Is this lefty "woke" Sup Forums?
Is this lefty "woke" Sup Forums?
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All reasonable points
The left movement is dead in the west. The "leftist" are barely political and have nothing in common with the lefties pre-68.
I blame jews.
I've noticed that the left, at least in this country, is starting to turn on the SJWs
just go to pretty much any guardian comment section and see for yourself
Very woke, but a voice of reason that will only get shouted down
I still think that ideologically most people here would be lefties/liberals it's just they turn right wing because like said there, they absolutely despise what is going on
It's a shame because to some extent it makes us go backwards and because lefties decided to completely triple down on their tactics rather than listening to genuine concerns you now have Hardline righties who in all honesty don't support much of the policies but will for the rest of their life vote just to spite lefties because of how they or their group were treated
>I blame jews
As do I.
I said things like that once. Got a bottle thrown at me. Four stitches. Godspeed to whoever that guy is.
It's already too late. The damage has been done
I agree with all of this. I'm a classical liberal. This shit is exactly what I want.
There is no saving the peanut gallery. This one has started down a path lined with red pills.
When he realises that they not only won't listen to him, but are actually incapable of processing other points of view, he will begin the journey down the rabbit hole.
The revolt of the classical liberal and moderate lefty has been going on for a while now. Dave Rubin, Sam Harris, Sargon and their ilk have been trying to clean up the insanity on their side for a couple of years now.
I don't necessarily disagre with some of their arguments, however, they tend to be fence-sitters and a lot of what they have to say seems to be somewhat superficial at best, and disingenous at worst.
Same here. Let's see if people learn.
I agree with everything except #6.
I have no problem with Muslims keeping women in chains IN SAUDI ARABIA, just as I expect them to have no problem with Christmas trees and crucifixes IN EUROPE. Having different cultures actually exist in their own historical heartlands is a good thing. Demanding cultural universalism out of everyone is right there on the slippery slope of demanding racial universalism and pressurising everyone to miscegenate into mudbloods.
"Woke"? Sure, but:
>When he realises that they not only won't listen to him, but are actually incapable of processing other points of view, he will begin the journey down the rabbit hole.
His loyalty to the "left" will disappear when he realises that the "left" he thought he knew and supported doesn't exist outside of his head, and that the "left" coming closest to his view is the right.
There is no middle ground with these people. You're either with them or scum like us.
He's a solid 4 turning to 5 on the Red Pill scale.
Link ?
He's dead on. I hope lefties figure this out eventually.
those are completely different things and you know it
crucifixes and christmas trees can only offend people at worst, women in chains is slavery
Sargon is full Sup Forums now, no more wishy washy shit
The Far Left has always disliked Social Democrats and Liberals. They're their versions of our Neocons or Tories. This is ultimately a battle between the far right and the left, but the tactics used by our more moderate versions are failing to sway the moderates effectively.
Left Sup Forums isn't "woke", they are completely the opposite of us. We just both agree that the moderate versions of each other are retarded and aren't getting the job done for achieving either of our ultimate goals for Humanity.
I like this guy.
I was one of these... 'classical liberals' I guess. For a few years. I argued a lot on Sup Forums regarding various issues, usually tried to be more centrist and moderate than what Sup Forums is.
But SJW's did a good job pushing me hard right. The more I saw the way SJW's corrupted every single liberal tenant and idea, the more I rejected liberalism itself, and the more I started to embrace Sup Forums's way of thinking.
There's a lot about modern liberalism I just cannot stomach anymore. On the surface it all looks very nice and dandy, but as you start digging deeper into issues you get into uglier and uglier stuff. Gays, for example, I always thought it was fine to live and let live - then I found out they're the primary transmission vector for most STD's and HIV/AIDS. Then I found out that gays have a predilection for pedophilia. Then I found out they have a bugchaser subculture where they intentionally try to infect other people with their diseases.
Repeat this with basically every liberal platform. Once you dig into it, you suddenly find all the rotten worms infesting the whole thing just beneath the surface.
Liberalism is an ideology for superficial hypocrites. For people who only care how they look to everyone else, and nothing more. The ideology of the narcissist.
