If you were a (((globalist))), what would your next move be?
If you were a (((globalist))), what would your next move be?
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Nuking Australia
Soros moved too quickly he wanted to see the result of his globalism in his lifetime so now he's panicking and hoping to incite enough rides to where Obama will declare martial law
The only flaw with his planet is Trump supporters have guns and Hillary supporters don't unless the military does a complete 180 and completely supports Obama and it takes away the Trump supporters guns
This will backfire heavily and you'll end up with with a lot of Dead leftists and after that they will back down completely as they don't have any backbone
The American Experiment failed.
Time to dump USA and move onto next project.
Build Mechagodzilla
To foment trouble and strife in america with paid protesters in the hope of getting an over reaction from the authorities and maybe have civil law imposed.
Double down on media control before Trump uncucks it.
We are going to have TV shows and films have social commentary even more heavy handed than it is currently and we are going to see another wave of political music being promoted.
I actually don't think they anticipated this, maybe they thought their rigging was enough to secure the victory and they don't have a plan B so right now their best bet is to mobilise and start working on a plan.
If Trump were assassinated the centre-right would become militiant far-right, and I think leftys would not be in a position to protest so I wouldn't place your bets on Pence being an establishment plant.
Mobilise Secret China, which exists 5 miles beneath Regular China
Need to see which option is cheaper between:
1. Assassinating Trump and buying out Pence
2. Manipulation/controlling Trump and his stab
3. False flag attacks, provoke controlled chaos
I don't know how Trump and/or Pence is in private, so these options are open until further information is known.
4. Focus attention on EU, make sure it doesnt fall apart.
4.1. Destroy EU nationalist parties.
4.2. Give EU a single army that listens only to Globalist managers in Brussel, which we then control.
4.3 Get UK back into the EU.
bend over and kiss the floor
These riots are the best possible thing for Trump at the moment, the left are embarassing themselves in the eyes of the majority of people.
Celebrate Trump's victory because my Protege Steven Mnuchin will be the Secretary of the Treasury.
Prepare for America to be made great again.
Think of a well armed ira.
Should've been done a while ago tbqhwyfamalam
>military does a complete 180 and completely supports Obama
There's a reason they've worked so hard to fill up the armed forces with women and homosexuals, and have replaced the Generals and SecDef with cucks and faggots.
Well most of them are incestuous madmen, I doubt it's going to be a logical move.
I'd put money on them using the fear of a financial crisi, I doubt one will actually happen, to discredit anything trump does. This of course will backfire as time and time again it doesn't manifest.
I also think they will draw their lackeys closer, getting them whipped up into a rage saying asinine shit to try and whip up their blind followers in an attempt to gain popular control. In reality, I think this will just make them easier to identify and push normal people away from them.
I'm hoping this doesn't happen not least because I'm a Trump supporter. But my one word answer would be Assassination.
fear of death is making the old make stupid mistakes and the young feel untouchable - while they're only safety are the shadows they hide in
they have at least three plans all running at the same time
if plan A fails, then plan B will quickly catch up, and again a plan C if that fails
I think I would try to make Trump look like a bad president. fuck up the economy, start some shit that nobody could handle and blame him ect.
American Spring
He's doing it already.
1. Pence can't be bought. In fact he would be even worse for the globalist agenda. Trump knew this from the beginning and that's why he was chosen to be VP so soros wouldn't try any assassination trickery.
2. Not possible.
3. Good for flexing muscles but not very effective at shifting the control of memetics away from us.
4. Most likely plan. The next likely course of action will be major attempts to censor the internet in Europe (impossible in America at this point).
Holy fuck you're right
Anyone else seeing a fuckton of ads for this piece of shit movie?
Hurry the EU unification before ids doo lade
This except Soros doesn't know nigs and problem glasses dykes really are incompetent subhumans and sending them cheques isn't going to change anything.
it hasn't yet failed
it was merely delayed
i would give to stupid goys a little hope, they would belive they are safe , they are won, but actually system would keep works
Start moving in on Trump and pozzing him as much as possible
They will try to censor and destroy Sup Forums or anything that get in their ways. It will be harder to win compare to our victory with Trump and Brexit.
