Didn't see a thread
No time for links, but I guess main stories are Trump and Trams
Didn't see a thread
No time for links, but I guess main stories are Trump and Trams
Other urls found in this thread:
Hail Mosley!
1st for Emilia tbqh
Pressure is on Baroness Scotland to fuck off now. Good work from Guido.
First for Anglo-American unity
We have a great time line,
>but I still envy the bastards who got into this one....
Am I the only one who wasn't at all shocked by Trump nor Brexit
I would have been surprised if it happened 5 years ago, or if it could happen in 5 years time
Both have come at the precise time. Any earlier, and the underlying frustration towards the establishment, political correctness, immigration etc. would not have been strong enough.
Any later, and the rising tide of leftism would be too great and would have secured the majority.
Just hacked Photoshop code so I have another trial so I can make memes again.
choo choo
Got to decide what to spend my dank Trump winnings on.
Thought about going out for a nice meal tomorrow with parents and gf and then spending the rest on myself.
Do you want me to use that photo or another one?
Brits now that we've won over here, I want to ensure that your brexit victory doesn't get trampled. How are things looking for brexit? Are your politicians still trying to reverse it?
Its going to go to our Supreme Court and Are Nige is going to lead a peaceful march on the day.
Its likely the Supreme Court will overturn this as it will destroy any faith that the public have for the Judiciary and legal system.
If not then May will likely try and force through the vote in Parliament and if they and block that will call call their bluff and call a General Election.
Theresa May is appealing the decision for it to go to a parliament vote, and she will lose.
The MPs will vote in favour of invoking Article 50 regardless.
Source: I have been right about everything this year, right down to naming the next dead celebrity
Try this one, thank you
Who here likes to stick a Fray Bentos pie inside of a giant Yorkshire pudding before adding the gravy and mashed potatoes and sausages?
Can't wait for Question Time. It's half remain/leave it seems, but they still think Trump is a monster. The assblasted bitch tears will give me a true zipper ripper.
Watch the politicians who insulted him in the summer and grovel as they know that they will be having to meet him next year when he comes on his first State Visit.
Lets be honest here, Trump isn't going to be as magic as we hope he is. Once he gets in office he will learn a lot of secret shit and he will just be like every other president. Sure he'll be tough on immigration but not as tough as we hope. Also this meme about Russia and America becoming best friends needs stop stop. When Putin says improve relations he means: Get the fuck out of Syria. Also I doubt he will improve relations and trade with the UK as much as we hope.
>Ib4 wow CTR are still here!
I'm am glad he won but he won't be the big change we hoped he would be. Still it is better then a Hillary win.
Now they have seen the Trump win they will be more cautious overturning the peoples will. I think the SC could side with the government but there still is a big they won't.
>Fight against the European union
>Destroy them
>Somehow become close friends and allies with the president of the united states
He must feel like gold all day everyday
Morning lads
I've just spent 10 minutes laughing my ass off at the end of this video
Nige and Neil's laughs are infectious as fuck.
Mad. As. Fuck.
>tfw it is that time of year where this image is fantastically relevant again
Obviously replace the working class man from York with a Redneck
>Russia and America becoming best friends needs stop stop
Eat shit faggot. The world calls us warmongers for at least the past decade and a half. Then we make steps to end the longest bullshit war in the history of our nation and you spit on it? Consider suicide.
We should get the fuck out of Syria, we don't belong there. We're funding fucking ISIS to murder christian children and families. We're the bad guys and it needs to stop.
BREXIT surprised me. Trump didn't and I had bets placed accordingly.
If a country as tolerant as the UK decided enough was enough there was no way the yanks were going to elect Hillary.
Apparently November 10th is the point in the year where women are effectively working for free from now on, because of the gender pay gap.
#EqualPayDay is trending on twitter. Start dishing out some facts
I never said you didn't have to leave Syria, you do. I'm just saying that the people who think the US and Russia will be really close are wrong. Calm down.
Shame that the bitch ruins the friendly laughter with her salt and bitterness.
This tbqh. I also think the Brexit win gave many Americans confidence to vote Trump.
If fascism is bad, then how come it has such good propaganda?
Checkmate communists.
ISIS need to be crusaded. Trump's going to do it and we're going to help.
Obama destroyed East-West relations, It's about time Trump knocks some sense back into Western foreign policy.
All we have to go on is what politicians are saying. Putin says he's willing improve relations. Trump has also said he wants to improve relations. If the price for improving relations is getting out of Syria, then we have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
No. Fight side by side in Syria. Remember when the nations of Europe allied together against the caliphate? They built the kingdom of Jerusalem. Europe and the Syrian Christians need ISIS dead. CRUSADE.
Don't get me wrong he will change some things, just don't expect a compleat 180.
He will improve them a bit, that won't be hard considering the relations at the moment, but the people who think there will be a mega alliance are wrong.
But you posted a picture of Teutons who fought against Lithuania and have never seen Jerusalem, not Templars, who fought against the mudslimes.
We've been bros with Ruskies in two world wars. ISIS is going to be our reason to blanda up.
No one thinks that we're going let Russia into NATO or something like that, we're just going to revert to accepting co-existance and cooperation. The libshit madness of regime change is over.
That's a thing to be celebrated everywhere.