I'm sick of it.
They're not remotely different.
It is not for you to walk into someone else's heartland and judge which traditions are "acceptable" and which ones aren't.
Next you'll be telling me that Chinese foot-binding and eating dogs is wrong.
If you tried to say that at a leftest forum they'd turn your mic off half way through. If you continued, they'd knock you out and steal your wallet.
Couldn't care less desu
That shit is for saudi arabia to sort out, not me.
Look at the middle east right now. We've tried to sort their shit out; they don't want it. They revert straight back to their cultural ways.
We don't have the will to conquer and subjugate these countries. So we should leave them be, to be their barbaric selves.
Most websites are still doubling down on the common tropes.
They think Hillary wasn't elected because of sexism, and racism on the part of voters. Just no clue.
Based and correct, but how do we get it through to regressives?
They genuinely don't listen to reason, they've turned politics into cult warfare.
The SJWs destroyed the left from the inside out.
We've been laughing at their bizarre, cannibalistic behavior for years. Now we're just seeing the result of it.
Is it any wonder that more and more people have been pushed away from the leftist movements? The demand for more and more political correctness just keeps getting greater and greater. 4 years ago, simply supporting gay marriage seemed like enough... now, if you don't use someone's preferred pro-nouns; you're an evil misogynistic shitlord.
no but that guy just became a conservative in heart once the left rejects him for his ideas he will finally see the light
Well that chart gets real gay real fast.
He's basically a pre-Night of the Long Knives national socialist.
To respect someone else point of view if they are not the same of yours? Blasfemy! For I am right and anyone who is not with me is intrinsic evil, anything is justified aganst them!
Ask them if they think Africa should always belong to black people.
homosexuality is final red pill meme
It's a pretty open secret even Sup Forums is full of disaffected liberals, libertarians and generally left leaning people.
The left moved and called me a fascist and misogynist for having the values of individual freedom the left used to stand for. If I have to vote right wing to end the madness I will, because there is no end to the identity politics sinkhole. Every "success" they have only fractures their system further.
They're down to complaining about "microaggressions" and other made up bullshit in lieu of actual problems. They've essentially come down to impossible to prove offenses that even the "oppressor" is unconscious of committing. It's a half step from saying certain people are emitting "oppressive energies". I was there for the New Age people and their BS sounded exactly like this.
I've been telling lefty friends a long time; the left is creating the enemy they pretended they had. There were no fucking fascists in Sweden. There was barely a right wing to oppose their views. The right most party shares almost every single value they have, every single party is a feminist party.
Still wasn't good enough. They need a boogeyman to motivate their social changes and to keep the wheel of perpetual identity conflict turning.
Well congrats lefties, you played yourself. You managed to spawn and grow the European right wing that's been dead since WWII. And all they keep doing is doubling down. Maybe if you just scream racist EVEN HARDER it'll work, right?
I think he gets it tbf. People are genuinely annoyed and sick if that shit now. Especially true in the UK and US
not really, he's just starting to grasp the obvious
Same here. Our leftist party, literally called "The Left" has one proper communist, everyone else is SJW trash. The communist bitch isn't completely retarded and opposes mass immigration, now the SJWs call her a nazi and want to kick her out of the party.
Funny innit.
>Based and correct, but how do we get it through to regressives?
You can't, that is all the ammo that the left has since leftist policies have been tried and failed countless times. If they are obvious about their intentions they'd lose even more support.
I am socially left and economically right. Voted for Obama in 08 and regretted it.
This. I mean, I said this all well before Trump. It was in doing things like that that I realized how fucked the left had become.
They still are. There is really no hope for them, it is going to take years now of very hard realities hitting them in the face over and fucking over before they really accept reality.
Easiest way to destroy them is to collect and spread lefty quotes they made when they dropped their mask for a second.
For example our "Integration Commissioner" Özuguz recently defended child marriages in muslim families. You think this would cause a shitstorm here? Nope, most news sites didn't even report about it and I bet 98% of people don't even know this happened.
>The left is x
>pc culture
>stop meddling in x
>Sjws ruined it
Nigga have you guys read 1984 or Animal Farm?
