either way is fine to me
Should we kill them or wait a few more days for them to realize they are not in control anymore?
Other urls found in this thread:
Taking care is the best option
>get to watch those idiot to deteriorate to a crying pile of misery
>kill them
Do you hate fun?
They must realize WE ARE THE BOSS NOW
when did liberals start to be the violent ones?
I'd rather have more fun sending them to africa but what I really want is a total war between them and us.
Why not both.
Wait for them to give up then kill them
They have to fire the first shots, then we strike back without rest or mercy.
about 60 years now
It's not worth it, respect authority
tfw born in time to join ameribros to purge the degenerates
it's some antifas soros hired
You can clearly see them and the bernie crowd mixed. Totally artificial.
Just let them tire themselves out lmao. They will be done in a week or two.
Fighting them is what they want you to do to validate the new brutal white racist regime.
Just ignore like they are children.
Americans are violent, liberals are just quiet about it, conservatives get all horny over it. But in our blood every American is a stone cold killer
Winter killed Occupy. They don't need to be harmed. They will disperse when the weather drops.
Bottle their tears and auction them online.
They are afraid of their jobs. Average American is so obsorved into himself that he'll do anything to stab his opponents or smear shit into his face, which we already see with interracial American white women, when they literally smear nigger shit into husband's face and want them to feel bad. All that protest is about is them fearing for their democratic positioned jobs. Americans care not about anybody.
but it's a good opportunity to kill them in one in one single place
You know how small dogs tend to be more prone to violence?
when Soros started paying them since none of them have jobs
Let them continue fucking up, it will give us more leighway later on.
>They are afraid of their job
You talk like McDonalds is on the face of stopping hiring
Just wait until it snows they stop once it gets hard. Also if you attack them they wont in a hundred years shut up about how "you proved them right". Just let them wallow in their own misery.
Anything they do at this point can only hurt them. Ignore them for the next 4 years.
you're right
most americans are brainwashed even before school. They only think about having a "stable" job at taxpayer expense and making their partner feel guilty
Let them crumble into a pile of degeneracy and misery.
The pendulum has swung back and liberals are about to die out.
Sounds about right.
Ok we don't kill them
But we have to do something about Soros.
Why aren't they at work?
That's the best "college educated people" can come up with? wtf america
>t. Salon.com
(((Protesters))) marched in my city. Blocked rush hour traffic.
>Our city was overwhelming Democratic
Im ready for death squad when they march on the white house
I want to see how they react to finding out that Trump actually also won the popular vote.
They don't offer education there since 1952, the date Marcuse and the Left conquered USA education system.
Whats the difference between a liberal protester and a pizza?
A pizza can feed a family of 4.
Trump hasn't been sworn in yet. We don't have power. Yet. Bide your time for two more months you big dummies.
Fight them by delving into the rabbit hole. This goes far deeper than most would imagine, or even believe. Trust in yourselves, the awakening has begun. Don't jeapordise it by rash action.
they are making """art"""
did you know these freaks actually have an art where they kiss other's people anus?
Do they feel in control?
>live in democracy
>your countrymen elect a president through a democratic process
>get mad
We're gonna have to kill them
We're gonna have to kill them all
Where is the fucking SA when you need it ? Just beat the shit out of them and you'll be good.
Lots of these protesters are probably bussed in from out of county/out of state.
Left is capitalizing on this hard.
It's literally a song about acting like a....
That's kinda your thing Germanon
They are..they have machines now who make the burgers so that they need lile 5 people in a store instead of 25
lol white amerifags and their niggers and spicks
Thanks for the entertainment
Cant wait for season 2017
They are just pushing the part of the left that doesn't hate america away. Divide and Conquer. Let them trash liberal strongholds.
You really do have magic ovens!
>The burgers must flow..
I wonder how hard it is to acquire tear gas in the US
Exactly friends. Just wait it out. They can shill all they want, but they will give up.
A giant meat grinder will do.
Who is the ira?
I think it would be interesting to see how much gas these fags have.
Can we actually achieve a race war together with Trump presidency?
