It's kind of funny we all hate globalism
but Sup Forums united/rally/banded together in the great meme war
does that mean globalism only works if your right wing,white and lead by a male and all on the same page?
It's kind of funny we all hate globalism
We can be united and allied, and yet independent.
yes and fuck the jews?
We do not need to be THE SAME to work together.
>all on the same page
We're you even paying attention? If anything Sup Forums shows that anarchy is what really works for the world.
Pro tip though: it doesnt
>does that mean globalism only works if your right wing,white and lead by a male and all on the same page?
No, it means, that globalism works if it's voluntary and to each participants (perceived) advantage. Just like most things.
Trump is a business man he won't fight globalism. Globalism fills his pockets
No Muslims No Problems
No, it really means that their power was always imaginary and people just needed to wake up and then *poof!* all their power disappeared like so much pixie dust.
Because it was all just a dream, in the first place.
Maybe we can remember more stuff now.
Communication and cooperation between different groups is not the same as forced integration in an attempt to destroy both individual groups.
but together we can stand 1000 feet tall
That's voluntary teamwork.
Globalism is about eradicating nations without their consent
>pol united
while I appreciate people got together and stomped CTR out of pol but get that meme out of here. the rest of the world had no business in our election but you fuckers insisted because "muh world police have big influence"
I think he sees what globalism leads to and it's not a future he want for his family or the regular joe. There are honest ways to make a fortune.
Avoiding WW3 is our business.
t. the world
>being on the same page
That's the point.
It's impossible for every single person in the world to be on the same page.
Are you currently high on petrol?
You post makes zero sense.
I still find it funny that the heart of Globalisim - the USA - is where an anti-Globalism movment gained momentum. Its like electing an anti-imperialist at the height of the empires power.
>neutral country wants to avoid war
literally why do you care?
lol you don't know what globalism is, do you
There's different kinds of globalism.
Globalism without nationalism is just one world government, welfare for the third world.
What you have to realize is that Nationalism is not the opposite of Globalism.
Nationalistic Globalism is when you all have countries, you're all independent, but you work to preserve their Nationalist states.
We can all be Nationalists world wide. It's ok for white people to have countries where they can live. It's even ok for Israelis to have their own country. As long as they aren't trying to take over the world it's fine.
Honestly though the only way we can achieve it is by nuking Israel. Sorry, guys, you have to go.
There's a difference between globalism (as you called it) and (((globalism))). Ideal globalism is nothing more than love and respect for others beyond your own nation, honourary members of the team, which is why you see so many different nationalities on here supporting one another through the woes of the meme timeline. (((Globalism))) is about turning the entire planet in to one country in which every single human being is subject to the will of a select group of dictators hiding behind a veneer of democracy.
I'll stand shoulder to shoulder with a Yank, but I'll punch his cunt if he tries to make my laws.
> +++
>apologising to jews
I am not apologizing. It's just a bad buzzword habit from the time I lived in the UK.
''Sorry'' has become meaningless to me now. It's like an exclamation mark.
>achieve globalism through the global hate for globalism
when nationalists work together its fine
but then maybe your latvian nationalist government teaming up with other nationaist government to nuke israel will just have the nationalist israelis and nationalist americans nuke your nationalist coalition instead
you guys really do underestimate the fact that this globalism shit first started in the ashes of world war fucking two
just submit to the russkies already they're more sane than you
What he said.
I am not an isolationist, I am for the UN and NATO. But there is a false equivalency of people believing "If X is good, then more of X is even better".
I would have voted to join the ECC back in 1973 if I were british. I'd never have voted to join the EU as it stood in 2008 let alone 2016. Globalization is a bloated monster and it needs to be restrained and held in check lest the goods of the nation-state give way to allow more ails of globalization.
Globalization vs self-determination and the nation-sate almost feels like a case of communism vs capitalism. Capitalism has some sink and some swim but the sense of competition, of appeal and people voting with migration and investment means good governance begats good economic development (Outside of oil bust and boom)
It's just the hyper madness and alternate reality of life today that means someone who is not for global interventionism, who believes in the UN and alliances and a balance of liberalism and realism in international affairs is an alt-right nutjob racist bigot hateful monster.
I get ya, we do say sorry a lot without actually meaning it. Where did you live in the UK? Quintessentially British London?
>must acknowledge greatest ally
A fishing town in Scotland. It was so full of immigrants I had to learn to speak proper Russian just to live there, and I learned some Polish and I had to speak Lithuanian. It's insane.
The few people who did speak English did so with thick Scottish accents. It was a nightmare.