Is France next lads? Do we meme Marine into presidency?

Is France next lads? Do we meme Marine into presidency?

No, she will lose in the second round against the right wing candidate.

I think she do it herself. Because of this arabian shit in Paris etc.

France is a lost cause.

How the fuck could you possibly be conservative and vote for a woman?

Hopefully not, letting women rule anything besides the kitchen always ends in a fucking disaster.

Ok she's a woman but it's the last hope for save our country !
Im done with these fucking Niggers / muslims

Thatcher was great.

yes sadly, please russia invade us

Depends on the one.
Stop being so pessimist.

Theresa May isn't looking too shabby either.

>Juppé vs Le Pen
She might win.
>Sarkozy vs Le Pen
Sarkozy will probably win.

Just like in the States, our democracy is so fucked and people so uneducated that 2017 will be our "corrupt establishment vs retarded populism" election.

I'm ashamed that our country sucks as much as the States politically speaking now.

I want Nicolas Hulot to save this country.

Because that woman have balls maybe? In my point of view french men are like women, they are ready to give their asses to nazi, muslims, anyone.

Well, Sarkozy wants the FN voters to vote for him.
If he's against her, he'll probably lose tb(h), people remember how much of a jew he is. And people won't be able to use the "raycist" thing, as both will have similar public views.

>Sarkozy will probably win.
Oh please, even that incompetent slug Hollande only got into office because he's not Sarkozy.

Le Pen vs Hollande is the best case scenario.
Le Pen vs Sarkozy is the second best, still winnable, scenario.

Sarkozy is France's Clinton: part of the corrupt establishment with a history of power and connections.

>I want Nicolas Hulot to save this country.

I hope you're kidding. Beside greenwashing and sucking Bruxelles dick EELV doesn't do anything, ecology is just a way to beg votes for them.

>"riots" seen from a French PoV
college students and hippies are beat up on sight by the police (which voted 54% far right last elections)
>"riots" as they're used by the media of fearmongering countries that are after Middle-Eastern oil
LE CALIPHAT OF FRANCE XD dude those dirty niggers are stealing and raping everything, there is almost no civilization left in France!

Meanwhile, we're still a low-key police state with Parisian bourgeoisie keeping everyone else down.

I hate those fucking anglo retards memes about France.

no. you guys are cucked off the charts. i created cool memes for you guys just to be called a nigger for no actual reason. I just did it because of Sartre, Derrida, Descartes,Lacan and many others. You guys fucked up pretty hard.

>>Juppé vs Le Pen
>She might win.
You're insane, it's impossible for her to win. There isn't a single scenario where Juppé would lose if he's the candidate for the front republicain. Sarkozy needs to defeat him.

France is beyond help. Germany and Sweden too.
There is absolutely no hope for you. Within a few generations your nations will be gone.

>Sarkozy is France's Clinton: part of the corrupt establishment with a history of power and connections.

I'm not pro-populism because I've got a brain and an education, but I just hope Le Pen is elected so everyone realizes how much of a dumb joke she is and get overthrown one year later.

VIème République when?

>implying Environnement and Europe aren't more important for the well-being of the French people than le rapefugees meme and sucking Russia's dick


>huehue in charge of knowing which Euro country is cucked
>so cucked in his worldview himself ends up spooting the anglo retards memes he read on Sup Forums
All that irony.

It has to happen.
If there's one place where frog magic is real, then it has to be France.

How does the environment pose a direct problem to us? We're getting assaulted right now by fucking niggers and mudshits, I'd rather dispose of them than think about something that might or not happen far in the future.

She's more likely to win against Sarkozy than Juppe.

That cross. The cross of my family. Rise up brothers!

I'm not pessimist, I don't want her as a president, she's an illiberal scum.

Ta gueule!


You don't get it, environment is very important if not the most important of all things. And that's precisely why you shouldn't vote for EELV. I mean, Nicolas Hulot is sponsored by Total. His party want to stop nuclear energy in 30 years (a void promise since a presidential mandate is 5 year long). They're just green painted ultra liberals.

I don't know France seemed kinda cucked for a long time.
Look at their football team from the early 2000s same amount of blacks and shit.

But i don't think people should judge them only based on the Ile-de-France region

actually i know that for a fact.
>> be a hue monkey born and raised in Hell de janeiro.
>>grow up in the midle of drug war.
>>keep afraid of being robbed.
>>one day goes to france to know one of the cultural centers of the world.
>> get your phone stolen by a group of backs in paris subway.
I was never robbed in brazil. Go to france once, get robbed.
T. Reality.

