Secret Private Facebook HOLY SHIT she talked about us!

In the concession speech! She spoke of Secret Facebook sites!

Other urls found in this thread:



Time Stamp is @ >8:10

Yeap. They know that Sup Forums had a huge impact on the election, in fact Sup Forums more than likely was the wild card that they didn't plan for.

Now they will plan for Sup Forums

is it wrong that i want to fuck hillary?

>implying you can ever plan for Sup Forums

Lel secret Facebook what a dumb bitch

rule 1&2 you idiot, RULE 1&2

>Hillary shitposts on Sup Forums for the next 4 years

I can't wait

>underestimating 100s of powerful families with a infinite shekel cheat codes

Oh ya! Are you her?

She was talking about CTR, I woudn't say us.
And I don't think they were volunteers, they were paid shills.

>underestimating weaponized autism

Can someone make a webm? Our state television have blocked the video, so it has to be good.

>NEETposts and wageslave threads made by Hillary

Will she be our Tomoko???

use a fucking proxy noob

post the link in and do all the shit and save it and watch it

Please change it to Sup Forums - Secret Facebook, just for a day

Secret private facebook = EMAIL SERVERS


>planning to defeat weaponized autism
It's over for them

Trump also knows this. Expect the NEETbux to flow. He needs to keep his army well fed.

>underestimating tens of thousands of tech savvy socially inept patriots from across the whole world that have nothing better to do all day, every day, than to fight back with everything they got

Come at me Hillary you fucking cunt. A Bulgarian meme warrior contributed to your downfall, never forget.

>Sup Forums had a huge impact on the election
This place had a minor to mild impact on social media and the MSM. The election was won in backwater Ohio towns where most voters are too old to use the internet, let alone social media.

>mild impact

...when the fate of the world, literally, is depending on the election, mild impact sounds pretty good desu

>She was talking about CTR
Probably about mods on Reddit using email lists.

This is a red flag that the Clinton campaign did have direct lines to moderators on influential websites across the web.The nervous tittering of the audience reveals there is more to this.

She was referring to the FB group Pantsuit Nation.

I was watching live and giggled a bit when she said "secret facebook"
I KNEW it must have been Sup Forums she was talking about.


Shadilay brother

Is everything breaking news on CNN?

But they did LOL.R.I.P CTR
Dude the election went exactly the way they wanted it to go, until they lost. lmao.

secret and private are two things that don't describe our pan asiatic carpet weaving forum

Who cares who she talked about? She is nobody.

underrated post

Kys sideways Hungary

I bet she liked the hiloli stuff

I live in a small Wisconsin town and at least 2 of us out of 7000 are memelords who actively worked to shit on Hillary. Probably more of us but I can't confirm.

We got a bunch of things trending on twitter that the mainstream media was trying to bury, say what you want but #spiritcooking got a lot of latinos to vote Trump, 4% more than Romney

By secret facebook she was talking about "Pantsuit Nation" an invite only facebook group.


We rallied behind an androgynous Egyptian god of change based on a mix of misspelling lel and an r9k meme with patterns occurring in a sequence of post numbers and it pissed off the MSM enough that a picture of a fucking cartoon frog became a hate symbol

They're going to need some deep, deep cover agents if they are going to predict Sup Forums

Fucking bitch, brags about sending CTR to shit in our cerial for at least half a year on live TV. I hope her cell will be cold, and the air will always too humid in it, her orange jumper should be tight on the cotch, and the fabric should make her itch, and have Miley Cyrus songs blasted at her at high volume for 16 hours a day, than airhorns to wake her up every 15 minutes for the other 8. After she turns into a drooling vegetable, forcefeed CTR members with whatever bodily fluid comes out of her. CTR members should each get 10years of jail, with all their belongings seized, and they should get a various popular songs airhorn version blasted at them once every hour, with the only other interaction towards them should be little notes with outright bullshit, telling them about how nice their jail cell is.

We've known for a long time you're all nothing new.

We'll be around.

I agree that the impact was mild at best. But look how close the vote was in sone states.
A couple thousand more inner city people voting could have changed the outcome. What Sup Forums did was hamstring the Democrats groundgame and enthusiasm.
We kept every little bit of dirt on Clinton on social media. In some cases we even dug up our own dirt to throw at her.