The left has been dividing since the dawn of time.
All that one has to do to become Sup Forums is deviate even slightly past the point which liberals have marked "unacceptable" aka THOUGHT CRIME
Once you do that, you have literally no other option but to deep dive into the far right. That's how leftist policy works: they turn you into a criminal and a social outcast, completely purge you, and demonize you into a sort of evil caricature and make you feel horrible about yourself. They turn everyone against you. At that point, why the fuck WOULDN'T you embrace the people who are working to literally destroy the left - to destroy the very group working as hard as they can to make your fucking life a living hell...? When you're indoctrinated you don't see outside of that narrow bubble because you are still in the cult.
Let's be real - the liberal party today is a cult. Leftism is a cult. The DNC was a cult. And the Democratic party is basically just a cult. They operate almost exactly how Scientology or other cults operate. Look closely. It's what it is.
Yep, he's spot on.
These lefties are creating a breeding ground for something they ironically hate.
as revealed by wikileaks, this was the DNC'S actual primary strategy- force all the candidates to embrace the rightmost view so they can be demonized in the primary.
They didn't count on the fact that the electorate have already been demonized and immunized. I'm fucking proud of America and am totally fine if they want to double down on racism accusations.
>We've been laughing at their bizarre, cannibalistic behavior for years
Should have seen the cannibalistic behavour that went down during the USSR days, each time a socialist came to power the were assassinated or overthrown by another socialist for not being real soclaist(tm)s
>demonize white men
>white men decide to fight back
SJWs are absolutley shocked by this.
So much this.
I'm more of a classic liberal, my freedom ends where yours begins. In spite of that I would have voted for Trump because """liberals""" in the US have nothing to do with liberalism anymore, and this cancerous ideology should be opposed at any cost.
>not mentioning guns
the left could stay exactly the same, go rabidly pro gun, and win every election from president to dog catcher
(just like how the GOP could back off social bullshit and win every election ever)
why don't either of them do it? illusion of choice to keep anything substantial from getting done.
time for trump to shake that shit up
When someone says something like this: Jews deny it when they know it's true, lefties brainwashed by jews deny it when they think it's not true.
>Stop pushing mass immigration for the purposes of creating new electorates
Fucking hell how evil can yosu be to unironically even admitt that. I fucking hate liberals.
I feel like this group might be slightly bigger than people think. Either that or I just dont run into many SJWs. I have a fair amount friends that are lefties but are anti SJW but it seems to mostly be the ones. Who have an interest in politics. Still probably not big enough to actually accomplish anything though.
>why don't either of them do it?
Because they've already set up the muh gun crime trigger words, it took them decades to get that crap into schools.
If they were to change tune now they'd have to spend 10 years getting it into the schools then 20+ years on top of that for the newly indoctrinated to be of voting age.
>don't publicly fight for globalism
>I have a fair amount friends that are lefties but are anti SJW but it seems to mostly be the ones.
The only people I've known who are like that are """centrists""" who change their views depending on what side is currently winning. Since both major parties are essentially left wing, the "centrist" position is also left wing.
Fuck you, John Locke is our guy. You rejected him when it mattered, you can't have him back.
"Die Linke?" I'm studying politics in germany can you tell me more Herr user?
OP will support Trump in 4 years. And if she could execute all her points I will probably support her. Don't know why, but i think it's a she
That guy will vote Trump in 2020
>upholder of the west
>naturalistic defense of eugenic thought
Master morality is still fucking dumb, you fucking dumbshit. The west lives and dies with reason, get these shitty emotive arguments out of here.
Come on man, left or right you're still letting these imbeciles point your political compass.
There's nothing wrong with classic liberalism. If faggots wanna fag then it's within their rights, they're just not allowed to produce harm for others. You're also well within your rights to disagree with their lifestyle and even call them out on it.
Ultimately a society in which these things are forced is untenable and impossible to unify with any true beliefs in freedom. You just need to get people to a point where they make the right choices freely, anything else is sheer laziness and hypocrisy.
