Okay, you "people," explain to me: a black, lesbian, transgendered, mentally ill, genderfluid, autistic, jewish, immigrant woman why you voted for Drumpf (who will literally kill me), and not Hillary (who would make my life better). Why are you, "people," so fucking evil?
Okay, you "people," explain to me: a black, lesbian, transgendered, mentally ill, genderfluid, autistic, jewish...
>Why are you, "people," so fucking evil?
>Implying his existence is important
>Implying his opinion is relevant
Because you elected a criminal supporting other criminals, and that's illegal, you know.
How about I just get a rope and end your disgusting life you piece of shit nigger?
Fuck off.
This guy gets it.
Thank you, based Croatian goy.
>Hillary Supporter
Why do you think you deserve to have a better life
Especially at a cost for others
>me: a black, lesbian, transgendered, mentally ill, genderfluid, autistic, jewish, immigrant woman
>Immigrant woman
Pick one m8
>lesbian transgendered woman
That's just a regular transvestite.
Because we're the most fucking powerful race, according to some shit photo of a nigger pretending to be a filipenis
Listen man, even Trump supporters never actually expected that clown to get in. Lets just play this by ear and see how things go before we lose our shit
>Hillary who would make my life better
You're literally supporting a candidate that puts people in power in middle eastern countries that openly attack women's rights and are vehemently anti-lgbt. People that behead gays, encourage discrimination of women that dress like men and instilling a public fear of LGBT people there in the middle east. Grow the fuck up and do your research.
This post subtly btfos all libcucks
Too bad they don't have the processing power to get it
> a black, lesbian, transgendered, mentally ill, genderfluid, autistic, jewish, immigrant woman
>hang on a minute
Reminder to meme Rowdy Gowdy for AG to bind Trump to his drain the swamp promise.
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
>drain the swamp
Trey Gowdy for AG
Huma Abedins mother is the leading anti-women figure in the middle east.
>explain to me: A black, lesbian, mentally ill, Jewish, immigrant woman
FTFY too many buzz words and made up shit.
>Why you voted for Trump (who I think will kill me) and not Hillary (who would make the whole country worse)
>Why are you "people" so fucking great?
To answer your questions as a Native American, Bisexual, Schizophrenic, Mormon, male I know where Trump really stands in all this. You drank the kool-aid of the MSM and now you're here shitposting like you have diarrhea of the brain. We're not evil we stick up for traditional values and a country that takes care of its own people before the rest of the world.
>Mentally ill
That's also probably the reason why you voted for Hillary because you have no clue what you're talking about, what's going on or who these candidates are yet you affirm the belief that you made the right choice.
To explain for someone mentally ill it's like talking about how much you love Tofu even though you've never even seen it in real life let alone eaten it.
We just saved you from packs of Muslims wandering the streets raping women and children and beating gays to death. You're welcome.
Liberals really must be grateful to you guys who voted Trump. (I've always wanted to vote Trump but I'm not Burger citizen and doesn't live in Burgerland)
Because you're a minority. By definition that means you are outside the majority. There is no logical reason to cater to the less than 1%. It's illogical. See a shrink. genderfluid don't real.
Because you fucking white shits have controlled the world for literally millions of years???
The media lied to you, and Trump is a rather pragmatic individual.
Islam is the most pro woman religion tho. read a book.
youre very good
but you have to go back
I keep saying the same thing.... b- bu- but Trump said mean things....
> Bitch, Hillary is supported by people that throw you all off buildings and cuts your heads off.
> She wanted to bring them here to you...
The election is over, you can stop shilling now.
Pence will make you not gay with non-violent treatment. And this will rise quality of your life at least 5 times.
If I was American and was able to vote I would tell all these fine people that it was because I wanted to the experience the collaborative meltdown of the leftist/progressive movement and media, showing us that overly effeminate people do not belong on the front-line of politics due to their emotional fragility and inability to handle things not going as planned. :)
stay mad nigger
worst bait I ever saw
I like how you describe yourself by your demographics, and you have no other identifying qualities.
I can't tell if this is fucking bait anymore.
I don't give a fuck what my so-called ancestors did, I'm not giving up shit.
We don't have to explain anything m8y, we won in a landslide.
Because you need to be killed?
Kek approves this as highly possible
People like you who define themselves as nothing more than a victim, and think the whole world should bow down and surrender every advantage to success people in general have, to you, out of guilt and shame, because that's all you have to offer the world. To make everyone feel bad about themselves because, well, poor you. And her's another sad fact...no one cares, Hillary just wanted your vote, get off your ass and stop expecting an advantage because you introduce yourself with a litany of issues which indicate you suck at life. Get over it. Your like the motherfuckers who want to cut in line at the amusement park, at the expense of the people who have waited for hours.
You're that person.
why you voted for Drumpf (who will literally kill me)
Clearly they want you dead.
could've just said mentaly ill.
and it is to be expected that if you push somebody they will push back.
>mentally ill
A little redundant don't you think?
>a black, lesbian, transgendered, mentally ill, genderfluid, autistic, jewish, immigrant
you need a psychiatrist, not help from Sup Forums.