Environment? Stop listening to EELV. We're clean because of nuclear power plants. If we switch to wind farm we would need coal power plants for peak loads. It's a fucking stupid idea.

No, there's Austria first.

>VIème République when?

Beside, I think that's precisely what Mélenchon wants to do.

Holy shit how dense are you? Did a refugee rape your mom or something? Are you on the street right now because of riots destroying your business?
If not, why are you even complaining? Because you follow Sup Forums's and FN's pro-Russia propaganda? The corrupt Parisian media and its control-freakish fearmongering?
If you actually want to help your country start thinking for yourself.

In the meantime, Environnement is a huge fucking deal, the main reason Humanity is fucked right now is because we forgot we were part of a fucking interconnected environment. We waste soils, we waste resources, because we don't care. And yet, if the planet dies, we die.

Didn't know about that, thanks for the precision.

There was a "MEGA general yesterday evening - I doubt we would get enough activity through the night, but it'll start up soon-ish.

Either way, we already have plans to meme several things into existence - first is austrias vote in a month, an italian referendum, and a few others. It still is in the project planning phase though, so don't expect the same "quality" yet that we normaly see in the trump & CF generals

We can comfortably say that Sarkozy is out mate.

Eelv? Ultraliberal? Are you nuts? They're further on the left of Melenchon.

>she's an illiberal scum.
Reminder that when France is blacked and/or caliphated beyond repair, there won't be French liberal ever again.

French politicians don't care, when they'll be done with sucking France dry, they will take a jet to their fiscal paradise and smack whores' asses and sniff cocaine for the rest of their life. Meanwhile you'll be fucked.

Even a guy like Stefan Molyneux could realize that the brown horde will in the end destroy every political traditions of the white nations.

Why can't you?

That's actually pretty funny.

You grew up in Brazil Hell and got robbed on your first day in France?

Aren't you a bit fit, or at least street-savvy?

I'm a lanky white nerd and I never got robbed either in Paris or rural France.

>Aren't you a bit fit, or at least street-savvy?

Pickpocketers specifically target foreign-looking people who think they can completely relax in the métropolitain. Sneaky scum.

Honestly, I think Macron is going to rise too. This will probably end up being LR vs FN, though...
Fuck neo-liberalists, they're just driving France further into the ground. FN isn't really a great party, but it's the best available right now.

Well, at least immigration will be easier for me if they lose, I guess.

Allez vous faire enculer, elle passera jamais.

>he believes thatcher was a great prime-minister

Reminder that if you think Immigrants are France's main issue and that being sidekicks to Russia is a desirable outcome, you're cucks and traitors to your country, and De Gaulle would piss on you without even giving you the time of the day.


Sup Forums, FN, use the rapefugee meme because Russian propaganda. Putin wants legitimacy when he raids the middle east and eastern europe.

Parisian media uses le rapefugee meme because they support the corrupt establishment and police state.

Maybe if we stop getting military involved abroad when it's just about the States or Russia getting more oil, that kind of shit will stop?

Because we've build Jeanne d'Arc into the fucking traditionalist ethos of the country. Regardless French traditionalists are a dead end anyway. They get to power and then bend over before the medef and the EU commission. We need radicals. If anything has the gusto to ride the populist wave it'll probably be the brown/reds at this point.

Yes she was, the UK was about to need IMF help before she took over and clean their shit.

>implying should care about De Gaulle long dead ass

I travel a lot, lived in france repeatedly and honestly, the electoral landscape is almost retardedly easy to draw. But the social dynamics are impossible to wrap your head around.

The contradictions will start weighting very heavy on the system, very soon.

yeah, i think i let my guard down. i felt safe there.

>Pickpocketers specifically target foreign-looking people who think they can completely relax in the métropolitain. Sneaky scum.
Yeah that's why they constantly air adverts about pickpockets in 4 languages.
Who even completely relax on the Parisian subway anyway? It's filled with strangers and filth.

>implying De Gaulle wasn't a great leader for France's renown and sovereignty on par with Napoléon

There is no neo-liberalist in France, all of them are socialists scum, even the right wing doesn't want to cut into the generous social programs.

Is this the first time you've gone on vacation? Tourists are always a prime target in tourist traps. That's why in every even remotely touristic area, you're constantly reminded to watch out for pickpockets.

Yes, immigrants are France's main issue, not the only one, but the main one.