We killed the enthusiasm for Clintons campaign. That's why she attacked us directly. Calling us alt-right was the first step in an offensive. We needed a form for people to acknowledge us as enemies.

I guarantee you, without us Clinton would have probably won due to the cities carrying a couple more states.

Lrn2crop pls

we've officially blown the tumblr raid out of the water

>Dark magic meme magicians, meme magic girls, Meme templars, Soldiers of Kek, Lvl 40 meme magic wizardry, r9k meme terminators, Sup Forums meme zealots, Kek fanaticist

All these incarnations litterally beat ths globalist from their dark room, sitting on their poopoopeepee covered beds, surrounded by pissbottles, poopsocks and cum rags

absolute defeat of the globslist cabal

You can't do anything about meme magic desu sempai :^)

repeating integers confirms the posit.

Your ID tells me you're a dummy.
So I'm gonna believe it.


timestamp or fake

Sorry to shatter your delusion, but we're stronger than we think. Sadly.

In the olden days, ideas propagated by gatherings. This is why rallies were so important.

Then came mass media. Newspapers, TV, etc, and rallies became less important.

The problem with TV is that the mouthpiece belongs to very few people. A soapbox.

Now, we enter the internet age where ideas get traded in perpetual rallies. Here.

And we're the antithesis of everything that came before - the rallies organized by the party which was hierarchical, the mass media which was managed by organizations, they have a top-down structure. We're a bit more distributed. Yes you have the talking heads emulating the past, even organizations like CTR trying to disrupt us, but here we stand - a place where we demonstrate precisely how chaos works.

Paid individuals have notably less sway because they look forced. Genuine emotions and logic shines through (more often, at least). People who wish to influence others will have an audience of near countless others compared to before. Chaos as chaos can be, with the resulting message an integral of the community.

Now we wait for the response from the ones left behind.

The future is exciting, italy.

Bald overweight middle aged men with pony tails sure are impressive!

It is fake, you moron. That's a prop ID from the X-Files. You can see the Fox Mulder signature.

>18 shitposters
>versus thousands of shitposters

Its no wonder why she lost, you can't perform meme magic with just 18 people

They sure are.

post pic with this thread open, and a shirtless picture of that bald dude with the ponytail next to it, or gtfo


Also, this was one of the few last places where you could talk and read about what was happening thanks to relative anonymous.

For example, on my twitter feed I would be assaulted by shills that would shame me for publicly supporting Trump.

Same for the Dilbert man, only after the election did I started seeing his posts on my feed. When you can't read information elsewhere else without getting assaulted, this place was the only communication link that we could trust.


I can't do that.

Why would he pay you for something that we all know you will do for free?

I'll give you this though.

Oh right I should add some evidence to this.














WAS HERE ON Sup Forums





>imblying muh 4chinz made 80 year old Mavis vote Trump in her first election since Eisenhower.


CTR btfo


NYPA FAGGOT. Sup Forums encourages individual thinking. I can sense a shill paid post from a mile away

Stop arguing with a troll, just google search the images he posts.

The FBI id he posted is a prop from the X-Files. Fox Mulder (David Duchovny). You can see the signature.

Use this, works for me. I can unblock all the "holohaux" videos with it.

Can you write that in lowercase? It's kind of hard on the eyes... getting kind of leafy.

>being this mad and spitefull

I love you Magyar bro, never change.

>>Hillary shitposts on Sup Forums for the next 4 years
>I can't wait
We just move. Sup Forums is not a 'fixed' place, they'll end up chasing ghosts. What's worst they'll probably get some bots and start talking to 'shadows'. Humans act like 'specters' and appear in weird places.

If they are smart they'll just monitor instead of trying to take it over. Organisms just meet the challenges as things evolve.

What kind of music does an evil lizard sorceress even listen to anyways?

I know that the US would blast Slayer into the cells at Gitmo from time to time and rattle the mudslimes out of their turbans, but I personally would think that's fucking awesome.

at some point money can not buy power

>Why would he pay you for something that we all know you will do for free?
Someone needs to feed the trolls. ohmnomohmnom


Breaking news!! There are no news! That is all

That's not true. There were a couple places Trump was ahead in.
Several media and public figures, like Scotbert and yes, Alex Jones.
Then there were pockets on reddit and certain hashtags on twitter.
Also quite a lot of youtubers preferred Trump.

