/sg/ Syria General - GREATER SG WHEN? Edition

Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>new Livemap
>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>West Aleppo NOV7
>Hama NOV7
>North Aleppo NOV5
>Mosul NOV5
>West Ghouta NOV5
>East Ghouta OCT 31
>/sg/ daily event map OCT 29

Developments NOV 8
>Trump wins sideshow American Presidential election
>Assad:Western powers growing weaker in Syria
>RuAF to stick to Aleppo ceasefire if militants don’t launch offensive
>US-backed Kurdish offensive to liberate Raqqa from ISIS grinds to a halt on day two
>Militants fire internationally banned cluster munitions into Damascus
>Syria seizes US, Israeli arms from militants
>ISIS launches counter-offensive in northern Aleppo, retakes 3 villages
>Heavy airstrikes over Deir Ezzor
>Large build-up of Syrian Army soldiers in east Aleppo
>Russian helicopters blast IS militants near Palmyra
>isis militants reportedly use mustard gas in Iraq’s Mosul

Previous thread:

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First for the SOON African kike

This is an experimental thread to see if the Trump wave has subsided yet.

Have some OC and a message from our sponsors, the BBC (Boeннo-вoздyшныe cилы Poccии)


Posting rate seems good. No unusual constrictions.

Anyone have news on what happened yesterday in Aleppo? I heard there were some basic build ups in west aleppo. Not sure about anything else.


Behzad Moezi @BehzadMoezi 2m2 minutes ago

FSA News @FSAPlatform
#Aleppo #FSA forces take control of Zamka & Masebeen from #Daesh north of alBab after intensive operations #Syria


Salem_ @SalemOfficiel 8m8 minutes ago

“We did not voluntarily accept the borders of our country,” Erdoğan.
theduran.com/turkey-and-iraq-going-to-war/ … v #Iraq #Mosul #Syria #Aleppo #Raqqa


SandLogger @sandlogs 8m8 minutes ago

#SAA & Hezbollah have taken the hangars W. of al-Hikmah Sch. Fierce battle with #JaF for Rashidin5 #Aleppo

Syria Today @todayinsyria 14m14 minutes ago

Allegedly: Russian armored vehicles conducted several attacks on militants outposts in northeast #Aleppo

FSA GAthering for al bab

Peter the Great @PetVandijken 19m19 minutes ago

#Aleppo: massive #FSA gadering they are about to begin operations to capture #Al_Bab. #Syria

syrianfaust @SyrianFaust 21m21 minutes ago

Fares Shehabi: A "moderate" jihadi Taliban style rebel taking pics in a villa in #Aleppo after killing its owner!... fb.me/5hL0DKuqv

Al-Masdar News Verified account @TheArabSource 22m22 minutes ago

Syrian Army renews push to seize western #Aleppo suburbs aml.ink/cYkfS #Syria

Also - has anyone seen the new Almasdar news video updates. They are pretty good.
Southfront has only raised $700 last month for their video stuff - they claim to need $5000.
So they might be scaling back next week on video production. We may have to switch providers.

Am I the only one home?
I'm gonna post till item 10, then see what happens

So here is the video

Steve A.

Battles for #Aleppo #Syria | November 9th 2016 youtu.be/JJUpEFONvC0 #WarDiary

Is this general back yet? Kept getting overshadowed by election threads.
I assume Trump's win bodes well for USA-Russia relations and Assad.

Also, where's the roach from the Netherlands? Pic very much related

more pics while I watch vidya. we getting to ten. if i count to ten and no ones home, then I go.

posting upload rates seem to be relatively civilised. I hope we can keep this up today. Yesterday it tanked after 5 minutes of deadtime

glad he got fucked

Saudi Gazette Verified account @Saudi_Gazette 1m1 minute ago

#BREAKING: Eastern #Aleppo down to 'last food rations': #UN
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
Saudi Gazette Verified account @Saudi_Gazette 2m2 minutes ago

Eastern #Aleppo down to 'last food rations': #UN

Streetspectre @streetspectre 3m3 minutes ago

#Skynews and #BBCnews is all Trump Trump Trump...Meanwhile in #Aleppo #Syria #Mosul and #Yemen NOTHING is happening
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
Abu Rumzee @AbuRumzee 4m4 minutes ago

Abu Rumzee Retweeted Al Arabiya English

Tyrants and despots watched as Sunni Muslims are either starved or slaughtered in #Aleppo #Syria #Genocide

Simon Moores الدكتور @SimonMoores 7m7 minutes ago

I notice that the #AdmiralKuznetsov battle group hasn't launched its cruise missiles at #Aleppo as expected. A concession to #donaldtrump ?