In a handful of decades, France will cease to exist because there won't be any French left.
And the people replacing us won't even feel sorry for our disappearance, they will spit on our memory and write us off the history books like the anti-European civilization iconoclasts they are.

Cut it out with that Russia, police state, oil, poor third worlders BS. None of these matter if we are restricted from perpetuating our identity.

The French eat frogs though.

>t. brainwashed white trash who changes sidewalk when colored people come his way and takes out his insecurity by believing in a fantasy where they're out to kill him, while Paris shits on his face


i'm sorry 4 the gypsies desu
your politicians knew that would be a problem though and they didn't care.
we kinda warned about it pre 2007 EU joining.
a small filter like a small visa and shit would have ensured quality people came in.

Yes. We need right-wing nationalist governments across the West. Next up to bat is Le Pen.

we can do it. Sup Forums could join forces with board

You know both the MEDEF and socialists have been supporting frances open door policy for the past 40 years. The elite shits on his face with migrants bra.

I don't give a shit if the christianity and banettes start becoming less common. The isn't a french ideology, a credible program incorporating humanist and virile values to which welcome what migrants we have.

So you get shit communautarianism growing, and cometing with the local workforce for gov handouts and jobs.

Fuck liberal ideology honestly, it can spawn thinkers but rarely men.

>they're out to kill him
Did I say that? They don't need to kill us. They just need to multiply. They are like those invasive species that, when taken out of their natural environment, grow exponentially, fucking up everything around them.

Do Asian hornets care that they are messing with the environmental balance in France? Do they conspire against France? Of course they don't, yet they multiply because they no longer have the restrains of their natural environment.

Do you really think France isn't increasingly becoming neo-liberal on the economical level?

Social programs are good. They are the main thing that allowed France to stomach the 2008 crisis and leave relatively unscathed.

>In a handful of decades, France will cease to exist because there won't be any French left.
My parents studied in France and they always felt life was better under the UMP rather than the PS...

At least ask the 18-25 if you do that. No underage shit.

It's called anti-américanisme primaire and trust me, good ol' gaules are probably much better at it then fucking Mahmoud right there.

Seriously, when did JVC become the french Sup Forums?

There is more Leftists and Mehmet pouring in each day passing. is a lost cause.

They've always been lulzy (cf. guerres sur drawball entre JVC et Sup Forums), it just that there's been a lot of overlap between the two communities recently (at least that's what it looks like to me).

There was a time when the slightest mention of Sup Forums would be met with a ban.

You don't need to feel sorry for that. We brought this on ourselves by electing corrupted fucks without any conviction.

> (You)
>Do you really think France isn't increasingly becoming neo-liberal on the economical level?
Lol no.
>Social programs are good. They are the main thing that allowed France to stomach the 2008 crisis and leave relatively unscathed
And all the taxes and debt that fund that prevents any growth of the economy. Worse, key sectors like police and justice are underfunded because everything is diverted to social programs, thus felons are roaming free.

>My parents studied in France and they always felt life was better under the UMP rather than the PS...
There is no more difference between the UMP and the PS. They don't even try to pretend there is anymore.

the only way is to meme Mélenchon (far left) into the second round against her. then victory is assured. so start postin your commie pepes

>And all the taxes and debt that fund that prevents any growth of the economy.
Le trou de la sécu se bouche, non?

>Worse, key sectors like police and justice are underfunded because everything is diverted to social programs, thus felons are roaming free.
That's a key part of the FN's program that I like. Seriously, removing more than 10k police officer jobs? What the fuck, Sarko.

that site is ultimate cancer, worse than reddit

Yeah, Jesus Christ. When will people realise that bullshit.

The FN is stalked with a bunch of troglodytes but at least theres one or two guys with a brain on top.

Christine Laguarde litterally just waltzed into the IMF presidency after international dicker Strauss-Khan got ejected.

They're litterally interchangeable from a political economy standpoint.

which one are you?

They are different brand of anti-américanisme in France:
-leftists hating the US because "muh capitalist imperialism"
-extreme right because "muh Serbs", "muh culture", "muh evil Zionists"
-Arabs because "muh Palestinian kids"
All of them are hypocrites. The rest of the French population just think about the US what the media tell them to think (i.e. Black president, good US, White male president, bad US).

Still, french Sup Forumstards are not anti-Americans, especially this week.

>Le trou de la sécu se bouche, non?
Lol, never will.

>That's a key part of the FN's program that I like.
That's a keypoint of every right wind candidate bar one

I was like : who tha fuck will target a shitskin hue br monkey ?

