How long until we get the results for the last three states and the final popular vote count? Why is it taking them more than 2 fucking days to get on with it?
How long until we get the results for the last three states and the final popular vote count...
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they don't want to show the landslide victory
Still searching for Shillary votes in Mexico.
Never because she lost huge in electoral and presumably in popular too
Is this it? 100% counted in Michigand Arizona put him over 300. Why is absolutely no one updating the tally? Weird.
They laughed at the proposition of him getting 270.
They ridiculed him for aiming at 290.
They would never show him earning 306 minimum.
AZ is over
NH and MI need a recount.
Wikipedia gives MI to Trump and NH to Hillary.
Why is this not talked about in the media? I tried googling it for pages and with different keywords I cant find a single damn news about the electors of NH, Michigan.
>NH and MI need a recount.
When is it happening? Anything official?
>Wikipedia gives MI to Trump and NH to Hillary.
Based on what source?
because they're too busy reporting the butthurt libshits rioting
Im not asking for front page but the count is pretty damn important. Fuck.
What's FOX news up to? Breitbarts?
more fucking riots. and on their page it's the same map. they can recount all they want, Trump is getting Michigan
I'm more interested by NH.
But is the recount officially announced? For which states?
Seriously, WTF???
I'm waiting for the update, 100% ballots counted, why the fuck don't they publish final results?
You really should bring up this issue
no idea. I can't find anything on it either
Trump will win Arizona and almost certainly win Michigan. Crooked Hillary will almost certainly win NH.
Fucking pussies ended themselves.
it's done i think you fucking leaf
im afraid they wont come out until some bullshit official date like december. I can't fucking wait.
Some states, when their too close, automatically have to recount.
Then it should be done by now. No mention of it anywhere. It just sorts of disappeared.
15K or less split needed for recount in MI, currently 13K
NH is literally down to a handful of votes.
We may not see MI or NH for a while
>Then it should be done by now
I don't know about that. a million votes or more takes a while to recount, and New Hampshire has to count them by hand.
Here you can look up any states laws on recounts, incase you want to check yourself
I can believe this with all the shilling about how Hildabeast should have won since she had the popular vote
It took them a few hours to count 120 million and now they're gonna take what? A month? for 1 million?
telling me user
Not really, can't see her pulling out 13K votes
well, if the US government is known for anything, it sure as hell isn't being timely
They want to claim hillary won the popular vote for as long as possible while they whip up riots and try to start a civil war by busing people in to insight violence in the riots.
I hope what i just said isn't true.
This is veiled concern shilling about the popular vote.
She doesn't have the popular vote, she never did, and never will. You need more than 50.0% of the vote to have the popular vote. Now what she may have is a plurality, which is the most votes of any candidate, but who fucking cares at that point. The Constitution specifically says the most electoral votes, not a popular majority. READ THE CONSTITUTION
>no one won the popular vote between 1988 and 2004
It's not some sort of mathematical feat