Most leftists are not self aware enough to realize that they did this to themselves. They're like the kid from elementary school who would always make up lies to the teacher that you hit them.Then eventually you get tired of being punished for nothing and actually sock him in the jaw, and all he can do is stare at you, unable to comprehend why you would do that.
Wagenknecht ?,
desu. she's the only sane in the party left. She knows whats up with politics and that more and more masses are disenfranchised.
She even congratulated Trump on winning the presidency and didn't throw a fit like everyone else.
Gysi on the other hand is a slithering snake. He's the biggest globalist-Jew we have in our parliament.
They've been yelling sexism and racism so much it has lost all meaning to normies. Just like with everything else they do their incomprehensible stupidity and lack of foresight has lead to them sabotaging themselves.
If you look at how the SJW movement is structured it's almost like it's designed to fail. Perhaps Soros is the true unsung hero we needed but didn't deserve.
About Die Linke? It's the successor of the PDS which was the successor of the SED. Although they have their strongest support in the East amongst people dwelling in memories of the good ol' days, the party was infiltrated by western anti-establishment leftists. They grew up with the 1968 hivemind, they're (more or less secret) RAF symphathizers and strongly connected to the Antifa (founded in the west, mind you. they have nothing to do with the GDR).
There is no reason to be afraid of them because of this simple fact: Their voters are old people that grew up in the GDR and have no idea about their real intentions. If they cared about politics and knew about their SJW ideas, the voters would drop the party in a heartbeat. Of course many young people symphatize with the party, but that's the typical idealistic youth communism.
TL:DR they will be irrelevant in a decade and gone in a few decades.
Hab ich gern gemacht bruder
>Gysi on the other hand is a slithering snake. He's the biggest globalist-Jew we have in our parliament.
true, I always wondered why he's so popular. Must be his meme-y appearance and casual style.
It ironically comes down to a lack of empathy. Language only works if both parties know what the words being used mean. If you start yelling 'sexist' or 'racist' with no backing or explanation you are assuming the other person knows exactly what they have done wrong, which they most likely don't, because they don't have a useless degree in microaggresions and intersectional feminism.
And then if forced to try and explain their reasoning they usually can't, because reasoning in anathema to them. They just repeat that you're stupid for not already knowing something that is apparently so novel it took 20,000 years of human development and a college education to know.
Daily reminder that SJWism and identity politics was planted into mainstream conciousness by the FBI to protect Wall Street and divide the left. Without it, Trump never wins. Here's what your average, white, working class lifelong democrat heard through the (((media))) this election.
>I don't like this trump guy but he says he will fight for the American people and try to bring jobs back to the area I live, what can you do for me Democrats?
Globilisation is inevitable, the dignity of your Labour means nothing to me. In this globalised world you are nothing more than an economic unit and you are simply not competitive compared to carlos across the boarder/here illegally. We might """retrain""" you or something idk.
Also if you support trump you are a deplorable, racist, sexist homophobe and the future of this country belongs to woman and minorities, check your privilege.
I've noticed that as well. But well this SJW-gender theory social engineering is something primarily american, so maybe UK will wake up sooner?
I've noticed also on fb that when english women post the whitemanguilt usual bullshit, there is usually resistance and arguing.
Here in mainland Europe I haven't noticed as much SJW bullshit and division. Maybe now that Trump won we will be spared from all this? I hope so.
Extremely smart and insightful. Thanks.
Yes. This is an intelligent leftist capable of both critical and independent thought. Admirable and shareable.
wtf is "ssm"?
The problem is that classical liberalism allows this slide into cultism that we're seeing with SJW's today.
Live and let live isn't acceptable when the other side, year after year, slides further into extremism and wants to kill you. Live and let live isn't acceptable when the social and moral mores of the people you're letting live, completely undermine your entire society.
Here's a quick example: Women having the right to vote is a mistake; on the surface it's perfectly reasonable to allow women to vote - they're not that different from men. They are thinking human beings and have the right to their own political agency. Yet we see in practice that women are easily influenced by mass advertising and psychological tricks involving the manufacturing of consensus by media entities. We see that they are like this because they are risk adverse and submissive due to their biology. Men are meant for leading - evolved for it - and women are not.