I think it's pretty clear that those EU nations which has the biggest problem with immigrants and refugees also are under the most influence of the Globalists. Even in Sweden we're under control largely by one rich Jewish family that owns all of the media.
How can they keep pushing for multicultarism without the masses beginning to wake up, which has already happened in America?
Crashing EU, with no survivors!
more fluoride
Denmark is just jealous that the most competent (((globalist))) they could come up with are pic related :^)
Riggining or trying to rig another significant country elections
Turn the fuck heel and side with nationalism during a EU meeting
Trump winning was part of his plan.
my next move would be to stand down in January and let Trump become the president of the USA
Option A:
- Mobilize Wall Street to fuck up the global economy and blame it on Trump.
- Destroy Trump's credibility via MSM.
- Try mobilize Canada and Mexico to try to declare war on USA.
- Incite riots.
- False flagging terrorist attacks in USA.
Option B:
- Convince Trump he'll be alone if he doesn't sellout.
>Implying he hasn't yet sellout
- Profit
Option C:
- Convince one of Trump's friends to carry on with NWO plans.
- Hope this guy to become Vice President.
- Kill Trump
speculation about WALL STREET
massive protests
school closings
making this con
Internet censorship will slow down the spread of nationalism, and limit the effectiveness of meme magic. This would be especially effective if done under the guise of abolishing "hate speech." We'll likely see a broadening of the range of what falls under the hate speech umbrella as well as harsher penalties for violations.
Then, with control of the memetics/propaganda, it's simple to alienate the nationalist parties.
The only way to fight back, of course, is to either prevent the censorship of the internet or ensure that the citizens of the targeted countries are aware of ways to subvert it.
please do
I am REALLY hoping this Trump win will resonate here and finally silence the prog left which is an absolute plague here
by 8 years. That's good enough.
Really wouldn't recommend that
Tell Yellen to raise the interest rates and blame the economic downturn on Trump
What are your thoughts on Trumps stance with regards to the internet?
If I remember its not under American control any longer but I bet he wished he could control it, which means the next Potus will be able to as well.
Current plan is keep up the nazi and fear mongering. Plan and organize riots to disable effective community planning and to force trump to design a very good law and order state for a democrat to take over later.
In the short-term
>funnel money to extremist opposition to Trump
>direct media to report fear and uncertainty in the face of the election
>profit from the speculative chaos in the markets
In the long-term
>stack the new Republican House and Senate with pro-interventionism Republicans (possibly done already)
>bend the new administration's ear to interventionism in ME-NA or the east, on economic and national security grounds
>profit from the conflict and offer the blood spilled to whatever entity told me to act as its instrument on this plane.
spread hatred under the guise of love, the millenials are too pathetic to achieve any sort of rebellion though, they might have to leverage BLM
Start grooming ivana for 2028/32 and get her on your side. A female president is the key.
In the meantime just hold on to the fed and try to get trump to spend as much money as he can and build debt
Of course the nu-Sup Forums plebbitors think Soros is the puppet master, he is merely a puppet in a greater scheme that no-one could ever fully imagine. You think this wasn't all carefully planned and crafted from the beginning?
trump might be too old for a second term
to clarify - if they cant remove trump quickly by force they will try and make it seem as though his presence is unacceptable by causing widespread disruption, economic damage, making people wish they could just go back to how things were with obama
If that was the case they wouldn't have let him win in the first place.
I think they will focus on winning the next election. Perhaps Michelle Obama will stand.
Considering the Internet was pivotal to his success and to the future of anti-globalism Trump likely supports keeping the Internet uncensored and will certainly employ meme warfare again in the future for advancing his policies. America did lose control of DNS management but that's not too big of a deal.
They are going to continue what they have been doing. But they are going to push back hard now that Trump won.
