What did she mean by this, Sup Forums?
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She is not wrong.
We can of course disagree whether it's a bad or good thing.
look mom im so radical online, man this is some extreme surfing woohoo
>These online groups found young white men at their most vulnerable
Young white men are never "vulnerable" due to their privilege. Someone send her a memo.
She's right.
That's why our society needs to be more tolerant to white males and their culture.
thas rite
Please tell me this guy is a satire account.
Mean words on Sup Forums =/= killing 50 gay people in a night club in Orlando.
also if you have any tips on how to make the threads better, please give those too
White people must radicalize in order to survive.
We are actually endangered minority and if the current trends continue, we will be soon genocided.
>We lost the election because we attacked Whites & blamed all our problems on them
>Let's attack em more, what could go wrong in 2020
These people don't learn
That's sooo absurd....
"We need to break free from the hold of the elite and Hillary was the answer."
being a white male is not an ideology. "radical white man" can mean anything from far left to far right to famous guitarist
If it's white it ain't right -libshit motto
Poetic justice when she gets raped in an alley by a nig, and a white guy walks by with a smug look on his face.
Those evil white men with their memes.
They should prohibit image editing tools and acces to wikipedia stat sheets to counter this internet savagery. Those mass meme postings and public internet humiliations of peaceful liberals can not go on like this.
At this point im not sure if these Sup Forums ironic memes or real life holy shit this is SJW tier mental instability.
I agree with her actually.. just that I don't think it's a bad thing
So she admits that we're smart but never considered that we might be smarter than her?
We just elected Trump president and they still doubt our ability? We're a new global player that at this point is stronger than any single mainstream media outlet.
I'd argue that we're more powerful than Fox News now.
You tell me, Muhammad.
Heres her ted talk, shes redpilled
>black female talking about muh afrikan voices muhfugga
na nigga she bluepill to da hill mhm mhm mhm
She is completely right
This is exactly what the redpill is about
It's more like half a redpill here, cause it's one-sided.
Those girls that go to pua sites are there to learn some lovegame tactics whether or not they can admit to themselves
She isn't wrong
The next question, is how and why the symptoms she outlined appeared, and treat them, instead
of telling us that we don't deserve a scone thought, or anyone's consideration due to some shadow "privledge"
Well, she's not wrong. White youths are radicalizing, but only in reaction to the general left radicalizing through groups like blm.
It's literally their fault.
she's wrong to compare Whites waking up to real demographic issues to Muslims being cooler with blowing shit up
Also it sounds like a justification for more crackdowns on "hate speech". Pisses me the fuck off these people have no fucking soul. Sickos.
Maybe they should try not persecuting white men.
Good... Good Sup Forums
Let the hate flow through you
>Oh godammit, wtf, why did i click on that...
The amount of strenght needed to reach that hole...
But that would hinder the theoretical and unbelievable ultimately progress they are striving so heartily after, user! That's so problematic. We must give these brave Whiteman-haters our blessing!
This. I'm reposting pic related to every "WHITE RADICALS!!1!" post I see today on fagbook and twitter.
Voting Trump is in no way radical. It's just the first step.
Young white men need to be radicalised.
Austria and France next, brother.
How about radicalization of feminists?
>alaskan citizenship
what the absolute fuck
She is actually quite cute.
>giving them the option to hold back on helping to radicalize young whites
wtf don't help them, let them show their shitty evil anti white selves for all to see
but that's different, they're just discovering themselves and fighting the power
Whereas male and white group awareness is 100% psychopathological and oppressively hegemonic, in all cases!
> they are told
Cunt is even unaware, that she just spreads the word.
Shit maybe because white men have been fucked over by the globalist agenda for the last decade.
These are pretty spot on for the most part actually.
> ted
> redpilled
She's right. And it's people like hers' fault.
>shitposting is the same as murder
> who is the one shitposting her or her opponents?
I'm telling you, this tactic doesn't work. Pissing off white people is why trump won and pissing them off more is why he will win in 2020
White people are sick of getting called all the names in the book
except framing it all as LE RISE OF EEEVIL
Sven is right
People who never read the boy who cried wolf, my man
Equating supporting the President Of The United States with Islamic radicalization is one hell of a desperate reach.
