Could it be for real?
Could it be for real?
isn't trump an atheist
Trumps lifestyle has little to do with Protestantism, desu.
Can I get a source on those portaits? Have they also made one of my waifu, Frauke?
Trump is the handsomest amongst all
Checked rare
Won't Putin be out of office soon? I mean, he's been ruling since the Bill Clinton era...
>holy alliance
>cucking poland out of the game
>defender of europe
yes but first we have to kill all the slavs in russia
nedocheloveki alkashniye bespolezniye paraziti
suka Tupaya Rossiya s Kitayem, pizdui k pindosam snejnii negr vodka pyushii
/r/ing the glowing eyes image with all the leaders.
Trump is whatever gets him the most power, same with Putin. Just gangs using their utilities, that's all politics for you
trump strikes me as a Agnostic Thesis
The Holy Alliance of 1815 was founded for the sole purpose of maintaining the Status Quo. A modern day "Holy Alliance" would have Merkel at its head. Trump and Le Pen would be the Jacobins and Bonapartists of the era.
But it uses the word "holy" so uneducated memelords think it's cool by default.
hes a kekist. he's going to purge all the molochcucks and that includes christcucks.
in 2018 Poklonskaya replace him
Komu ti pizdish.
Shoigu budet president, nahuya baba glava gosudarstva. Tebie v San Francisco pora
That's gay
Nah. LePen has 0 chance of winning the next election.
We have no credible candidates on the left, and the only one popular enough to win the 2nd turn is Jupe : a right-centrist that not really known for liking drastic measure or being any redpilled.
Unless there is a muslim attack daily until election day, I can't see any extreme-right candidate win in France, sadly.
>Nah. LePen has 0 chance of winning the next election
They said Trump wouldn't win the primaries either.
Don't let me down frogs. We'll lend you the power of Kek if you'd be willing to translate memes for us.
The alliance was founded for to prevent bloody "revolutions", as it is now against cultural marxism.
How I would wish an alliance that puts cooperation between the Christian powers ,but France isn't a christian power anymore.
These politicians align on a vision of the world, but actual Christian politics has little to do with it.
He represents that very entrepreneurial, productive Protestantism tho. The one of Henry Ford and industrious America,England and Germany.
His term ends in 2018 (and he can go for another one if he wants)
How many terms can he have?
Unlimited because majority of Russian people don't care for a despotic regime, it's really easy to fool them into compliance.
All that Putin needs to do is get richer and make his friends even more rich by saying that he does it for "the Nation", he has total control over the media so its very easy to manipulate Russians, far easier than it is American.
2 in a row, 6 years every. We don't have words "can be President only 2 times in his life" so at first Putin was president 2000-2004, 2004-2008, then Medvedev replaced him for 1 term (2008-20012), then Putin was elected again and we changed our Constitution so Presidential term was prolonged from 4 to 6 years. Putin's """"first"""" term (3rd to be right) ends in 2018 and he can try again.
Subhuman liberal scum.
They will make the white man great again.
> They said Trump wouldn't win
... true.
Biggest problem is that LePen is no Trump. She is pretty bland and mild in her propositions - her entire work as FN leader was to "normalize" the party ideology and image.
Trump had enough charisma and exuberance to generate enthusiasm out of nowhere, and on 2nd turn he was opposed to someone hated by more or less everyone.
LePen doesn't have any of those boons, so we would need massive amount of meme power to get her off the ground.
France also tend to be borderline commie - extreme-right-ish stuff is thus even further away from most voters than it is in the US.
But sure, translating shit won't be hard.
Both of you are fags.
Kadyrov will be next president.
Yeah but they were all BTFO'd by a couple of little dirty kikes going by the name Rothschild.... would just happen again.
>Nah. LePen has 0 chance of winning the next election.
Polls predict Le Pen will make the second round. From there it's all about who she's up against. If Sarkozy runs for LR, it's in the bag. If Juppé runs, it gets interesting but is by no means a lost cause.
This, i'm tired of the autists fapping on this gal. Sure she's cute, but as a president? Fuck you, retards! Shoigu is the most likely replacement atm
Dearest Comrade, cultural marxism IS the status quo. Trump isn't trying to prevent anything, it's too late. We need to fix it.
Russian racism would not give tuvinian become president.
Poklonskaya is ideal candidate for all.
Serious question: why are we memeing france when it seems to be pretty much irredeemable. Two of the largest terror attacks and they're still cucked. Also Paris is essentially Little Algeria now.
Meme the AfD.
Jewish lies
Poklonskaya can be president like Medvedev.
with gray eminence behind
Germany you brought a plague on all of Europe. You have no right to talk shit to France.
Easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle and all that.
Yes, and its about fucking time the right started doing it.
Nah, if we want to win, we need a landslide. 2nd round would be like NF vs ALL.
Nah, tuvinian isn't a boogey nation, so most won't care. But i don't see Shoigu as a president giving his reputation of a silent "get the job done" guy.
Who did the artwork for the bottom row of portraits? Aside from making trump look too young they look good
Don't worry, we will fuck them over
Russians do not care about "boogie nations", he are notrussian, and that all.
Hopefully not. Le Pen is garbage.
lol no, Western Europe has lost it's loyalty to Christ a long time