4th December 2016 Italy Referendum

No Anti EU
We need make a paste bin for this battle.

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non dire cazzate porcoddio

vai a fare l'ebreo da un'atra parte testa di cazzo



Io voterò si

As a br with italian citizenship, can I vote from the embassy here?

Votare no al cambiamento é da buzzurri ritardati, fanculo il bicameralismo

Who's interested in Italy? You only manage to produce shitty fiats and Ferraris no one can afford.

Votare sì al cambiamento è da napoletani sfaccimm mangiamerda

Solo i 5 pandistelle di merda possono pensare di votare no a questo referendum. AVANTI TUTTA

What kind of zoo has an embassy?


Guys chill out and speak english if you want Sup Forums to care

I had no idea you guys had a EU referendum battle coming.
I doubt many others know outside of some European nations
whats going on!?!?


Io voterò no. L'EU é finita.

>has Italian citizenship
>still lives in br

Chella granda zompapereta e mammeta
Polentone ignorante

Is this actually happening?

Chance of Itexit?

Matteo ci sono gli id su questa board vai a fare lo shill da un altra parte


December 4th? So we can get President Hofer AND Italy leaving EU?

What a year

Impara la mia lingua Negro

Not really an EU referendum, but a referendum that would make ITALEAVE impossible and that would give more power to our socialist president.

Speku Engrish Nipu

I'm intrigued, but those Macaronis keep speaking Italian.

Why not just ExIT

Oh well, it was too good to begin with

Just wanna finish my degree and get the hell out of here

Many brs have Italian citizenship. It is the most common heritage here besides Portuguese I think

Not my fault if animals turned on my italian ancestors

Wouldn't "USCITA" sound better? Just sayin'

Because if yes win Renzi will be nominated emperor for life.

>No Anti EU
>We need make a paste bin for this battle.

Why? According to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_constitutional_referendum,_2016 , there's nothing about the EU in it, just rearranging the powers between the regions and the organization of parliament.

Mind you, this sounds like a plan by the government to take more power. Moreover, rejecting it sounds like a fuck you and a middle finger to the establishment, which is always welcomed. It's all part of the plan.

I'll be sending some of that sweet meme magic your way.

No, it's a constitutional referendum.
But if the No wins, it's gonna put our current puppet government in a tight spot.

shit that's good too

I thought German maybe?

Aren't there German dialects and regions in Br?

And Japanese?

>implying (((they))) would do anything either way
but in all seriousness we gotta do what we can to get off this sinking ship, let's just hope everything doesn't crash on us

Our current PM Matteo Renzi (Democratic Party, Hillary supporter) is proposing a referendum to abolish bicameralism: currently two entities (the Chamber of Representatives and the Senate) have the same exact powers, and any change going through one has to go through the other and eventually bounce back if there's any changes, and so on.

It would also change the composition of the senate reducing the number of senators from 315 to 100.

There's more but this is the most discussed.

It would change our constitution and increase the power of the government and make sure whoever's in charge (the left) has a weaker opposition.

Unlikely, italians are really cucked.

Mai é stato e mai sarà necessario, Giacomo.

The average Italian couldn't speak English to save his life.
I'd say UscITA is actually better, or just anything that's Italian.

>>has Italian citizenship
>>still lives in br

With the way Merkel is running things, in 20-30 years, it will make no difference.

It would give our socialist goverment more powers and it's an authoritarian manouver like the one that allowed Mussolini to gain so much power.
Also our current president it's pro Eu, pro immigration and a faggot in general.

Exit now and Fixit later.

Parla la lingua della droga kek



Thank Heidegger i'm leaving this country due to work. The world may have collectively shit its own pants, but any place will be better that Italy at this point.
Have fun dying first in the upcomic distopic apocalypse, my fellow pastafags. I'll wait my turn somewhere else.

Germans mostly went to the south, and although they do have a noticeable cultural presence there, they aren't in many other places of Brazil to make them that common

Japs have a bigger presence than the germans, and given they can't really go back to Japan, they are quite common in here. However, the Italian immigration to here was quite big, making their numbers larger than the japs who are locked in here.

But there really are too many politicians weighing on the economic and legislative system
oh well, we can always change it afer we kick this faggot out of office

Make me proud Binland


>There's more
Yeah like more fucking pink quotas. As if this wasn't cuck enough.

The only marginally good thing would be the introduction fo the third type of referendum, which could be used to kickstart ITALEAVE.

"quit" has a negative connotation though, feels like surrendering/admitting defeat

Can't we add that later?

We must meme the "NO" vote into reality.
No rest for KEK

>oh well, we can always change it afer we kick this faggot out of office
That's the problem, the one promising us that they will do the change are the same who has been at power in the last 20 years.

