
Was this Sup Forums's peak?



Yes, I wouldn't dream of telling you how to vote. Wouldn't dream of it. HOWEVER.

There were so many Trump GETs it was amazing and scary

when PA went red

if you need a screencap to remember the greatest day ever , you need to re-evaluate your life

Shit was destiny brah

This election cycle has actually restored my faith in God.

Drudge frontpage halfway into results

wtf does that even mean you inbred? i didnt forget anything

>tfw you made one of those threads

Yeah, I also have some.

>How do I explain this to my children?



Seeing Christ Chan made me lose my appetite.

God, I hope he necks himself.

good, i didn't make any caps early on



Autocorrect is a cuck




desu i like Sup Forums as it is currently right now
We aren't having any slide threads and its late at night so the traffic is low, everyone is having a meaningful discussion regardless since the newfaggotry is gone now.

But this is just the calm before the storm.

Last one.


I'm sure you Aussie bros will be there for shitposting and bangs when the storm hits, right?

Hope you weren't that hungry.


"You see, babe, once upon a time, there was a candidate who committed crimes while in public office for thirty years..."

How many fucking times can we get for Trump?

Maybe we've taken meme magic too far.

If that one tweet is real, he's already made an assassination threat against Trump.

Take a screen of pol right now, everything is currently /comfy/ atm. no shill threads for once.

Im sitting in bed wrapped in a blanket with me phone. I forgot to turn auto-correct off, so bants turned into bangs.

Super fucking smug and comfy

Truly Sup Forums's best night of all time. I was almost out of meme energies by midnight but tenacious anons told us to keep going.

It even surpassed the Zimmerman trial for me.

I finally ran out of meme magic at 7:00 AM in the morning. I've never had so much fun on Sup Forums.

I love you guys.

It was the best night in the history of Sup Forums. I was around since when the pats lost 18-1 and even that cannot compare to thsi.

It's incredible. Sup Forums became incredibly obnoxious as the elections approached. The shills, the butthurt euro or just the trolls made everyone on edge. Every thread not on the election was called "slide LOL xD" by redditors. It was a mess.
Now that r/the_donald is gone and shills have absolutely no way of being influential we're having something much better. There are way less "1 post by this ID" thread as well.

The battle over florida almost gave me heart attack.

I was never so stressed in my life.

I seriously gave all my meme energy this past week. Only after the election I felt better again

Holy cow

How clenched were your anus when pic related happened ?
I think mine gave me a cramp.
There were a massive flood of shills as well.

Honestly I thought it's over.

Could Trump win without Florida? I think no.

My fucking face when

Styx was pretty reassuring during his livestream, he said that Florida would definitely go Trump. The fight for Pennsylvania practically gave me an ulcer though. Every 5 minutes it flipped back and forth.

My heart sank then.

im gonna frame one of these

it helps if you understand the county layout of each state. for example i knew pennsylvania, ohio and north carolina would start out blue because their liberal cities would report first. same with florida, the heavy-republican northern county's wouldn't report until later, so democrats would have the upper hand until then.

Florida started red, tho.

Sup Forums's greatest day.

Well, the cities came in, so I was pretty sure it was nothing.

Florida gave me a bit of a scare later though.

watching trump go from -10 ohio and nc to +5 in both was great. liberals thought they had it in the bag, but they didn't realize the only reason they were blue is because the main cities were reporting results first. once those suburbs came in trump fucking surged like crazy.

Yeah frankly I was confident that even after the big blue counties, Hillary only had less than +0.5.
It was still a big scare.
PA on the other hand was really uncertain until the end.

I still cant believe it. I feel like im living in a dream. Good things can actually happen now... Half or more of the population are actually decent people.. so much hope lads

yea but very little of the vote had come in. later on when broward and miami counties came in the state was solid blue with clinton leading 2.5% - at this point NC and ohio were also solid blue. people were scared as fuck for a while, but also laughing that virginia was somehow solid red.