Delete this
Too many of you idiots are shitposting in public, out loud
Too bad. World would be a cleaner place.
>promote in-group, out-group preferences with identity politics
>always assign white men to the out-group
>why are white men so opposed to our message?!!
gee, I wonder.
Sup Siyanda?
Actually it was around as long as the Internet as been around and that's waaaay before BLM started.
thx Ms.Mohutsiwa I always knew the alt right was literally worse than ISIS
>i am my own president
The comparison is not that far off. I mean you gotta admit muslims have some legitimate gripes just like white men have legitimate gripes.
Since muslims have no recourse since their governments are so corrupt they go towards radical islam. Same with white men, since there is no centrist political group they go towards the anti-sjw, alt-right, white nationalist type groups since they're the only ones who acknowledge SJW/social justice/radicial feminism/anti-white/anti-male agenda is even a thing.
Just like liberals say stop bombing muslims countries to stop creating more terrorists they should take that principal and apply it to angry white men. Stop this attack against "white privilege" towards people who just want to play vidya and be left alone.
Is she honestly comparing guys who voted for Trump and post memes online with religious fundamentalists who regularly murder and rape?
This bitch thinks everything boils down to guys not getting the pussy. That is undoubtedly a factor, but we did not decide to tell you to fuck off so that we can grab your retarded pussies
The reason why Trump won was because of the gutted VRA and a good chunk of people not voting.
>This election was literally worse than World War 2
>Radicalized Muslims
>Blow stuff up
>Radicalized white males
White genocide when?
Racism against white males is allowed and accepted. You need to understand that the non-white majority of the world hate you. All Whites who join with them are traitors helping taking part in the destruction and genocide of white Western Civilization
>half of the US is white men with STEM degrees from elite institutions
God I hope Bernardi gets elected here one day, just for the rectal ravaging.
Hello, do you have a moment to talk about young black males radicalization among gangs?
100% correct. Any rejected and downtrodden group of people will seek solace and purpose elsewhere.
Struggling white men have been told endlessly that they don't matter, their opinions don't matter, that they are the problem, that they didn't earn anything, that they are priveliged to work a shitty job and barely afford to get by.
Even now crying sjws are writing us off as everything-ist and stupid and wrong and unimportant. They still don't realise that this was our fuck you, our cry for help.
It's true. What the left has done is to provoke the most powerful demographic to ever exist and now they're surprised the establishment and the cuck paradise they have been trying to create is already being destroyed.
is not black gang murders at an all time high? 4k dead this year in just chicago. some gang members may have killed 20 people themselves. are they not terrorizing the community?
Wait, do you think we have been memeing about white genocide this whole time?
If so. dude... Open your fucking eyes
>get demonized for being uneducated while working in a skilled trade
>get demonized for going to a prestigious school for STEM
you just can't fucking win lads
b-but you need to be a bear to qualify for alaskan citizenship
inability to grasp sarcasm is a sign of autism user.
Seriously though its all just shitposting to rustle jimmies, I don't think anyone here legitimately believes Sup Forums memes about destroying all non whites. At least not anymore. /new/ was pretty serious though. Sup Forums is just satire.
she's right
How does she tell if somebody's white online?
They use correct grammar and spelling.
They post about things other than racism and dick size.
>That pic
You really should start paying attention. People like you are the reason that Canada is irreparably fucked.
nice one
Radicalization of black Christians in ghetto is even worse, constant rapes and murders. Radicalized white man online is doing it for better society, not to sell drugs to hookers.
Those stupid crackers are so racist, that I want to kill them.
Nothing wrong with having radical beliefs unless you harm others with them.
You can hate BLM, third wave feminism and importing shitloads of people with no papers and still not be a white nationalist.
>USA of America
What the actual fuck
that's a good summary. he's like the rare university guy who tells the incoming class that they will not have safe spaces and will have to confront opposing ideas.
that's why trump was elected. all the nonsense blaming evil white men for everything under the sun. dragging trayvon and mike brown's moms up onto the stage at the democratic national convention was a perfect example.
She is talking about the radicalization of white men online.
If you don't think she is right step back a bit and actually look at Sup Forums.
Where did I mention white nationalism?