
He-Man thread?

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What came of this movie?

Seems like a He-Man movie has been in development hell for at least a decade.

I think the first news about a new movie came out around the time of the 200X series... John Woo was supposed to direct it.

MOTU movie is coming out Dcember 18, 2019. Directed and written by David Goyer.


Don't hold your breathe

Ok time for some cool MOTU art. Official, vintage or fan made. All are welcome.

I just posted the latest official news we had from Sony.






















Fuck yeah, expecting a bunch of MOTU stuff for christmas



Is he going to be in the new She-Ra cartoon?

and I say heeyyaaaaayeaaayyy

Nope. They are different licences now. And better this way. Last thing that MOTU needs is He-Man appearing in SJWs-Ra show, a year before the live action movie comes out.

fun fact: during shooting for the 80s movie, Sylvester Stallone showed up on set one day. He saw Dolph Lungdren, turned to the crew and said "you gave that guy lines?"

>They are different licences now

Mattel still has the rights for He-Man, but not for She-Ra who is Dreamworks. And thank God for this.

Mattel sold everything. There's no brand unification. They don't even officially own MOTU, they have to buy the rights to make MOTU figures.

I hope that WB/DC will buy He-Man eventually. They need to create a MOTU/Thundercats shared Universe. So He-Man and Lion-O can be bros again.

Still reigning best Kirby adaptation

>I hope that WB/DC will buy He-Man eventually.

Honestly I wouldn't have any problem with that.

Langella was the best Doctor Doom



And then when Disney buys WB, one company will control every ounce of 80s male nostalgia.




So wait who owns all the rights for the different MOTU brands



It's scattered everywhere. To quote ToyGuru, the guy who ran Mattel's Masters of the Universe Classics line (before it was rolled over to Super 7) and is seen as an authority figure on the in's and out's of the whole thing:

>Mattel sold the rights in the 90's. We paid a royalty on every motuc figure. I know because I ran the P&L.

>The only odd loophole was letting Mattel still use the copyright line. But even that goes away in 2023.

>Mattel-->Hallmark-->entertainment rights-->classic media-->dreamworks-->Universal-->Val Staples (just kidding on that last one!)

And this doesn't take into account what's going on with She-Ra and the MOTU live action movie rights. It's literally a complete disaster.



Guiyz,watch The Fall of Grayskull fan movie if you haven't already. It's low budget but a true labor of love of a mega fan. Rocking soundtrack, they even have toys that fit the scale of the original figures. And a blue ray disc.

And to add more to my post to make it even more weird, this is another ToyGuru post in annoying reddit style:

>Mattel has first rights to toys through 2023 but we did pay a royalty on every motuc fig to the IP owner (that changed a ton over the years). It's all spelled out on the other site. :-)

>I have no idea how the 200x line worked as I was in college at the time. At my new gig at Loot Crate, our licensing agreement for motu swag is with Universal, not Mattel.

>Take a look at all the Darkhorse books, the Dreamworks/Universal logo is a lot bigger then the Mattel logo. :-P

>Not a secret, it's all a matter of public record.

>Mattel does still own all the development material from the vintage era, but entertainment rights are with Universal with all rights to them in 2023. Sony has live action rights I think through 2019. (I think)

>POP is a entirely different brand (legally) which is why super 7 can't make pop figs right now. (I think)

>Beyond that, you will need to address Mattel or Universal. I've been out of the game to long! :-P


Fall of Grayskull was great. And i loved that they used the original barbarian look for Teela.




I really can't allow myself to give a shit about a MotU movie.

There is so much potential to be amazing but we all know if it does happen it'll be some ScyFy original-tier, committee of hacks writing, McG produced, music video director piece of shit like pic related.

Have a bit faith. I believe that at the end we will have the Sword & Sorcery/ScyFy combined MOTU movie we all want.


Renny Harlon use to make good movies. Never got over Cutthroat Island though.

So basically by 2024 all MOTU rights will be at Universal and at that point they can get other toy companies other then Mattel to make the toys?


I want this!

Too much clothes on. I prefer this version by Sideshow.

>So basically by 2024 all MOTU rights will be at Universal and at that point they can get other toy companies other then Mattel to make the toys?
That is a possibility, it seems. But there's a ton of conflicting things going on, lots of stuff in the air that frankly I don't know the answer to. Since it seems like MOTU was sold piecemeal, I kind of question how truly clean the ownership of it is in regards to Universal, in a holistic sense. Was the sale of MOTU in the 90s a full top-to-bottom release of ownership? We don't know. We know that the Filmation library was bought up (in 2016) by Universal, so that one is pretty clear cut. As for things that existed in the old comics, the plethora of European-only materials, the old concept designs, the movie materials... there's just an absolute metric fuckton of stuff that is incredibly convoluted and might be a roadblock to full ownership, one way or another.


