

You don't know anything about our foreign policy in the Middle East, do you?

Hey Shill! How's life on the run from Hillary's hitmen?

Hmmm I bet you know more then most generals don't you....

All points that I already knew and have been trying to get across for a long time. We've been having many victories in the past decade or so, that we began to take things for granted. We took things to an extreme, this sudden wave of militant feminism, hating whitey, and all the other SJW shit was gonna wake up the white man. And it's what happened, the white working class white man won Trump the election. I do believe people like Laci Green are controlled opposition, but that could just be the conspiracy Sup Forumsack of me speaking.

I was actually a complete 180 of who I am right now. I was full blown redpilled, hated Jews, SJW's, and to an extent black people too. I even debated a teacher, in class in front of everybody, why women who wear a certain kind of clothing are asking to be raped.

Then little by little I started noticing the hypocrisies of the right too. Their strawmen arguments, their ad hominems, and the rest. I was all aboard the Trump Train from day one. I knew he was unstable and unhinged but I looked past that because, and only because he made liberals cry. That's right, I only supported him because I literally just had a huge chip on my shoulder to make liberals wanna feel pain and fear. But after It was slow but I began un-redpilling myself. Not bluepilling, but un-redpilling. Most of the claims over here weren't backed up by sources, which then Trump would literally retweet. Then he began a series of backpedalling and flip flopping. One that I remember was probably around the time I stopped supporting him was the H1B visa flip flop. He live on television, changed an entire position of his, in an instant without facing any consequences or worries. I just thought to myself unhinged is one thing but flip flopping so frequently and without caring about the people who supported him on those positions is a little much. Cont

>drive him towards us rather than away because of nihilistic idiots like you

His screams as he is being tortured to death will do more for us than accepting his apology

You can never trust a former leftist

>You don't know anything about our foreign policy in the Middle East, do you?

I know enough

It's something like this:

Suck Israels cock

Do Israels bidding

Destroy Israels enemies

They're salty that this was a troll.

>we're no longer a voice for human rights internationally
LOL, you seriously thougt you were that?? Europe here. No waterboarding, guantanamo, deathpenalty Europe. You lefty americans also think you are The Messiah. You have no idea apparently how we look at you. And you, that was Democratic USA until yesterday.

Then it slowly started coming to realization that we are literally backing a reality TV star show. A former seak salesman. A lot of people are still in the stage where they wanna piss liberals off. Trump is their response to SJW'ism. Well was, that's where his suport began rising, then slowly poured over to the fucked over working class when he started pushing his economy plans and then to a lot of Americans who are tired of the government and his Drain the Swamp is where he got that support, the majority of it I would say. Anyways, I slowly but surely leaned more and more left on more issues when I started doing some of my own research and basing my opinions on that instead of Sup Forums and youtube comments. So my resson to vote Hillary mainly became the Supreme court, climate change and to keep someone as unhinged and reckless as Trump out.

And like I said earlier, most of the claims here are not actually backed up by facts. Julian Assange, a very respected and credible person by the right now said a few days ago Trump won't be allowed to win. And look what happened? Why isn't he held accountable for saying that stuff when he claims he has inside info?

Anyways, im sorry im tired of typing right now and my thoughts are being scrambled all over the place

See, this is the problem. You don't know shit about how Trump is actually going to change things, do you? You just liked that Trump seemed like a top dog you could bend over and take it from, and you liked that he spoke at a level you could comprehend (3rd grade).

I'm not a Hillary fan, but she would've been a hell of a lot better than this. So would Sanders, Stein, Johnson, McAfee, Rubio, Kasich, even fucking Jeb.

No, because most generals were intensely OPPOSED to Trump. It's the idiot army recruits who supported Trump. The generals were all against him. You would know that if you knew shit about foreign policy.

>Most of the claims over here weren't backed up by sources,

You are a fucking shill

You were never one of us

GTFO bitch

How are things over at /leftypol/?

Don‘t blame those on yourself, it isn't your fault.
We know Soros is behind those shits.

Do your part for your own party to change their behavior.
Liberals/Leftists against violence.
We're anti-violence why can't your party be?
Get to it.

>flip flopping so frequently and without caring about the people who supported him on those positions is a little much. Cont
Using this argument to go and support Hillary. Are you kidding me.

>I slowly but surely leaned more and more left on more issues when I started doing some of my own research and basing my opinions on that instead of Sup Forums



Or back up what you just said with examples and evidence

But you won't do that, because you're a fucking kike liar

Read the rest. My vote to Hillary was a sacrificial one, because of what was at stake. She isn't my ideal choice but it was the hand i was dealt.

thanks for your words, leftie. they truly are appreciated. while you may not like trump being elected, let us stand together, and move forward towards making america great again.

Either youre a troll, or baiting.
I highly doubt you would try to heal anything if Hildog wins. No you wouldve been more smug, more authoritative and more cuck

>On behalf of the left


fucking cuck

So better too be at war with Russia instead of being allies? Seen those Satan 2 missiles they got? Oh of course you know the old saying from the McCarthy era....better dead the red right? Tell me will you sign up and do you part to fight putin? Will you be willing to sacrifice your life? Or the lives of your friends and family?