I'm voting yes. Italy's legislature is slow and inefficient and although the changes would give Renzi more power, it would also give his successors more power. Right now the country is lethargic and it feels like nothing is changing.


We're fucked either way, so it's perfect.


There is room for change, but the changes proposed by Renzi aren't a good solution.

For many people the referendum is a tool to express their approval of the current ruling party.
Renzi himself said he would resign if his referendum doesn't go through although it's doubtful that he would actually do it.

It doesn't work like that.
It's not about power of PM
It's about centralization of power in (((the government)))

art 70 diventa: la funzione legislativa è esercitata dalle camere per le leggi per la partecipazione dell'Italia alla formazione e all'attuazione della normativa e delle politiche dell'Unione europea.

It basically says: the parliament works in the legislative branch making laws and transforming EU laws in Italian laws.
A lot of professor read this as: everything that EU make must be accepted by the parliament and made law.

Woah woah woah bois slow down

What is italy gonna use for currency if they leave?
Whats gonna happen to tourism if they leave?
This is a country whose lifeblood is heavily dependent on easy travel and relatively stable currency.
Unless I'm totally retarded and missing something huge this seems a little fishy. We should focus on France first desu.

we could always protest, I'm sure we could manipulate the butthurt shitlibs into helping us kick them out
then we do fuck all about the stuff they ask, Italian style

according to the trend in these days the no is winning

KEK says to vote NO

Italy will never leave the EU. Italy is Nordic clay. The Nords founded Rome. Modern day Italians are simply the plebian masses that in turn derive from Nordic/Patrician slave holds.

Fuck off with your common sense. Let Italy leave, EU dies faster and white Europe slower.

KEK says yes!


>we could always protest, I'm sure we could manipulate the butthurt shitlibs into helping us kick them out
You mean like the last 20 years?

KEK is with you

I'm saying we should do the only good point about the change after voting no and kicking this cuck out


>Good goy the government should have all the power it wants, why should you live in cozy homes while there are poor migrants from morocco and tunesia freezing in evil aryan concentration camps?
no ma seriamente, giving power to Renzi is retarded and you know it, saying "another government with the same powers will surely fix any trouble Renzi causes" it's even more retarded.

Not leaving the EU, but if yes wins we will never have the possibility to

>The proposed changes follow the approval of a controversial electoral law which would hand over a supermajority in the lower chamber of parliament to the winning party, which supporters say would make it easier to govern the country.

>But Mr Monti suggested this was all besides the point. “I gradually convinced myself that Italy’s problems don’t depend so much on the constitutional reform or the electoral law, but a few fundamental traits: tax evasion, corruption and a political class that uses the money of tomorrow’s Italians as a barrier against its own unpopularity,” he said.

we have memes now
And no, I'm saying we should just use them for numbers to ask for a new referendum, nothing about actual policy

The only people going down the streets in protest are the leftists to ask for gay marriage or the muslims to ask for more mosques because everyone else is busy going to work the day after and picking up their kids from school.

Can you stop mocking our President Matteo, this is not funny anymore

>10 posts by this ID
>every single one shilling for YES
How much do they pay you?

>I'm saying we should just use them for numbers to ask for a new referendum

You can't.

Avanti Ardito,
le Fiamme Nere,
son come simbolo
delle tue schiere;
scavalca i monti,
divora il piano,
pugnal fra i denti,
le bombe a mano!

t. pasquale ciro esposito


Vote no

Your embassy sucks man, they should send you the voting forms in the mail.


You're the only terunfag in the thread voting for yes


alright, where do we emigrate?


>Italy's legislature is slow and inefficient
Which has nothing to do with the fact that we have the chamber of representatives and senate with the same power, but with the fact that no party ever manages to have a solid majority. When laws have enough support in both chambers, they are passed rather quickly, stop drinking the PD kool-aid.

Fiamme nere, avanguardia di morte,
siam vessillo di lotte e di orror,
siamo l'orgoglio mutato in coorte,
per difender d'Italia l'onor!...

>What is italy gonna use for currency if they leave?
>We should focus on France first desu.
Are you suggesting that France has an advantage over us because of the CFP franc, despite it being used only overseas? Or are you implying we never had a currency before the Euro? Or that after France exits, they can fix their currency onto someone else's?


I just like to share my love for our great President!

Say it again shill

Avanti Ardito, ecc. Una stella ci guida, la sorte!,
e ci avvincon tre fiamme d'amor,
tre parole di fede e di morte:
il pugnale, la bomba ed il cuor.

Rip bud

Gli italiani tengono più a "fargliela vedere al potere" che agli effettivi benefici a lungo termine.
Davvero pensi che l'esito di questo referendum sia anche solo lontanamente dubbio o discutibile?

Stop shilling, and never put based Terrence in the same picture as that shitstain

This is what we will sing when the Elysian Fields beckon for us!