You'd be in jail

Is he gonna keep his word on this Sup Forums? I have my doubts as the first person he thanked was her in his speech.

Other urls found in this thread:


he's the president. not the countrys law enforcement


No, he has to make an effort to unite the country. Hopefully he's just giving braindead lefties a chance to switch sides before the great cleansing though.


Presidents will pardon rivals/elites as keeping that policy going can save their own skin.

Obama will pardon her for anything and everything on his way out of office,
Like about every president does in the final hour

>he's the president. not the countrys law enforcement
Yeah I don't think he meant it as "I'm gonna cuff you", he meant it as in "I will make sure to use my power re-open investigations" sort of way.

It was banter, lad. He's family friends with the Clintons.

>he's the president. not the countrys law enforcement
Obama seems to think otherwise by barring his DoJ and FBI from investigating HRC

just remember that he has to be sworn in and consolidate power before anything can happen. Don't start bitching on Sup Forums because he doesn't arrest her before he's even fucking sworn in.

>pardon her for treason

>Don't start bitching on Sup Forums because he doesn't arrest her before he's even fucking sworn in
Nah, I was thinking more like 6 months-year from now.

If her crimes are as serious as some think they are-- like selling national secrets to foreign governments, he has to. Same for however Obama may be hooked into it

You also could argue that it could be used as leverage against him if he didn't do something, since enemy governments also know what she was doing.


No, and he has no need to.
The worst she's guilty of is perjury, and he congratulated her in his victory speech.
It was just banter because she's shady.

jason chaffetz says the investigation is ongoing
the FBI is still looking into the foundation

trump won't do any special/corrupt shit to help put her away

because all he has to do is not stop it from happening

Trump's not going to keep his word on most of the things he said on the campaign trail. Presidents always oversell themselves like crazy.

>jason chaffetz says the investigation is ongoing

That's a good point.

Trump could perhaps bring her down through Chaffez and the existing investigation and just claim he really wasn't behind it.

it was just bantz haha.

>Presidents always oversell themselves like crazy.
That is true actually. What other promise do you think he'll forget?

He can pardon her but if she accepts the pardon, she admits guilt.

She won't go to jail for mishandling confidential files. If nothing else is revealed, she may still go for accepting bribes as Sec. of State. We'll see.

All of them.

I figure the only reason she was not charged is from obama and maybe others thumbs on the scale

so if trump replaces those people and lets the scale tip the way it was heading anyway shes burnt

maybe not jail but shamed enough to not be able to campaign for warren or mrs obama next cycle

no wall?

Not even a firewall.


>next cycle
will she live long enough for that?


looks young though

Seriously, if she was selling state secrets or had an active role in the death of Stevens, she's got go. I'd love to see her cronies go down, too-- even Chelsea and her husband for espionage and insider trading, which we 100% know about already.

It's a good thing the FBI Foundation investigations are ongoing, and that the based Poo-in-loo whose name I forget in NY is on the case.

We'll know what's up if Comey tries to close the Foundation cases before Trump takes the White House.

shell be to old to run
but if barbra bush can campaign for jeb
and al gore can come back
hillary can be wheeled out to attack trump

I want to be sure she will be viewed as a liability not an asset even after time passes

you can almost bet on a trick from justice dept if he doesn't try something

Would this be enough for example?

Doubt it. The investigation cleared her of having any malicious intent in regards to the email servers/deletion/etc. I'm sure there are some laws about incompetence in regards to leaking sensitive government information, but surely they're not enough for Trump to follow through with locking her up.

>malicious intent in regards to the email servers
but how about the email content like

why is the retard levelat maximum for this


all of the dems people are still in their positions who let her skate in the first place

fuck, 1st as president and you tards expect im to cure cancer for fuck sakes

wait until he has his people in those positions
AND THEN he's gonna go for the throat.

Yeah I didn't mean it tomorrow man, should've made it more clear I guess but I meant, 6 months-year-2 years whatever after being sworn in.

Because he was trying to unify with that speech. He'll still appoint a special prosecutor to deal with her

recent study says presidents before they leave their term complete 73% of all thier campaign promises

google it


its' a fact that 73% of every presidents campaign promises have been fileld

even obama did 70% of his campaign promises.

>unify with that speech
I thought it was a good speech
>He'll still appoint a special prosecutor to deal with her


The speech was cookie cutter as fuck.

Most likely not. He probably won't push for it.

However, if the FBI keeps doing their thing and finds incriminating material, I very much doubt he would stop them doing their jobs or anything like that.

All it takes is a few outliers to skew the mean. And Trump has been like no politician before, why is he beholden to the same standards?

By the way you guys realised how all those pizza threads vanished since the results came in?

he didn't think he needed to write a victory speech

hillary didn't have a concession ready either


He shouldn't spend a bit of political capital on making it true.

She's dead Jim.

He won't lock her up. He needs her safe and sound so the lefties don't go bonkers.

He will use it as leverage over the Dems for any cases they will try and get him caught up in. Call it a "Trump Card".

The man wrote the art of the deal.

there are already news reports of her getting a pardon to protect her from trump.

is anyone going to talk about the fact that clinton canceled her fireworks show this Thursday before the election?


Donating to ''''''''charities'''''''' ain't treason ya goober.

Sure, Clinton (or the people who work for the foundation) abuses the charity and government system but she's not going to be able to go to gaol for it.

He's not going to do anything. There will be no wall. The rich will get rich and the poor will die. If you are an Ayn Rand guy, you deserve nothing but a tight noose.

thats how you spell it mate

Woops, I meant "accepting donations to ''''''''charities'''''''....."

Fucken oath m8

go to bed mate, your repaeting dgiits are starting to annoy me.

He said he would appoint a special prosecutor but the left would have a field day because that looks like abuse of power and a witch-hunt.

>left would have a field day
like today with the protests and such?

OP Trump will deliver

WTF IS THIS SHIT. IS this CTR still saying clinton did nothing wrong?! or are people on Sup Forums this damn stupid?! Can't wait until the normies leave... a few more weeks and they'll get tired of being here since the election is over and this place goes back to hardcore NatSoc

If you want this bitch locked up



>IS this CTR still saying clinton did nothing wrong?

>Sup Forums this damn stupid
yep also

I would do the same.
Politics are like fishing, you calmly reel a bit until you pull with all your force again.

Oh hell yes he is.
you same fags said he wouldnt be elected!

it has happened before,
Clinton pardoned over a 100 people in his last day of office.
That is why the fbi are not pressing charges before king nigger lieaves office. you can't pardon someone that have not been charged

>IS this CTR still saying clinton did nothing wrong?!

They are on the payroll still and they'll be here for many more months until our inside CTR guy gets enough evidence to show they are racketeering.

We are going to fuck them bigly. RICO

he's heard you

Thats been the issue with Comeys decision from the beginning.


When Comey framed her as careless, it was irrelevant with respect to the actual law. Intent does not figure into the law. Comey just pretended it did and therby acted as judge in the case with his decision. He knows she was guilty. He protected her, and probably Obama, and covered up all the shit they pulled

Wasn't his reopening of the probe in the last week pretty much him saying "The FBI endorses Trump".

>Intent does not figure into the law.
serious? There is more than intent here, there is evidence?

pence would tho.

whats the result looking like from your end roach?

only kurds got btfo. even left is happy about trump.