Dude, French elections are simple. Two candidates oppose one another until one surrenders.

I like how fearmonging news all around the world make it seem like there were huge riots when it was literally nothing.
Same thing everytime

Great jpg argument about le muslim boogeyman mate!
Being pissed at retard isn't being butthurt.

The problem I see with this arab boogeyman mentality is that it's forgetting about France's colonial past and the fact some Algerian are even more French than our own white trash. When people find an excuse to see themselves as superior they stop actually improving themselves.

Good patriotic citizens can be of any color or shape for religion, because it doesn't influence their chances of being good patriotic citizens.

The elite doesn't care about making them good citizens because it's the opposite of maintaining the pyramidal power status-quo.

If we get rid of the elite, we can stop being politically correct/incorrect about it and actually start making pragmatic decisions.

ALSO HOW THE FUCK is being anti-american a bad thing? They're a third world police state filled up the ass with propaganda about them being the good guys and meanwhile, their foreign policy is "gimme that! take our money and be our bitch!" and their obesity rate is 33%

France has the chance of being able to stay sovereign but I see most of you guys would rather suck a big foreign dick.

>pic related is me, I'm ugly as fuck but at least I'm a white French/Italian/Swiss nerd with a Pastor father. More than most of people arguing about France here can say.

In my country we already had gipsy problems, and niggers, and rapefugees. But since we are poor and after a while the welfare is cut (you are given money for a while until you get a job, and if you don't after the time limit, it is cut by a certain percentage), we still are mainly white, unlike most of western europe


Yeah because everyone who is not a bourgeois is a fascist weakling, right?

>environment meme
>polllution meme

Dude it's time to stop

If you overlook the racial component of the extreme right and the Palestinian cause. It's all back to criticizing capitalist imperialism. The material determinism and class counscience are still probably stronger in france than in most place even if we sprouted the fucking post-modernists and identity poll is starting to rear it's ugly head.

I mean even look at the Indigene the la républic, even they can't rid themselve of materialist theory.

Yes, let us meme her to the Elysée

There are more ways of being socially and politically useless than these two

Seriously, go educate yourself and stop publicly shaming your country.

pic related should be reminded to every French voting socialist.
Pascal Lamy, member of the socialist party, received in 2009 at Toronto the "Globalist award":
>To liberalize the economy, you need to be a Leftist, the Right is too ashamed to do it.

You forgot about the most relevant kind of anti-américanisme, opposition to US hegemony. The act of getting back into NATO and scrapping land-based nuclear systems really undermines France's sovereignty, in my opinion.

maybe except Lisbon
gypsies are a plague even here
most western eu countries don't understand that.

you have to go back that .png isn't fooling anyone ahmed

im going to need an explanation on how france elections work first

die you fucking shitskin, hang yourself

Reminder that if you don't see any problem with immigration then you are either a kike or a goatfucker

On a pas encore trouvé les no-go zones parisiennes dont l'existence a été clamée haut et fort les médias anglo-saxons?

>No, she will lose in the second round against the right wing candidate.
isn't that good anyways?

>you have to go back that .png isn't fooling anyone ahmed
>die you fucking shitskin, hang yourself
>you are either a kike or a goatfucker
Sorry, can't hear you over how easy it is to fuck 10/10s when you're a tall nerdy white guy

I think you're delusionnal if you think MLP can get into the presidency.
The political system and election system is completely different from the US. Even if she might win popular vote at first, she's going to lose against Juppé second round.

Dude the anti-américanisme is dear to my heart you've seent he fucking polling to frenchmen about who they think most influenced the end of the war.

And yeah, Like i said, who gives a shit about cultural flourish. Civilisation stands on ideas and effort. And there's no-one capable of organizing a project like that at the momment. Arguably the first step is to block immigration, double efforts for naturalisation of those already here and then move forward with diminished inter-cultural divisions.

>it's forgetting about France's colonial past
Yeah it's not like we're reminded about it every other day (or everyday during elections).
>ome Algerian are even more French than our own white trash
Some fish flies, what's your point?
>The elite doesn't care about making them good citizens because it's the opposite of maintaining the pyramidal power status-quo.
You can integrate individuals but you can't integrate people. There is currently too many of people too distant to our culture to assimilate them. Even if we closed the borders for a century.
>France has the chance of being able to stay sovereign but I see most of you guys would rather suck a big foreign dick.
Strawman argument here. I don't like Poutinolatre more than you do.

poll tax... nah