I do hope the improve the anti- Russia propaganda has been the fucking worst. Anyway ISIS is fucked so that's a win.
>tfw placed my bet at the worst possible time
I mean sure I still got a lot of money but if i waited a few more days i could have won much more.
Is QT and TW on tonight?
Lads the Guardian comments are so based.
Are people still seeing through the hightened media bias?
I wish I put money on him.
Guy who wants a Portillo meme what do you want me to do?
Maybe that's just the people that hate read. However they have been losing money for a very long time so you could be right.
Don't worry, I found this weeks QT lineup
>tasmina ahmed-sheikh
pls no
You want us in Syria?
>4 women
Gonna have to miss this one
I never said that. No we should be in Syria, that is obvious.
Why has QT been having so may shit tier guests on lately?
Jesus not gonna bother
>ahmed cunt
HURRR america is all racists WW3 MUH PUTING MUH WAR MUH SEXISM
*Should not be
My favourite article headlines from The Guardian CiF - "comment is free". No comments allowed.
>Misogyny won the US election – let’s stop indulging angry white men
>Muslims are terrified, but we won’t be intimidated by Trump
>I’ve got the safety net of being white - so why am I so worried about Trump?
>Obama has handed a surveillance state and war machine to a maniac
>The US has elected its most dangerous leader. We all have plenty to fear
and the comments are lovley
everyone pointing out this hysteria and then pointing out the G asking for funds for "decent investigative journalism"
> If the G stopped alienating many of its potential readers by accusing us of being misogynists and racists, we may even support you financially.
> Just a thought to discuss over your tofu and soya-lattes.
You're right this is good.
>Americans trying to say that this election is 1:1 Brexit
Trump didn't even win a plurality of the vote, Hillary actually won more votes. Meanwhile Brexit smashes through with more votes cast for it then any one single thing in British history.
Trump also didn't inspire the electorate like Brexit. If you compare turnout with Mitt Romney's in 2012, he actually got less votes. It's just that, being more liberal, he lost votes in safe states like Texas and gained them in swing states, hence why he won.
Brexit meanwhile straight had 2 million people who usually don't vote, voting for it.
It's a completely separate paradigm which signals different things. All Trump did was successfully transfer the base a little and run against a candidate that depressed Democrat minority turnout. A good presidential victory, but nothing on the scale that Brexit was.
how isnt he dead yet
>It is perfectly possible to accept the result of 23 June and at the same time use the democratic process to persuade the electorate that the decision it made was a mistake: to say that, while serious problems within the EU exist, this solution is the wrong one.
>Jesse Jackson
Really? American liberal media pandering isn't enough?
The doublethink rage is delicious
Hopefully this accelerates the process. It hasn't been good for his marriage either.
just a mild coincidence
TL;DR - a madman ranting
>media bias for trump
dear god.
Trump would have been beaten by any candidate other than Hillary
It's the democrats fault for putting her there as their representative
United we will prosper
Hillary didn't win the most total votes.
There's still millions being counted, and even CNN are predicting that trump will actually win the popular vote as well.
tbqh we kind of need our own nationalist/ right wing rising because all our MPs and government were slagging him off, so i doubt Trump will treat this country as nice as he would if we did have a nationalist government that made friendships.
Well let's hold off a bit on that, lest it comes across as one-sided. I'm very glad Trump won but most Yanks here are busy sucking Russia's dick.
>tfw don't know who is tolling who any more
Let the backlash against the backlash begin
They will continue to fuck us over thqh.
the left are in absolute meltdown atm
It's their own fault.
>we got a presidential candidate to attack a fucking cartoon frog
You already got yours when Brexit happened. White Unite first, remove kebab second.
Where were you when an anime shitposting website defeated the establishment and CTR shills
>post theme
So they admit it's a surveillance state now. Cool.
We have upped our game lads.
No TW tonight :(
>that pic
Fucking proud
Fuck me that stupid Scottish arab cunt's on. Hope she gets absolutely merked by Raab/audience.
>mfw the girl who just served me at the shop on my university campus said she'd give her life to prevent Le Pen winning in France
Haven't seen any QT episodes since it came back after the summer break but from what I've heard there have been some pretty based audiences
Dunno, even audiances are all BOOOO Trump bar the one lone bald madman taking them all on incoherently
9/11 day America stopped being great
11/9 MAGA
We will meme her into winning.
People that aggrandise the influence/capabilities of a board full of memeing adolescent spastics are literally among the most embarrassing people on earth
what a waste
Hon Hon Hon, mon fellow baguettes vote Le Pen. Oui oui oui
I hope so. Proportional representation systems are going to be harder to overturn. Germany will be the final boss.
Yeah with the exception of Trump questions, they've generally been pretty sick audiences. Maybe now people've seen that the world hasn't ended, they'll pipe down... but I won't bet on it.
Just realised I should put this in a language the french would actually understand.
Thanks the Lord for translating sites.
هون هون هون، الاثنين زميل باكيت التصويت لوبان.
People will probably be more open to him now that he's won but yeah, we can expect loads of 'muh sexism muh raycism' from the audience
>i just carn't beleive it, i just carn't i mean y'know i just carn't
RIP uni shop lass
Missed the happening, lads. Did hirohito do anything special to commemorate? Would've been nice to have shadilay embedded or something.