According to independent Aleppo has started

Strategic Analyst @NominalAnalyst 9m9 minutes ago

#Russia & #Syria's Militaries have launched Fresh Joint Offensive against Terrorists held up in Eastern #Aleppo



Jihadi julian providing us with some LAUGHs

Julian Röpcke @JulianRoepcke 54m54 minutes ago

Unique video.
#ISIS wannabe suicide bomber runs away (and escapes!) after #FSA disabled his SVBIED.
#Aleppo #Syria


>Julian Röpcke
poor Julian

Nice work user


DAMASCUS, SYRIA (1:05 P.M.) - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) renewed their push on Thursday to seize the remaining western Aleppo suburbs that are under Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) control.

Led by the Tiger Forces, the Syrian Arab Army attempted to capture the remaining buildings inside the Minyan Suburb; however, they kept at bay by the jihadist rebels of Jaysh Al-Fateh in the western sector.

According to a military source in Aleppo, the Syrian Armed Forces are still in control of at least half of the Minyan Suburb, despite jihadist claims of their complete withdrawal.

Meanwhile, at the Al-Assad Suburb, the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah are still deadlocked in a battle with Jaysh Al-Fateh militants - no gains have been reported thus far.

>According to independent

Hello there. Trying to get it up and running again.

Ah Won't be able to keep it going much longer captain, we gonna need a lot of energy to overcome the critical mass requirements in the manifold


it's not so bad - it's not completely one sided. The independent was the first western anglo paper I saw that had a discussion about how based and heroic the Kuweiress boys were.

Guys, please shitpost. I think we need about 5 -10 people to get this thing up for long enough that we can hit critical mass and it starts rolling on it's own.


I'm glad someone is trying. Maybe pol isn't the best place to have a serious general running these days.

Nth for based Tigers of Syria


Bumping to halp but I have to go somewhere irl

Any other good pics of Russians?


FSA trannies

Fuck you. I cannot handle you comment. I am going to become autisitic if people say such things. I will, I will 'REEEEEEE'

Truth is I like this place.


How is president Trump going to handle the situation in Syria? Will he work with Putin and Assad or support the (((moderate))) rebels?


lol that guy who has his face showing has a beard

>When you run out of clothes but still need to go to war

Trump is going to hand the situation to assad and russia and will declare war on iran, lmao such a "victory" this election will be for usa.

No problem, AWB, carry on.

>will declare war on iran

Good old days.

Damn, he's looking fabulous!

I love that one.

this is something I found on /k ,no1 confirmed those are russians ,but theres chance they are


based russia

Her tits look ready to burst out of that dress

Wait! What year is this?

He is going to ditch the Iran deal which actually prevented further escalations, but no one knows what will happen now lmao

Nothing will change, at least with Hillary there would have been some serious action

I found a few more in a different folder.

>/sg/ Syria General

I-It's been so long

And that means declaring war on Iran how?

Can I mail order this one?

Give it a week or something notable happening for life to return, even i'm still recovering from trump BTFO'ing the globalists

I miss /sg/

why you think they are russians? how can u tell?


I am copy pasting from /k

>unit dispersion
>actually wearing headgear

Well, we gave it a shot.

yes indeed. Welcome back. We held a vigil so we could gather up shillaries tears. All bottled now, we drink them as we cheer Assad

>Turkish jets haven't been participating in airstrikes in Syria since Oct.20, when 200 PYD/PKK terrorists were killed

Cucked by Putin I presume

ok. does /k know their shit?

I dont know ,i guess ,but all sounds logical ,they do look more professional then average syrian soldier ,so theres chance they are Russians

>How is president Trump going to handle the situation in Syria?

It's hard to tell at this point.

- Mike Pence is anti-Russian and pro-Israel.
- Michael Flynn is pro-Russian but anti-Iran.
- Donald Trump himself is anti-Saudi but pro-Israel.

Whatever happens, Israel has nothing to worry about. I doubt he will support the moderates though. The Zionists might convince Trump to strike Iran, but that's pretty crazy and Russia wouldn't allow it anyway.

What's the situation in this area these days?

I think anyone making deals with donald trump should be very careful. He probably isn't guilt ridden, he probably is easily pissed off. And calling him names isn't likely to shame him.

I agree. Then again, just about anything looks more professional than your average Syrian soldier.

Guys have a look at jihad julian's twitter. Trump winning has destroyed him.

I don't know what was more amusing, his despair or that I couldn't remember his name and searching google for "jihad julian" shows his twitter and picture.

I don't think he can go crazy, the military establishment in the USA isn't going to tolerate him if he tries anything too funny.

