Anything election related
Pol humor election edition
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Old but good
Good. They should be afraid.
Ragnar is the man
Ugly yid
The fuck. Trump said nothing about the Jews, Netanyahu himself expressed great relief that he's gonna be POTUS. What the fuck is wrong with these people? How does being republican automatically make you Hitler?
>tfw 17 when first heard about habbo raids from ED
Didn't liberals make fun of conservatives for saying "not my president"?
What is with this cultural appropriation?
Finally learning to assimilate
How far we have come...
And people say old Sup Forums was better
Old Sup Forums had no meme magic and elected no president
What the fuck, look at that neckbearded faggot.
Based Ragnar
heh my sides
And yet another libfuck pussies out of their promises
Honestly, I'm not sure how any New York businessman could not only be successful but also get his own tv show if he was anti-semitic. And isn't his son-in-law Jewish too?
>And isn't his son-in-law Jewish too?
...and therefore his grandsons.
that was a meme though, he does it all the time
>evolutionary dead ends of white supremecy, monoculture and patriarchy
What I want to know is why these people seem to think that society can't function or progress without MUH DIVERSITY being a pillar of it?
White societies and empires have always been at their best when they were straight up white.
Jewishness is inherited after the mother, not the father.
She converted.
And the minute that foreskin is slit you're a jew (or a muzzie).
thanks for ruining it
>afraid for her life
Of all the special snowflake sexual orientations, bisexuality is LITERALLY the tamest, most boring one of them all.
This is OCfrom yesterday from my facebook.
Wasn't that the guy who was ripping the fuck out of Trump and then got triggered?
>talk shit about a guy
>he talks shit back
What's their boner with florida? It's not 2000 anymore and he would've won even without it.
No idea. All my liberal friends have stupid memes complaining about how Florida was a tide turner and calling us stupid when we were called as a red state.
Goes to show how much they really know about the elections, eh?
How fucking dramatic are these people?
last night I was too hype and revealed a bit of my power level
I guarantee half of them didn't even turn out to vote.
They're Generation Histrionics. Millennials doesn't really fit.
maybe just a little
Because all the media outlets said "Drumpf BTFO if he can't even get Florida, may as well give up now"
At least that what they were saying here.
the bitch then replied I was cancer and an annoying asshole and blocked me without even giving me the chance to respond lmao
Homos should fear for their lives, they will surely burn in the fires of Hell
>he doesn't know Movieblob
Someone post his twitter screencaps please, the guy is a grade-A certified lolcow. Believes he's "part of gaming's intelligentsia" because of how progressive-minded he is and because he's obsessed over Mario to the point of missing his grandma's funeral to play it, as he details in his book.
I bet most of these did not even vote or thought they could do it on facebook.
>evolutionary dead-ends
>SJWs are literally using social Darwinism to defend themselves now
It's not even a horseshoe by this point, it's a fucking ring.
It's also the most acceptable since guys think they'll get an FFM threesome out of it unaware that it means 2x as much chance of getting cucked, like that episode of Friends
Hillary actually did well in Liberal cities....
She lost because she didn't pander enough to people with a brain that were tired of the Obama failed legacy and liberal agenda.
> Hell if she would have offered to send herself to Jail if elected, maybe more people would have voted for her.
It's funny how they blame everyone except Hillary for being a shitty candidate.
Authoritarians are authoritarians regardless of who they want to stomp.
You know when u spray a wasp with bug spray and it still flys around and twitches til it dies, the left r the wasp
>anime profile picture
It's like you're a token Sup Forumsack.
>Trump said nothing about the Jews
He talked about (((globalists))) (((foreign banks))) the (((establishment))). and the (((media))).
Honestly can't tell if they think trump supporters are going to murder all muslims, or that girl is just a slut
old Sup Forums was just irrelevant larpers honestly
Anyone got the original?
why is it always THE Hijab. Do these dirty fuckers share the same one?
What's those maniacs have in their mind for next. Ending socialism/keynesianism, conquer Mars... Or more keks and shekels?
We need more before and after pics
Maximum kek
Honestly, a lot of aspects about Sup Forums are better now than they were. I remember 2006 Sup Forums and our shitposting names for fanboys were Xbot, Nintendrone and Sonyfag. Last I heard, having not gone to Sup Forums since 2008, it was Micrococks, Nintenyearold and Sonygger -- those are far more creative than what we had. Childish as they are.
It's swings and roundabouts. The smaller, more niche community was great for those of us that wanted Sup Forums as a breath of fresh air and a break from other things. Anonymity was valued a bit more and you could generally do more here since there was less moderation. Now, moderation is more strict, anonymity is less of a thing, but the things people do are far bigger and grander as it's become more acceptable since the Internet and real life are more integrated. In that way, it's better.
>Civil war / riot / resistance
What are they gonna fight with?
Inter Continental Ballistic Tweets?
Emojii Strike Groups?
Assault likes?
Top kek
>Francesca Ramsay
God. MTV nigger tears are SOOOOO SWEEEET.
The media has been telling them he's Hitler, what you think
>a bit of my power level
you are cringier than the person you replied to
I don't get it. It's the opposite that has been happening. Why do people think that because Trump won, trump supporters will act violently? It's the goddamn liberals freaking out and harrassing.
tfw you will NEVER EVER be anthony burch
Lmao... these people are so triggerd they cant even go to their own protests
Begun? It just ended!
>using > outside of Sup Forums
>the rest of your post
fucking embarrassing
god I can't wait to see what that bitch franchesca has to say in her next video, I think I may die of a salt overdose. this really feels amazing lads, I still can't fully believe it worked out for us,
based pajeet
checked and lost
this makes me so happy, we're finally winning.
Holy shit I'm getting so fucking triggered... Wherever I go I'm reading stuff like this... Fucking butt hurt democrats I wish he does forbid wearing hijabs
I know it's pepe, but this makes me happy
eat a dick I was euphoric ok
I'm so happy these people don't come to Israel.
>kneel before the God Emperor like you have so many other men
>Sasha Grey
Fucking lol
>constitutionally obligated
These retards don't know what the fuck they're talking about, or they're deliberately using mental gymnastics to justify advancing their own naive goals.
I fucked her mom last night.
Sup Forums grew stronger as social media evolved
those were just our baby steps
>tfw we accidently the whole president
but if it is, I fucking want to see these people respond to that. That would be fucking meltdown of the fucking ever in history of humankind. If it is true, like it looks like for now. If fucking all "charity" work and liberalism has been drive towards to keep up that shit, sick fucking fuck that I can not even decipher completely, and I am high IQ fella. These people are not. They would die. Like, they would just drop down dead, without explanation. Empty husks.
That would be...
World would burn.
I would transcend. Even ascend.