We doing it or what ?
We doing it or what ?
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Lets make Europe great again.
The fight is just beginning. We'll be there for you.
What's your brexit/trump again?
Poland is already free of left and Korwin is fucking retard
Needs Duterte there tbfh senpai
Le Pen
There is already no fully leftist party in sejm.
PiS is a bit socialistic, but at least they're not cucks.
LePen 2017
add Bolsonaro for Brazil.
I recognize a few of them, can anyone give me the names of all of them from left to right ? The boss
Based Tones got shoved off the perch by a jew who gave us an inferior broadband network so he could gloat about saving shekels, so we got a bit of work to do
>tfw the nationalist ruling party is not right wing enough.
Marion Maréchal Lepen
Tony Abbot
President Elect Donald Trump
Nigel Farage
Geert Widlers
Frauke Petry
Victor Orban
Vladimir Putin
Jimmie Åkesson
I think that's Norbet Hofer ? Dunno if it's the austrian or Lativan flag
Janusz Korwin-Mikke
This is the old version that still has cuck Abbot on it
Also Strache is a retard and should be replaced with Hofer
The zionist?
Daily reminder that Poland is the most tolerant nation. Pic related! Typical Polish politician.
Krystian Legierski
Anna Grodzka
John Godson
Two Polish teenagers arrested for insulting Turkish workers in restaurant in Gdansk, and calling them "niggers" and "dirts" and ordering them "get the fuck out from Poland".
* Niggers, check.
* Gay rights activists, check.
* Transsexuals, check
* Polish, check.
* Politician, check.
Poland Yes! Not even Sweden is this progressive!
> That file name
> Those digits
Why live?
It's H.C. Strache, not Norbert Hofer.
Lets Make The Earth Great Again
is there a giant Wallpaper sized version of this?
Thank you I wasn't sure who that was so I just put the fpo leader.
There is one for you somewhere,swissbro
Perfect, thank you user
>literally 3-5 persons
>they aren't in goverment anymore
Try harder next time
Yes. Tones is coming back, I can guarantee it. Turncuck is now lower in the polls than Abbott was at his worst.
>tfw she'll never whisper dirty french words while jerking you until you cum on her clean, red polish toes
>tfw no face
Typical butthurt cuck jealous about mono ethnic Poland.
Stay mad.
>Those Jimmie glasses
He's got the most work to do though, come on Jim
>tfw big tone will never be pm again, and given how much everybody hates turnbull and that the liberals won the last two, labor will win the next election
honestly dont think we can save germany. not with that lesbian looking dyke anyway
>tfw high foreigner population because we don't give away free passports
>tfw even though the rate is high most of them behave while most of shit is imported from France
I guess it could be worse.
Jimmie won't do it unless he gets Löfven's support(unlikely)
He must form a real alliance
This. Also Sweden is beoynd repair.
le pen and petry need to go
alt right is a boys club
I'm ready for 2017
>Albanian parliamentary election, 2017
>Armenian parliamentary election, 2017
>Czech parliamentary election, 2017
>French presidential election, 2017
>French legislative election, 2017
>German presidential election, 2017
>German parliamentary election, 2017
>Hungarian presidential election, 2017
>Liechtensteiner parliamentary election, 2017
>the Netherlands general election, 2017
>Norwegian parliamentary election, 2017
>Serbian presidential election, 2017
>Slovenian presidential election, 2017
Reminder to join our Make Europe Great Again discord. Please join and contribute.
I want to meme Europe into greatness, but I don't know how to even start.
I don't know anything about the politics, don't know the language, there are no leaked e-mails, etc
Maybe we could meme in English? Do all white frenchies know English?
I think we can get help from some french posters here to create text, we put it on memes, infographics, etc. We need to discuss it
you can't dick her, so you might as well serve her
>to meme Europe into greatness
Change Putin to Zhirinovskiy his a right wing politic in this country, cause Putin half leftard.
>labor will win the next election
nah senpai. turnbull was doing terrible before the most recent election, and they didn't get it then. albeit close.
tones will come back. 100%
>Forgetting Article 50
we lost tones to an establishment centre right canidate, kinda like Ryan who panders for the female vote.