Shit really?
I figured he'd make episodic appearances occasionally. Is there no way they can fit him in?

In which case which villains can they use?

In development hell like the Voltron movie

>Mattel still has the rights for He-Man, but not for She-Ra who is Dreamworks.
Really? I saw the dreamworks logo on some MOTU product. Werent they making the MOTU movie? Whyd they sell the lines seperatly? How did they release she ra figures in MOTU? Does dreamworks have the license to hordak and the evil horde even though they were released as MOTU figures?

Agreed, they make more competent media then disney after all
>buying male oriented media then turning it into feminist pandering shit that turns off the original audience
Why do they do this

When was this all revealed? I only heard about it a few days ago
>To quote ToyGuru
Im glad his careers in the shutter. Fuck him for ruining the line with figure he wanted personally and defending mattels cheap bullshit like cancelling dc universe

So sony will only be able to release one MOTU movie? Whats the point?

Maybe its like the Marvel-deal Fox had... the rights extend for another 10 years once they make a movie.

For Hordak and the Horde they probably found a way from what i know, to use them.

But He-Man no. Mainly because that Mattel still has a part of MOTU's ownership ultil 2023, and because of the upcoming live action MOTU movie by Sony, in which He-Man will be reintroduced.

Besides the new She-Ra will have a new background story that will not be connected to He-Man, Eternia and Grayskull.

The Dreamworks logo is only has to do with the MOTU products that contain characters and material from the Filmation cartoon. For Hordak from what i heard they fould a legal way to use him. He-Man is different licence from She-Ra that doesn't belong fully to Dreamworks, since Mattel still has a part of it, until 2023.

How did they get hordak? He was a MOTU toy and not relased i the she ra line. I really hope that means hes off limits for the MOTU movie, i dont care about she ra but hordak and the evil horde are among some of the best characters.

Beginning of the year.

And right now I'm in "water under the bridge" mode for ToyGuru. I look at all of the MOTUC I have and how amazing they are and the good far outweighed the bad. Can't say the same for DCUC because that shit was just nightmare after nightmare after nightmare.

I think it's a case of having to divorce yourself from the fan-end of things to see the money making end of it. If they think that they can get some millions out of it, they'll do it.

that explains why He-Man drove around in a car for 40 minutes in the middle of the movie while two Earth Teens did everything

I don't know. There was a rumor that Skeletor wasn't going to appear as the main villain in the upcoming MOTU movie, but as a character that moves the things from the shadows, leaving Evil-Lyn as the main baddie for the 1st movie. If this rumor is true, perhaps is a clue that they can use Hordak for the live action movies.

Jesus that’s a clusterfuck who thought chopping the brand into pieces and selling them off was a good idea

>I don't know. There was a rumor that Skeletor wasn't going to appear as the main villain in the upcoming MOTU movie, but as a character that moves the things from the shadows, leaving Evil-Lyn as the main baddie for the 1st movie.
Thats fucking stupid. Why otmit the most popular character? Id make more sense to have hordak be the one in the shadows, as skeletor used to be his apprentice and you could rewrite it where he still works under him

Who would have thought He-Man would ever matter again? New Adventures pretty much destroyed anyone's positive outlook on the brand, and trends were moving far, FAR away from everything MOTU-related. Mattel didn't fire sale things because they were in dire need like Marvel during their sell-off period, but for all intents and purposes He-Man was just dead weight from a bygone era that they could make money on while preserving certain first access loopholes that pertain to their core business (i.e. making toys).

Either way i couldn't see Skeletor in both roles. In the 1st case because as you well pointed out, it would left out not just a villain, but the franchise's most popular character (though Skeletor has been in the past, the manipulating villain behind Flogg, the leader of the Tenebrians in the New Adventures). In the 2nd case because Skeletor's personality in all the various MOTU versions, is that he is a character that considers only himself as the Overlord of Evil. Yes he worked for Hordak, but soon turned against him.
At any case this is only a rumor, and i agree with you, that i hope too, being exactly that, a rumor.

He could always betray hordak. Anyways, ive always wanted it as
1st movie:skeletor and some evil warriors
2nd movie:snake men are the main enemy, while skeletor and his men are a secondary villain
3rd movie:evil horde shows up, he man and skeletor have to team up to defeat hordak

That should be the way of things.








Awesome thread guys. Posted hours ago about Fall of GraySkull,come back...Threads still up. Merry Xmas indeed.

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