Classical Liberalism assigns both genders a fair shake politically, because it seems sound, fair, and reasonable.
However, doing this invites degeneration of your society by sociopaths seeking to influence the public, of which the majority is female, via manipulation. Thus begins the slow decline as these sociopaths infect the upper echelons of power and selfishly provide only for themselves and not the society they are meant to represent, and shepherd.
There is a gross ignorance of human biology in many ideologies today, and we'd do well to stop pretending these differences don't exist, and start creating societies that work with the differences instead.
same sex marriage in millennial speak
If this guy knows all of this, why is he still a lefty?
>How to stop Trump:
That's not how you stop Trump, those are the reasons why people voted Trump.
He still thinks Trump is the baddy here, despite him saying his supporters get it right.
This kind of shit is CIA work, not FBI
FBI doesn't do psyops crap like this, they're an investigative arm of the government.
To be honest, the only thing the CIA seems to be good for is drug running, destabilizing random countries, assassinating presidents, and generally just completely fucking shit up all the time everywhere.
This guy is what we call a Classical Liberal.
The thing is, they tried the same on the right and I honestly doubt it was the FBI but rather wall street themselves
The reason they failed this time is because rather than a split in goals due to identity politics Trump gave them a common shared goal that was big enough to put whatever differences aside and made any effort fail to split up into groups
I'm thinking of things like the Mr Trump and the Donald subreddit, it was always rectified surprisingly fast because the common good always prevailed
Are they a lefty?
Sounds like a right-winger to me.
> stop sucking soros dick in fabian society embassies
Why do left politics then?
It will have been at the top of the page (most liked)
close but not quite.
they do parade around with "Thank you bomber Harris" signs in Dresden though. But the hatred they cause with this all over Germany just fuels the fire, so I don't care.
I don't even know if this is bait.
This is like sjw "all cultures are equal" shit
KYS faggot
The way you do it is by using their own terminology and phrases, in an accurate way, against them.
Tell them about how Islam is a misogynistic, patriarchal religion, or how the EU is inherently racist because it favours white Europeans, and their brain goes in to overdrive because they are shown up for supporting something actually racist.
>The way you do it is by using their own terminology and phrases, in an accurate way, against them.
Not possible. There isn't an accurate way to use those phrases by design, and they can come up with about 50 ready made excuses for why it does or doesn't apply in a given circumstance.
same here, my family is very leftist and I was too.
I think ultimately what is disgusting is that societal subjects are used in order to hide the growing inequality between riches/poors. Black Lives Matter is a good exemple. Ok black are generally poor and have less social ladder today, but is it really because of discrimination, or because the system is corrupt and unfair to poors in general, regardless of skin colour?
Furthemore, when you have people fighting horizontally between each other (what with all this privilege bs and victimization), they don't see the big picture or think above their station.
Social engineering at its finest.
His only mistake is believing these people function on reason
They don't. They have grown up believing 1) their opinion and feelings matter over actual freedom and righteousness 2) they are the way forward in a backwards world full of backward people 3) anyone who doesn't follow them is an automatic target
This is the exact mindset the Bolshevism movement fostered within their ranks - they were the visionaries, holder of the great truth, and anyone opposing it or not supporting it was an automatic enemy. This is how democracy failed in the beginning of the 20th century and it's how it will fail now once again if these people aren't stopped.
that's because they're primarily a HUMINT agency. they only come into the public eye when they fuck up.
for example here in australia we have ASIS. they're only notable for breaking into a hotel and running around with guns in the 70s, besides that they basically aren't very well known. a lot of people don't even know they exist and instead thing ASIO (kinda the FBI) and the AFP (kinda the FBI) do foreign intelligence.
in ~40 years or so you'll be able to find out what they're doing now, and it will be very interesting.
yes, everything in that post is true. liberals literally lost this election for hillary, if they could just be a bit more self aware and realize they're going about this in the completely wrong way then trump might not be president right now. I have a lot of respect for people like the guy who wrote this, it's not easy being a liberal nowadays when these insane sjws have tainted liberalism so badly.