And all the members of the Triple Alliance have very effective assassinations programs. Trump will have to fall in line if he values his own life.

it is good that /sg/ is back. i don`t know what i will do when there is no /sh/

Ja I know. He can literally pick one project and some war. Obama spent his whole presidency doing obamacare. Trump wants to destry obamacare. Those are big works. He doesn't have time for half the shit he wants to do. Fuck, obama promised to close guantanamo in his forst 100 days. It's still open with more jumpsuits that before.

What? SF got their 5000$ which they needed for October. They posted a video about it

it's a good thing the detonator(impact fuze) only sets once it's been fired. that's why russian weapons are so popular with rebel armies - they are 'freedom fighter' proof

well keep shit posting. I don't know how long between posts we got before they kill. yesterday it was dead after 5 minutes


I misread. Thanks for correction

What a way to die


Is Saudi Arabia fucked with Trump as president?

He can destroy Obamacare almost instantly.

My theory is that there will be an economic crisis very soon, either this year or the next. So Trump presidency will be about dealing with that problem.

Either that or he will launch a war to distract from the economic problems, but The Trump Team doesn't seem to have the expertise to do that.

top kek Im busy today but will try to do my part

IRAN is pretty big nation nobody wants to fuck with them.

>nobody wants to fuck with them

I don't know that he can destroy it so easily. On paper yes. But unpicking the insurance details, making transfers to whatever other scheme replaces it, making the insurers happy etc is going to take a long time. If he just scraps it, it will lead to a revolt in both houses - regardless of the fact that they are both republican controlled. plenty of republican governors including perry, romney, christie have been very supportive of it. and if we have crisis ( what you mean this isn't a crisis now?) then his attention will be even more diverted. We see.

When will Kuznetsov start operations over Syria?

israel wants america to fuck with them. israel does not want to fuck with them. how long do you think it would take for the iranian army to march across iraq and swamp israel? 10 minutes?

apparently they halted operations because of Trumps victory

it maybe already has over idlib and western aleppo. kremlin said 2 days ago that the ceasefire holds until they attack first.

current reports indicate that they are out of food tomorrow in e aleppo

I think most Republicans just want to get rid of Obamacare privatize Medicare and then be done with it. They will let the market decide what happens.

Which of course will be bad but it's not like people can do anything but make puny protests.

Israel has a real army, it's not Saudi Arabia

Israel has nukes, they can just wipe out Iran if they want to.

if they just destroy it it will turn around and bite them back. dont forget hillary won more votes than donald - it's not a popular vote system.

I would assume that at least some of hillaries supporters voted for obamacare.
But even with all the political will in the world - the markets will not appreciate the sudden badly managed change that just scrapping obamacare would represent. They can want all they like, but there is a shit ton off detail that makes it difficult.

The End of the World : Coded in the Quran
We learn from the Quran that this world will come to an end.

"We have adorned everything on earth, in order to test them, and thus distinguish those among them who work righteousness. Inevitably, We will wipe out everything on it, leaving it completely barren" 18:7-8

"When the horn is blown once. The earth and the mountains will be carried off and crushed; utterly crushed. That is the day when the inevitable event will come to pass" 69:13-15

We also read in the Quran that a new earth and new heavens will replace the present heavens and earth.

"The day will come when this earth will be substituted with a new earth, and also the heavens, and everyone will be brought before GOD, the One, the Supreme" 14:48

Signs of the Approaching End of the World

The Quran provides various signs, and states that the means for unveiling the end of the world have been given.

"Are they waiting until the Hour comes to them suddenly? All the signs thereof have already come. Once the Hour comes to them, how will they benefit from their message?" 47:18

The signs given in the Quran include:

1- The splitting of the moon:

Shortly before the end of the world the moon will split. Some interpret this event to have already taken place when man landed on the moon and brought back moon rocks. Whether this is the correct meaning of 54:1 or not remains to be seen.

"The Hour has come closer, and the moon has split" 54:1

2- The Creature (27:82):

The Quran has predicted that at the right time God will produce a creature that will be instrumental in unveiling God's signs. This was fulfilled. The creature was the computer which was instrumental in unveiling the Quran's numerical code (19), and proclaiming that the world has neglected God's message.

"At the right time, we will produce for them a creature from the earth (made of earthly materials), declaring that the people are not certain about our revelations" 27:82

Note that the digits that make up 27:82 add up to 19.

Another piece of observation here is connected with the wording of the word "creature" (Dabbah) in 27:82 in comparison with other verses in the Quran.

