>pro-trumps say they're standing against the system
>mfw the electoral college aka system elected Trump
>mfw the people elected Hillary
Isn't it a bit, let's say, contradictory ?
>pro-trumps say they're standing against the system
>mfw the electoral college aka system elected Trump
>mfw the people elected Hillary
Isn't it a bit, let's say, contradictory ?
We were playing the whole time with the same rules.
This is the system of our forefathers. The corruption and the college are not the same
When will you shills realize how dumb you look with this particular meme?
THE SYSTEM = established elites, inner circle
THe sys that elected Trump = Their lawful constitution.
I don't get why people still talk about this
how to win = get 270 electoral votes
how not to win = get popular vote
Don't talk about things you don't understand
The votes haven't even been fully counted yet, dummy.
>he thinks PR is good
The "electoral college" is not the system, you stupid smelly frog, the "electoral college" is just a calculation method so even the low population states have a say in the elections
Subtract the many millions of fake and illegal votes for Hillary, and Trump won in a landslide.
Not to mention that some states that favor Trump didn't finish counting their votes.
The people of california and some others elected Hillary. The majority of states elected Trum.
You're misrepresenting the majority of states if you say that "the people" wanted Hillary. He's a president to the UNITED STATES. The system specifically accounts for population densities so that the most populated states don't weigh too much.
I dont know why this so hard to comprehend. It's intentional. Fully intentional, designed that way. Libbies are fucking dumb.
the game is what it is, everyone knew going in.
We just had a discussion on this.
If it was purely popular vote then every candidate
would pander exclusively to California.
meaning EVERY federal government action
would solely exist to benefit them.
Think about dumbass.
I'm disappointed I didn't see a *sips tea* at the end of this post
I thought it was lanslide hillary, what happen, nice fucking polls.
>been in office for 8 years
>didn't do shit
>jesus fucking christ the system is fucked up
>also how the fuck can we count the popular vote if illegals can literally walk the borders and vote in multiple states ?
>also muh founding fathers
Cal-exit when? Hurry up and break off of America already, the earthquakes aren't doing it fast enough
Yeah, because the millions upon millions of wetbacks that the Bush and Clinton families brought into the U.S., and gave citizenship to en masse, eventually voted against us. Or did you not notice that whites are rapidly dying off in our own country? We have so many demographics against us.
It doesn't matter. The Nig In Cheefz lost the popular vote too, but still got elected. We played the game and we won. Now it's time to even the odds and start sending Pedro back home, and stop having our people die for the Kikes in the Middle East.
The same people whining about the Electoral College are largely those who believe the power should be centralized to the federal government.
Of course they don't care about states having a weighted vote.
Hey France, remember your little revolution where you had pure democracy and the majority killed the minority?
France didn't fly so good.
I absolutely guarantee you if the results were the other way around, with Clinton winning the electoral college and losing the popular vote, Sup Forums would be losing its collective shit and be crying about a 'rigged' system. The simple truth is that it's a flawed method of selecting a president dating from a time where information traveled very slowly.
If the election system was completely different, there's no telling how different turnout would be. In short, you're fucking stupid.
>le contradictory
finally a sensible answer, only this case appeared like what 5 times in history with this one ?
The system was designed to limit the power of extremely large states. Without the electoral college, California would decide every election. As it is now, California still gives the dems a HUGE handicap on electoral votes and they still lost!
we went through this a thousand times OP...
electoral college worked as our founding fathers intended to prevent a possible
>tyranny of the majority.
Democracy basically allows 51% of people to kill the 49% if they so chose to. It's a shit system, and we're rightfully not a democracy.
The spirit of the true nature of the U.S. being a constitutional republic came through for us in this election. Liberal faggots who don't produce anything in Cali except shitty propaganda movies and academia don't get to decide for the rest of America.
>finally a sensible answer
finally a reply that resonates with my deluded opinion
Isn't it contradictionary that Hillary supporters said that Trump supporters should concede if he loses yet they're protesting in the streets right now?
I can't believe people still don't understand the concept of population density.
The 200,000 votes more that shillary got was probably all dead people and illegal immigrants.
You can never trust commies to keep their words. They have absolutely no moral.
no you are stupid
WE are a constitutional republic
Democracy is evil
capitalism and property are good
you cant vote my house yours
this is why USA is no1
Hong Kong is better than Europe, and they were a rock 70 years ago
You can download copy of USA constituion and switch out your shitty government type anytiem eurofags
You lazy Americans didn't even finish the vote count and yet you claimed that Clinton has the majority vote?
God fucking dammit why don't you finish counting the vote Americans? WHY
Ivan has a point
You lost. Get over it, leftie faggot.
Ivan frequently sees the point clear as day.
Maybe it's because they don't have the fucking fluoride in their water.
What do you think the popular vote would look like without welfare recipients and the citizen children of illegal immigrants?
Trump won in a landslide with the people who actually should be allowed to vote
Putted in my terms so you sound like a retard
fixed XD
I'm supporting hillary either, stop projecting this much Sup Forums
i'm not*
You're fucking dumb, the fact that so many different geographical areas supported him shows that he has a lot more to offer for everyone than Shillary.
Having 1 city of 10 mil versus 1000 cities of 10k shows that a much larger geographical area is getting fucked over, further encouraging people to move into the urban centres on the coasts.