>brought camelfuckers to heel first day into presidency
He's not even sworn I yet. President Electric Trump is truly a God among men
Rule #1: Never trust an arab.
Kek, Hillary, Obama, Mexico, Even my country became Trump bitches the first day...
I wish lord Trump could annex us
Trump should pull USA out of SA & let the houthis fuck shit up
>W-wuz only banter m8
>Allah ackbar?
Hes technically not even President yet, just the President-Elect. He has to get sworn in and take office first.
This cunts are falling in line. They know the free world has a man at the helm who won't fuck around.
Trump is coming over the flip the board of their little Monopoly game.
Trump: You realize that I couldn't trust you to even manage a snack bar you know that?
Trump: You're fired!
I've no doubt trump has been keeping a shitlist. He's not a forgive and forget kind of guy
thats a man baby
>President electric trump
Communism_Kills is entirely woman.
As woman as a Jew can be anyway.
She doesn't look very good these days.
I love how everyone is kissing his ass and bowing before him like he's the conqueror of their city now that he's elected president. Now this is real power.
Can the US please cut Saudis out of te picture and do oil deals with Russia?
wtf i feel respect for the us now
trump is the first cool thing you guys made in a long time
This. We learned this long ago in Ottoman Empire days.
l call bs
I can just imagine this inbread goat fucker on the phone right now pleading with Trump for forgivness in his stupid camel fucker accent.
>P-please Sir, please buy our oil Mr trump
Without US support Iran would eat them alive
Arabs are subhuman goat fucking sand people. They do best subservient to Kurds and Persians.
This. I spent a lot of time dealing with them in my service. They are the most dishonorable people in the entire world.
>inb4 jews