America is finished.
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Put Canadians on the list.
I'd add retarded liberals to that list, but I don't know if the Canadian Immigration website is back up yet.
the only thing on this list that is realistic and of concern is saying goodbye to climate change. everything else is left wing bullshit or other shit that people don't care about
>non commies
Say goodbye to the world peace council. Huh, don't you want world peace? Guess you'll have to join the USSR now, warhawk.
>Look up Planned Parenthood
>PPFA is the largest single provider of reproductive health services, including abortion
>What's on your goodbye list?
>The supreme court
>because now theyll do their constitutional job
Fuckin hell
Why is that a bad thing?
>What's on your goodbye list?
occupy democrats
Good. Leftists will have to start from scratch again while we'll be enjoying new 80-s
>Obama's entire legacy
no need to list obamacare twice
>Literally scaremongering
And it's supposedly conservatives that appeal to fear in their campaign...
American pride is about to surge through the roof, and the only ones who won't feel it are the ones who'll be deported
All this rioting and protesting seems redundant and hypocritical, don't you think?
How long is this tantrum going to last?
Anchor Babies
Illegal Immigrants
Sanctuary cities
& more
Mitch Mcconnel said he would work with Trump on everything except term limits, which i think is fair, Trump is stupid to go after them when Republicans have the advantage, i really hope he doesn't fight them on this
>people actually defend obamacare
Literally stockholm syndrome.
>1 post by this ID
>implying a POTUS, Trump or otherwise has the power to do all of that on their owm
Today when Trump and Obama do a 1 on 1 it might slow it down, but this will probably continue up and even past Jan 20th.
Don't reply to this shit guys common
It's horsehair BAIT and you know it
Sage and move on
I'd gladly forfeit my rights to ensure most of that happens
I'm upper class.
>Voting Rights Act
I'm white.
>Women's rights
>The Supreme Court
I'm white.
>police reform
I obey the law.
>Dodd Frank
>wall street reform
I'm upper class.
>LGBT rights
I'm not LGBT.
>Planned Parenthood
children are a burden.
>Obama's entire legacy
What legacy?
>Pride in America
That's why I voted for trump.
God damn I love being white.
>implying this is bad.
My family is poor but never had it, doesn't make a difference
>Voting Rights Act
Obviously doesn't affect me as a straight, white male. Also sounds like bullshit.
>Women's rights
Stop doing shit that will force you to have abortions then, cunts.
>The Supreme Court
Protecting the Second Amendment
>Fighting Climate Change
A negative, but I don't think the outcome will be much different with regulations from one developed country.
>Police reform
No reform is needed
>Dodd Frank
idk what this is, must not be that important
>Wall Street reform
>LGBT rights
Doesn't affect me, also fuck trans people
>Planned Parenthood
Stop having abortions
>Obama's entire legacy
>Pride in America
I have more pride under a REAL patriotic president
>pride in America
The nerve of these flag burning fuckers.
So white men lack empathy. Why am i not surprised.
>climate change
Wait, there is still people who belive in this bullshit?
Plenty of white women don't give a shit either.
climate change is real
Can someone confirm that Trump is going to take a huge shit on the TPP?
what are the odds of donald stopping blood for oil?
Yeah, but it has nothing to do with human activity. It is only natural. At example baltic was freezing completely in 17th century so swede's army could literally walk through it.
>LGBT rights
When has Trump EVER said anything along the lines of turning back the clock on that?
>Women's rights
Like what, taking away their right to own property?
What do these people think Obama did?
People who do this type of shit before the man has even been put into office or pass legislation isn't fit to say they had pride in America to begin with.
My friend is going out with a girl who is supposedly apart of LGBT, and she essentially said the same thing.
I don't get people.
Hopefully this means the whole thing will collapse. The last thing Australia's economy needs is more incentive to 'race to the bottom'.
Fuck, I wish I'd bet money on Trump, though.
yep flush all that commy shti hurting the economy
obama was a failed experiment
black man = worst ever
Considering BLM is involved, and Soros is pretty salty after him and his pet got their ass handed to them...
I'll say it'll go on for a while. BLM might get bolder... but once Trump gets into office Police will put their foot down for good.
Best thing is that since that jew Ginsberg is close to dead, Trump might get to put another conservative judge on the court. Three conservative judges, one cuckservative (Kennedy), and one centrist pretty much means almost no liberal litigation will pass. Kagel and Satomeyer will be fucked for most of their time on the bench.
Bye Felicia
Liberals love all government programs, even the retarded ones.
Soros is going to die of oldness during Trumps reign and will never achieve the ultimate power that he was after with his puppet.
Wall Street reform? You dipshit, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were bought and paid for by Wall Street.
You are a fucking waste, kill yourself.
nigger plays the victim. Why am I not surprised
Trump won, can you fucking normies get out now?