They are going to focus on the internet since they already own all the traditional media, i.e. the internet is the big threat. Two big points:
1. Continue to push the PC Culture so that we will censor each other (on the internet and IRL).
2. Continue to manipulate the algorithms of social media companies to push the (((globalist))) narrative. They are also going to try to change certain narratives by infiltrating places like Sup Forums.
Culture and controlling/influencing the narrative is the key and they are of course linked... All narratives together is the change of the culture.
Go on with my life. In 4 years globalization will still have increased despite what you think will happen
China/Eurabian Empire by continuing to flood democracies in europe with muslims while militarizing a billion african invaders using chinese communism
Also build a south american superpower somehow
The age of whiteman is over
Now is the age of the jew
If you control the cultural narrative you determine what is a socially acceptable opinion.
Culture is the key. The left has understood this and that is one of the reasons why they have been so successful.
(((They))) just lost big.
It is only over when the white man gives up or when the last white genes gets polluted.
yes they did
which is why the meme war is not over until the Rothschilds and Soros are hanging and europe is uncucked
And the wind is changing. I can even feel it here in Sweden and we have been cucked for a long time.
Be wary of people trying to convince you that it is over. These people are most likely (((globalists))) trying to make you give up and stay cucked.
Why arent you goys being true DeKEKtives then?
Bring down the Cabal or die
Get all the media cash that trump will make you after you got him elected
They're out of touch with the young generation and outnumbered by those who understand us, and they know this. Memetics relies on ideas to resonate with the individual in order to be successful and spread. If there are conflicting ideas, whichever idea resonates more is the one which will propagate. Which is why I think censorship is the next logical step before 1 and 2 as you mentioned. If they can prevent as many people as possible from being exposed to nationalist memes they can spin the narrative however they like with their own globalist memes as there will be less chance of a more highly resonating idea swimming around in the minds of the common people.
Slowing warping MAGA values under the pretense of offering an olive branch and the whole nation of immigrants bs.
Put on a stranglehold on France, Germany, Sweden, and other Western Europe states so they remain cucks. Stomp out any chances of right-wing uprising.
What next move ? white genocide is still full in effect , gass the blacks ?
To me, it's invest in chinas new military industrial complex. They are going to go apeshit like the left in the states. They will annex countries while crying they are the victim.
What about our loss of ICANN due to president nigger?
>soros trying to consult the people who outplayed him for instructions
Nice try, my jewish friend.
Also darkskinned Eurabia is rising
The globalists still have plenty of puppets after the US petrodollar crashes
Normalisation of pedophilia and necrophilia
I'll radicalize the left.
Yeah that's smart, continue what they're doing. Sure worked out well in US/UK!
They better start to listen.
Undermine trump's administration, get him to lose the reelection or maybe even be impeached.
They have plenty of time to formulate a plan before he's inaugurated.
>they used to think it was a joke
>they are not laughing anymore
Damn these billionaire globalist sure are stupid being outsmarted by a bunch of internet dwellers
You would think they would be on here manipulating opinions if they were so smart and keeping the left vs right narrative alive and well
At this point, realize that the centrist establishment is being blamed for everything wrong with the world, and start getting left-wing political outsiders to come in and take the fight to Trumpist right-wing political outsiders.
nothing, Trump is already in my pockets
Consolidate power in europe
Try to work with Trump
Assassinate him if it doesn't work out
Alternatively, instigate revolution by liberals
Use this failed revolution to bolster government - and by extension globalist - power
Assassinate Trump in the chaos of the revolution
Now in an even more secure position within the US government
Pence is a fucking politician
Just take out Trump and the globalists win
Full scale chemtrail
stage a fake coup in america using paid contractors. Then make a fake video where trump supporting soldiers torture them and rape the coup militants.
Best option at this point, we can't stop it because we're not expecting something that ridiculous
Kind of weird how such a rich man's plan backfired
If anything it motivated the Trump voters.
What a fucking dunce.
He plays both sides don't be fooled. He wins either way.
indeed. The only way to stop the jew is by killing them. ALL OF THEM
next step is US vs Palestine and Iran.
Wating for 2018
They are. They're just outnumbered.