Can this year get even more better?
aus shitposter pls go away
>Israel vs USA
Do you realize Trump is the biggest zionist cuck on america? He literally spend half of his campaign telling that Israel is best ally and anti-semitism should be illegal like in Germany.
They're worthless targets. I'd much rather have them arrested and set to prison among murderers.
The only ones who do deserve the rope are the ones near the top like Soros.
Nigs are simply invasive American fauna. I wouldn't call culling animals war.
Honestly, let them stew in their own inferiority and misery. The prison of their own minds is the absolute worst place for them to be - worse even than death at this point. Let them suffer in their own existence.
Wait a few days..
Then kill them!
pathetic baby, first time election.
>he will use the Ivanka meme
Look at me. I am the Jew now.
First stage: Denial
They're so bad, they're funny.
Are you fucking retarded or just pretending?
Liberals are like children. They, like children, don't realize that total freedom is a bad thing.
Children are told by their parents
>"no, you can't go to the carnival alone at this hour."
>"it's getting dark, stop playing and get in the house."
>no you can't eat this candy. it'll ruin your teeth"
and the child gets angry or sad, they think their parents are the worst authoritarian evil in the world, that their freedom is being violated, that it's oppression.
what the child doesn't realize is that all those things are for her own good, she just doesn't realize it. to the child, it's oppression.
now these liberals are like children. they think people should be free to let immigrants and Muslims in, that they should be free to do degenerate things, free to abort babies, free everything. just like a child things they should be free to play outside alone at 11 PM in the evening or free to sleep without brushing their teeth after eating tons of candies.
Wait it out. They'll run out of money sooner or later.
Perhaps they'll vacate their jobs and give it to people who actually want jobs.
This is what happens when a country allows only two parties a chance to win, one runs a fascist demagogue that most of the country hates and the other runs a corporate tool that most of the country hates. Turnout is poor for the corporate tool but the fascist demagogue wins by getting fewer votes, but getting them in the right places according to an arcane system. Romney got more votes than either of them and he lost.
Americans aren't going to let fascism take over because of a failed and corrupted political system. Trump could renounce his proposals that attack people's most basic rights and dignity, but until he does he'll get anarchy. And when the US becomes a failed state and his administration collapses in disarray, the country can start over and build a new system.
But maybe trump was really just a con-man all along, not actually a fascist, and he won't even try to do any of that stuff.
two parties is always better than 30+ parties
look at germany and greece.
>kill them
Well that's a great idea user nothing could possibly go wrong with that option
just wait it out, by next Monday most will have given up anyway
Expect the butthurt to continue at least until he's officially sworn in.
Some time after they'll retreat to their hugboxes.
Judea declares war on america in every election
It's time to fight back
Never interupt your opponent when they are making a mistake.
theyll kill themselves. just watch it happen
>Donald Trump is NOT my President!
Turn on CNN, cunt
Just cut their benefits
They'll be begging for trump
>peaceful protesters
>Thread title: should we kill them?
It's the liberals who are violent, yes...
Well said based burger
They're not being peaceful.
Tell me honestly
do you still think you are in control?
Honest answer please.
Americans traditionally love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.
You... we know what you are doing
>Expecting Liberals to be rational.
Repeating Text based Romanized Questioning Characters
someone shop some cock on this pic plz
This is clearly Babby's First Election for these people. I say let them tire themselves out, and hopefully they (and the rest of the left) will have matured a bit in four years.
rape them while praising allah
>Liberals cry that the system is corrupt because Trump didn't win the popular vote and still got elected
>They don't realize that Obama also didn't win the popular vote, but also still won the election
I guess they were like 10 back then
Actually, this is very FREEDOM, to be able to protest, even a bit violently. I'm all for their protesting right, even if I think they are complete retards. I like the FREEDOM they have to show signs that say slant words at the president-elect. But on the other hand, thay lost, so their demand for Trump to have sexual intercouse(even the dead would have a boner fo Melania) is bizzare since even from their wiked standpoint it will achieve nothing, besides more Trumps(probably, them meds geting good). So it's not only pointless, but also counterproductive, not to mention the fact that they are damaging their own habitats.
How do you hack your ID to use a sponge as a flag.