What do we do now?

What do we do now?

Seeing as we are the most powerful force in global politics, what is our next play?

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We meme Europe to the far right

And then kill yourself faggit


jew/nigger/kebab removal

This one has my vote. We've been getting lots of Kek's blessings on posts predicting far-right victories in Germany.

we really should all make australia america again

Uncuck the US and MAGA
After that we go for Europe

>What do we do now?

Fix obvious crap that has been getting fuck under Obama presidency.

Oh shit

We need to nuke africa, please god wipe those niggers off the earth.


isolationism my dude. stay home, pay denbts, fuck everyone else.

There's this continent that basically created your country

No, not Africa, mr. 56%

We have a few tasks already


come here and clean Europe

Gotta get the trash out of here first before we can start working over there.

What is the will of kek regarding the rapefugees in Europe?

Triarii - Europa - YouTube
Video for triarii Europa
▶ 3:30

Dissolution of the EU and UN.

bring about conflict that results in the complete destruction of jews and muslims

now we take /x/ to winterball

KEK wills it.

you guys are so fucking delusional it's unreal

Toch Toon?

Ensure Trump effectively makes America Great Again and doesn't sell out.
(((They))) will try in full force to either convince him to join them or stop him.

Well lads, looks like we've got our brief

That's what they said about trump!

Marin le Pen France 2017

destory the EU

There truely are no brakes on the meme train.
Praise kek


>end isis
>end eu
>space exploration

possibly in that order

We ethnically cleanse the United States of all nonwhites.

With no survivors

Actually, Hofer next month

And so he speaks


Wait for the populace in America to calm down, consolidate unity and nationalism. Impose stringent border controls, reject the TPP, create a non-globalist cabinet, put money back into healthcare, education, manufacturing, NASA. Stay friends with Russia. Terraform Mars.

It's finally happened. We're (((them))) now.

See I got you famalam

the return of the Reich

Since death of Soviet Union there has been almost no significant space progress, I so wish it would resume and Russia be major part of it.

Trump needs support in taking on the establishment in Washington DC. He's going to be fighting uphill against all the civil servants, lobbyists, pundits, media, "experts", commentariat, Congress and even the establishment traitors in his own party.

The battle has been won, but the war has just begun. The hard part begins.




We're gonna get Kony just so we can say we did and we're doing it with memes.

this tbhq

It was inevitable we stared into the abyss.

Perhaps long ago the jews were like us, trying to change their world for the best but time warped them into globalists shits that still feel they're guiding the world through the right path. Like us they feel the end justify the means.

Perhaps... in the distant future, when Sup Forums and Donald Trump are just obscure footnotes in some history books, our descendants will still be carrying out the will of kek through devious means. Perhaps our descendants will be the next evil kikes...

Time is but a circle... and history has a tendency to repeat itself.

Look at us, we're the New World Order now.
