Electing a woman didn't work for the dems... but what if they make it a BLACK woman??

electing a woman didn't work for the dems... but what if they make it a BLACK woman??

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>BLACK "woman"

My professor was unironically supporting this idea in class today and I couldn't hold back my laughter.

Maybe, if she was a woman

better than hilldawg atleast

>black woman

Theres a reason why black guys go for white girls.

First black trans president, it will be 2020 after all.


I see

And what are your qualifications?

Isnt Michelle a trans?

A black trans women would have a higher chance than a black women

Trey, you watching this?

Last I checked, black women are the least liked demographic in the United States.

The problem is its another snobby liberal who will talk down to the same people who will vote in Trump for a second term.

How do these things even come up in a college class?

Michelle Obama unironically would have done better in the election than Hillary. I don't think she is even remotely qualified to be President, but she would have been a much better candidate.

wtf are liberals doing

I will support them 100% on this.

I don't think you understand how big a US election is if you live in North America.

She might win if she comes out as a trans.

That's what I call diversity

Why not Malia Obama?


Watch how the republicans have a female nominee after trump and liberals have literally no excuses to not vote for her.

Yeah, I don't want no nappy headed ho as president.

Donald Trump Jr 2024

You've never seen America this great before

Please... Michael Obama has even less political experience and less special interests actually interested in putting her in office. She'd be eaten alive at the polls.

I'd support.

or maybe a woman could get candidacy purely on her own merits instead of just being married to an ex-President. crazy idea

Haha. I hope Ivanka runs on the Republican side.


Pandering didn't work. Solution: Pander HARDER. By 2028 they'll be running a black m-to-f trans pansexual illegal alien disabled Muslim.

>Michael obama

It astounds me how they call everyone else racist and sexist, but EVERYTHING with them is always about race and gender.

Let's elect a black "woman", right


>I'd support.

if they want a black woman president,


she was secretary of state, and good at her job

Well, to make it happen she have to be also a disabled lesbian on a wheelchair. A lot of work for Michelle to do so she better start now.

Pls give atention to muh thread.

Why are americans so obsessed with keeping the same dynasties alive and in power? Are they really like your own royalty?

Her pet project as FLOTUS was the fix to school lunches and that was a bigger failure than Obamacare.

i really hope she runs. trump will win all 52 states. if the dems think an annoying trans sheeboon has a chance well....

kek, not a chance

Fo sho son

A pansexual muslim? Who's gonna do the beheading?

OP right now:


Seriously anything is better than Crooked Hillary and Commie Sanders.

she's a harvard graduate and has been a first lady for the past 8 years. she's literally more qualified than trump... you're right that she would have done better than hillary though

when you account for all the dnc corruption who honestly belives hillary really got the popular vote
i mean dead people where voting for her left and right so i guess she is pretty popular on hell

They'll be fighting against their own "qualified to lead" meme. She'd have the black vote flock out because they still view the Obama's as their messiahs and think they'll be getting a pseudo barrack 3rd term. It's actually plausible; the blue states that Trump won would easily flip back

Even black men don't want black women
that would be a great election to meme

She can't do it.

They should run this
The only thing which can defeat a narcissist is a bigger narcissist

>yfw Trump is now more qualified than Michelle

I would love to see the libs cry about "muh sexism" when she loses badly.

I think the main problem for the Democrats is that they lost hispanics in Florida and whites in the rust belt. that's why she lost florida and the rust belt. I doubt Michelle Obama would win white men unless Trumps first 4 years turn out to be a real disaster.

more dinasties

>she's a harvard graduate

So is Natalie Hershlag. Is she also qualified ? I'd vote for her.

> most notorious warmonger wife

>picks candidate based only on the criteria of "married to the former president"
another Trump landslide. even bigger than this time.



>52 states


came here to say that

Lol. The type of person pushing this idea is so uninformed that the only women in the political sphere they are even aware of to latch onto as their potential next candidate is the first lady. Jesus Christ.


I hate how the media and shitlibs try to parade Michelle as if he were so cute and hip. That thing is ugly as fuck. Look at how these same fuckers constantly insult Melania, who is quite honestly the most presidential looking first lady we've had ever since Jackie Onassis.

Ah mang, I remember when Obama became president. Michelle Obama was being hyped up to be as glamorous as Jackie Onassis.

I recognise that bulge!

that faggot is probably going to be prison

Because of your people.

> to be a wife of the man, who, among americans, killed the most innocents trough history, proportionally and in total > while being simultaneously the first nigger prez. (shitting all over the idea of a sane nigger on top) > blatantly not giving a shit
> also record debt

> better than shillary, that is wife of a prez. that is guilty just of a couple of rapes and murders > blatantly not giving a shit
> also comparatively small derivative bubble


We really don't. That's just y'alls fetish that you try to force and meme so hard, why? Because you're all clearly subservient faggots. Every people y'all come across, y'all mix yourselves into the people then your population decreases because you end up becoming the original population. This is why the modern day Egyptians aren't black as fuck anymore. This is also why the Arabs aren't black as fuck anymore. The Arabs were always black until they started fucking your white whores and you started fucking theirs. You can easily look up the Arab slave trade and see black Arab slave traders, the same black arab slave traders during the Barbary slave trade which you love to say black people were responsible for but after they freed you, you went and mixed yourselves into the Arabs creating that disgusting mongrel race of people called Arabs today.

I bet the next will drive in a wheelchair.

yes, we need power concentrated in the hands of the few. Two Bushes were great, two Clintons would've been fantastic but two Obamas just top the cake

Too bad Trump will pass strict voter ID laws for all states (he will right?) that would make it considerably harder for the dems to win

This was really the death for whichever party won the white house, if the dems won then all the illegals would be granted amnesty and allowed to vote in all upcoming elections (plus the "refugee" surge) would have all made it impossible for repubs to win

We're so fucking fortunate, thank god for Trump

whichever party lost the white house*

Harvard is a fucking meme. Trump graduated from wharton when a college degree actually meant something.

and they say Trump is a meme president.


>more qualified than trump

Even I'm not gonna rise to that b8.

Until then we should be able to proof his name is Michael

I find it funny how quickly they abandoned HRC.

We wuz arab slaves an sheet.

No, the next diversity president will be Mexican.

Plus, everyone has had enough of those nogs. They had their turn.

Team Eric.

He's smarter.

"She" had sex with a president

Not good, remember iraq??

Michael Obama 2nd black president of the united states

We need her to proof her womenhood and then we can proceed.

Won't happen, Donald will have completely locked down the rust belt by the next election.

He'll take Virginia too.

Just start talking about her hospital job :))))
or her school lunch mess

>Still only having cis-gendered candidates

Wow. I can't even...


black "woman" aint progressive enough by 2020 it has to be a transgender latino muslim

Blacks are WAY more oppressed than feminists. Black women are THE most oppressed creatures on this entire planet. It will work. Michelle would win in a landslide.

She wouldn't even have to try. She could just get up on stage, do that dance she's doing on the image, and people would vote for her.

breddy based post


i came here for this

The diaspora.
Im not even memeing right now, they are behind all of it.

remove the Latino requirement and you get Michelle Obama.

you dropped these ((( )))