We notice that all the other verses that connect the two words "creature" and "earth" always speaks of "creature in the earth" , for example:

"There is not a creature IN the earth whose provision is not guaranteed by God" 11:6

Scientifically speaking, we all live in the earth and not on the earth. That is because we live inside the earth's atmosphere, which is part of the earth. However, when we look at 27:82 we find the wording is deliberately changed to:

However, the deliberate use of the word from in "A creature from the earth" denotes that this creature is made of earthly materials.

As it happened, the computer was the tool to be used in counting all the thousands of figures and multiples of the miracle in the Quran.

Let us look at 27:82 and particularly at its mirror image of the Sura and verse numbers, the 27 becomes 72, and the 82 becomes 28. Verse 72:28 proclaims:

"He (God) has counted the numbers of all things"

3- The Smoke (44:10):

Occurs after God's Messenger of the Covenant has delivered the unified message and proclaimed Islam (Submission) as the only religion acceptable by God.

"Therefore, watch for the day when the sky brings a profound smoke." 44:10

4- Gog and Magog:

They re-appear, in accordance with God's plan, in the year 1700 AH (2271 AD). Gog and Magog are mentioned in 18:94 and 21:96. If you count the verses from 18:94 to the end of Sura 18, you find them 17. If you count the verses from 21:96 to the end of Sura 21, you find them also 17. This is the Quran's sign that Gog and Magog will re-appear in 1700 AH.

"They said, 'O Zul-Qarnain, Gog and Magog are corruptors of the earth. Can we pay you to create a barrier between us and them?" 18:94

"Not until Gog and Magog reappear, will they then return - they will come from every direction" 21:96
It will not remain hidden


Verse 15 of Sura 20 informs us that the end of the world will be revealed by God before the end of the world:
"The Hour (End of the World) is surely coming, I will keep it almost hidden. For each soul must be paid for its works" 20:15

The Arabic words 'akad ukhfiha' in 20:15 mean "I will keep it almost hidden". These words are very significant. They mean that the date of the end of the world will be hidden till almost the very end, but will be revealed just before the end of the world.

The following example makes this matter clear:

"I ran in the marathon and I almost finished the race".

What these words mean is that I ran in the marathon and completed the majority of the distance but stopped very near the end of the

the apocalypse horsemen story is way better

Verse 87 in Sura 15, gives the code to calculate the date of the end of the world:
"We have given you the seven pairs and the Great Quran" 15:87
The seven pairs are the 14 Quranic initials which are placed at the beginning of 29 Sura's in the Quran. The total gematrical value of these initials pinpoints the year of the end of the world. It is noteworthy that Verse 85 of Sura 15 states:
"...The end of the world will surely come to pass"
The next verse, 15-86, tells us that God is the Creator of this world, and, of course, He knows when it will end. The following verse, 15:87, tells us when the world will end.
"We have given you the seven pairs and the Great Quran" 15:87

Quranic Initial Gematrical Value
1 Q 100
2 N 50
3 S (Saad) 90
4 H.M. 48
5 Y.S 70
6 T.H. 14
7 T.S. 69
8 A.L.M. 71
9 A.L.R. 231
10 T.S.M. 109
11 'A.S.Q. 230
12 A.L.M.S. 161
13 A.L.M.R. 271
14 K.H.Y. 'A. S 195


The gematrical values of "The Seven Pairs" of Quranic Initials total 1709. According to 15:87, the world will survive for 1709 lunar years from the time this prophecy is stated in the Quran. If we take the year 1 as the year this prophecy was given in the Quran, and that the world will survive for 1709 years, thus the world will end in the year 1710 AH.
This number is a multiple of 19 (1710 = 19 x 90).
The unveiling of this information took place in the year 1400 AH, 309 years before the prophesied end of the world (1709-1400 = 309). The number 309 is a Quranic number (18:25), and is connected with the end of the world (18:21). The peculiar way of writing 309 in 18:25, "Three hundred years, increased by nine", indicates that the 309 are lunar years. The difference between 300 solar years and 300 lunar years is 9 years.
The year of this discovery, 1400 AH, coincided with 1980 AD, and 1980 plus 300 solar years is 2280, also a multiple of 19, (19 x 120). Thus the world ends in 1710 AH, (19 x 90), which coincides with 2280 AD, 19x120.

sure it does - one that it mobilised in 2006 and couldn’t even defeat hezbollah with.
it has a well equipped army, it has a very high opinion of itself and 99% of its operational history since the mid to late 1980's has been the equivalent of shooting unarmed little brown people. Additionally there is only 1 israel, of about 4 million adults. if they field their entire population in a war with iran, they will have their next shoa.

Think gaza mate - 50 % of gazans are under the age of 18. They are literally bombing children.