You were literally never better than that. Your guys spent the entire election cycle stirring shit and getting violent then had the gall to claim only Trump supporters were violent and that Trump was inciting violence while the DNC literally paid people to cause havoc.

I'd like to apologise for all the above comments. the fact that you voted for hillary is literally nothing

actually, no

eat a dick faggot

Your time is coming libtard

Just don't say his presidency is shit before it even began. I will let you in on a secret. We in Belgium are stronly relying on the export of our products to the US and the huge investments of US companies in our country. Everybody is very nervous because we think the money and jobs might go to the US know and not coming to Belgium. It is not only China. We have been profiting of your stupidity. But please keep it quiet.

the left wanted to destroy white america. the fact that its supporters are at white peoples throats only proofs it

its all out in the open now and you will pay for your crimes

pic related
medium kek

what about those of us who never did stupid shit like that or bought into it?

the vast majority of those people are bused in and paid so the Legacy Media can report on it and propagandize how bad drumpf must be

Fucking kill yourself OP you collosal faggot

You and every other liberal are trash.

You lost the election and are not the future for America, fucking deal with it.

You're lucky the right are tolerant, considering the firepower they have.

>what about those of us who never did stupid shit like that or bought into it?

you still supported a legit criminal ;)

Based Aryan over here...

This is a response to the OP who thought for some fucking reason that his side was 'better than that' despite that being their MO from day 1. If you don't buy into that, congratulations, but I do have to question your priorities in backing someone who pays to deepen racial divides and 100% got people hurt and killed this election, then tries to blame it on the other side.

>on Sup Forums
gtfo, we have room for plenty of ideologies but not yours



Guys why so cruel even Vader accepts apologies vid related >:D


Tldr eat a tasty bag of rat poison whore

Empire Strikes Back Vader was best Vader

Exactly! That's exactly what I want every Trump supporter in the country to do. Good job summarizing my post!

>we were actually better than that

you never, ever were

it's because you guys got your way for about 15-20 years that you've become accustomed to being "on the good side"

oh and you people always acted like this, even when "in charge"

now you're all going apeshit and the tactics you use are the same you have been using, only worse because emotions

Well if you want every Trump supporter to die why don't you get your hands dirty and do it yourself? Oh and don't forget the Trump supporters's children too, gotta make an example outta them to right? I bet you like children's blood on your hands you sick fuck.

burgers only
seemed like a good idea at the time

Only if the kids are Trump supporters themselves, but the truth is I wouldn't have to do much of that, because young people were overwhelmingly against Trump. That's actually an optimistic thing about the future: in the next 4 years, a large chunk of Trump's base is going to age out... which in this case means, die.

>all these exclamation points

The vitriol your side showed Trump and his supporters before the election pretty was disgusting, now it's funny. Keep being butthurt

the fact that you sided with murderers, robbers and rapists speaks volumes about you.

how do you live with yourself?

Admitting to loving child murder? Wow you really are a sick fuck, I bet you even like watching kiddy porn you sick piece of shit. I bet your mom and dad reeeaally loved you when you were a kid^^

All that canuck salt we're exporting from you leafags

You are an extremely gullible idiot. I truly hope you recognize this and do not attempt to persuade others to your bullshit.
You lack capacity for critical evaluation of context and processing of information you receive, therefore have absolutely no way of distinguishing information from misinformation.

You're a follower, not a leader.

The left are the real nazis now.

>pic related

When those who fight monsters become monsters themselves....

Once you're here, you can't leave friend. Slowly but surely you'll see the hypocrisy of the liberal ways. I can say with great certainty that most (90%) of Sup Forums myself included were once Democrats, leftists, and liberals previously, some as late as last year.

Stay here a little longer. You'll be redpilled soon enough.

According to Facebook, I haven't seen any sane Hillary supporters. Just whining children. Not one of them have come to grips with reality that they have lost.

Amazing how the most mature leftist can be found on Sup Forums

Go suck a Bunnings snag you Abbott-loving cunt. How does it feel seeing the leader you put in to Government brown-nosing Trump so hard he lost his glasses in that 70 year old taint? How do you think Trump winning is in any way good for Australia?


>we thought you guys would pull this shit
You guys have been yelling into a mirror this entire election.

Kill yourself faggot. You were never a true hill shill. I hope some hard hitting cpt niggers bring the heat to florida and execute every last trump supporter in citrus county.

>vote for the war candidate
>vote for candidate with ties to child molesters

Why? How do you rationalize the wikileaks Podesta emails? Even if the Russians are behind the hacking (no evidence btw) it doesn't change the content of the emails. Hillary and her circle are evil scum.

>we thought you guys would pull this shit

The difference is if the right had lost they would have gotten pissed off, not thrown pissy bitchfits.

The way the left handled this election is absolutely fucking pathetic. It's just pushing people farther right.

You can count me among the ranks. Long long ago I was a liberal fag just lurking the fringes of Sup Forums, but after years of seeing the left turn into the very thing I hate I turned toward the abyss that was Sup Forums....and god help me I loved what I saw. Ass is still sore from getting redpilled, which isn't taken orally mind yah! But fuck I never regretted taking it!

Pretty much a non-country