Good lord. 2017 Will be a busy year.
Is pooinloo president based?
I see what you did here
I agree that the people want Abbott back but I can't see the Liberals bringing him back in given how hated he was before (and given that they basically brought Turnbull in so that they had a better chance of winning the election), and also given that they seem committed to having one PM for an entire term.
I'd be ecstatic if he came back but I find it really unlikely unless it was in a future election or something.
This. And Turnkike is more leftist than Based Tones.
>tfw Italy has nobody because all of our politicians are bumbling buffoons
Italians really aren't made for politics
Needs to get blacked 2bh
Sauce pls
Yes, Modi is based. He removes kebab and doesn't give a fuck what people think about it. I respect the Hindu nationalists for telling it like it is when it comes to Mudshits.
American here, so don't know who a lot of these people are but is this the right wing options for country leaders? If so we should totally summon Kek and start memetic war for every election in redeemable countries
Well, you certainly can start from dismantling NATO thing.
Let's get moving!
Is France and Germany next on the timeline schedule?
there's a watermark lmao
Oh comon! That would be funy!
There is always Russia, start at any time.
Yes, that would be
Things to know about Russian regime
(read subs)
She's a qt 3.14 and all, but you do know she's not the one who's gonna get elected if the FN wins, right...?
Yea stick to spaghetti and pizza, you're pretty good at making those.
Australia somehow got kicked from server and a dickhead popped up in his spot.
Don't worry though, based Tone is waiting in the wings, saying 'racist' things and Malcom will cop it, yes way.
He can't do anything, he can't do anything about it.
Lol, Americans love to stick their noses where they do not belong and do shit in countries far away, when they have no idea about them.
Our countries are here to provide them with amazing food while they fight for us, we're important too.
Fuck off we're not taking abbott back that retarded cunt who fucked our internet for decades. Pauline is /ourgirl/.
Yeah but she's a qt so whatever.
They also make Beretta's and Oto Melara,s.
For manly men only.
And for French they make Ferrari's.
Yes m8.
We cannot be stopped now, the great pendulum reached its leftmost extent and now begins the journey back through equilibrium to the right, gathering speed every second, attached to it is the weight of anger of half the native population for the last 50 years. By the time it reaches the centre mark its momentum shall be irresistible. It is an unstoppable force.
You know it because you feel it.
>she's a qt
Let me remind you two world wars.
The only thing Pauline has going for her is her opinion and her bravery. She's dumb as fuck and can barely debate a point. I don't have a problem with her but we need a Farage or Trump in this country.
change abbot for pauline hanson
we're going to build a wall, and make italy and spain pay for it
You have no tanks fuckwit.
We'd better recharge our meme battery!
I worry about the fact most stuff on here is in English, can we be as effective in non-anglo circles?
Non anglos will really have to step things up.
in /balt I assume that the foreigners are Russians but why are there so many in Estonia and Letonia and so few in Lituania?
Let me help you
The very first country in his list - Muslim
Make sure the Spanish part is removable in time, Britain's holiday home has to be accessible.
The advent of nuclear weapons shall prevent open conflict of any large scale between nuclear armed powers.
The next wars shall be civil ones along ethnic and religious lines. Simply look to the militarisation of the police force on every continent for proof of this.
Two Bombs dropped in one war.
Previous war had seen many cases of gas attacks.
>Polish people literally largest Euro migrant group in UK.
>See this shit everyday.
What the bloody'ell.
(((They))) have referenced this.
Brits can stick to Gibraltar.
>tfw canada will never become uncucked
he's great. Anti-corruption, anti-muslim
plus this shit is so funny we dont even have to sweat about it.
better than canada's weedman atm :(
I'd rather live in Canada than the USA desu - lots of jobs and comfy people with adorable expressions.
We will need your help 2018
Hey There.
Can you explain something to me? India seems in some ways to have rigid gender roles (and scary amounts of rape) and yet you end up with female politicians and so forth quite alot?
This feels like a bit of weird mix to me and other people I discuss it with....?
True, shes a complete fucking moron. I predict we'll see our true Farage or Trump rise out of the woodworks in 2-3 years.