Most importantly, Trump was ahead in funny and appealing. That's why pewdiepie made pro Trump videos. It's also why say the yogscast made Trump jokes if they joked about the election.
Those things add up and can shift the climate.

Pepe was a huge part of that, because it's just a stupid cartoon frog, simple enough to be used for many, many different messages.
So when Clinton attacked the so called alt-right, because she had to galvanize her supporters against our demoralisation, she looked like a lunatic yelling at comics.

Maybe Trumps best advantage going into the presidential race was his well established reputation as a yuge joke.

Nothing really sticked, he could do and say things no traditional politicians career would survive. That made him appealing the same way rock and metal once appealed.

In fact, Clinton was behind in key aspects, namely her engagement rates and in just being plane old. She was a boring, old woman who said boring, old things. The most interesting thing about her personally is still her husbands dick.

Can we please what's on wiener hard drive please? Can somebody at nypd please leak this...

If you're $hillary, you can also pay $9,000 to a (((consulting firm))) from Portland, Oregon just to make a playlist of the music played during her rallies.

$9,000 for some hipster Sup Forums faggots to make a fucking playlist of shitty top-40 garbage that's already been focus-grouped and pre-selected.

Fuck off you potato cunt, you just want be quoted.

She wasn't talking about us you retards she was just hand-waving the fact that people know about the O'keefe stuff. She was speaking more to the fact that she was being secretive and subversive.

what the fuck are you guys talking about, I think she means some sort of CTR platform

>I can unblock all the "holohaux" videos with it.

Sounds like if we have enough influence we could subvert her for our own political purposes.

Sup Forums and other Chan's have a big impact on the internet and it's culture as most shit that gets spread throughout normie sites typically originate from here. Memes are the best example, a lot of them originate from here and are then posted on shit-tier websites.


Bill would say so.


dope comment

No, what's really going to happen is intense Internet censorship. I don't think a lot of people realize just how dangerous the Internet is to the powers that be. In the past, they controlled the media, and thus reality. This election showed us everything we needed to know. They did absolutely everything they could to distort reality and lie, and still failed. They refused to report on the truth, but it still prevailed.

They can control what is on television but the Internet is still the Wild West, information travels freely outside of their control. They can remove a video but by then it's been downloaded and reuploaded hundreds or thousands of times. The Internet is like a hydra for them, they can't cut heads off fast enough. Unfortunately, this election showed just how powerful their influence is. Almost every social media site was highly censored and controlled, almost every social media site forced the narrative on the masses, and a lot of people really ate it up. Sup Forums is the only remaining popular social media website that they haven't gained control of. It's not going to last.

I assure you they're not going to give up. Now they're going to redouble their efforts to destroy or control Sup Forums, and in the long term, control all social media websites.

Control over information is powerful. Unfortunately, they will win eventually. There's not enough people who value the integrity of the Internet, not enough people who understand just how important it is. Even fewer who will actively defend it, and perhaps none who can effectively defend it.

If we don't fold, the generation after us will. They'll just raise them on censorship and they'll never know anything else. In the end, you'll have one ID for every website, associated with your real life identity.

yes and their children lurk here :PPPP

mamma mia, we gotta fucking retard here-a

>Sup Forumstards actually believe this

Trump was smart to drop a few frog whistles (like pic related) and gain Sup Forums and 8ch's loyalty. For all intents and purposes, we're a PR firm on steroids that works for free and churns viral material that normally costs millions.

This place birthed r/The_Donald, which is literally the most popular reddit community of all time. They had to change their algorithm just to undermine it and it still got frontpaged like crazy.

>The election was won in backwater Ohio towns where most voters are too old to use the internet, let alone social media.

There's plenty of anons from such places, fuck even the Dailystormer is run from one such Ohio town. Never understimate word of mouth.

Backwater Ohio town here.

We're definitely here. We don't have shit else to do.

If it wasn't for Sup Forums, Trump's internet presence would have been 95% negative instead of only about half.

The genie's out of the bottle. Information is only going to be easier to obtain and spread, and any attempt at an ID system will always be one step behind the people who can spoof it.

What we need to worry about first is fixing the damn pipes, powerlines, sewerlines, roads, dams, bridges, airstrips, etc.

Then we can do internet.


