Why did Moloch fail us?
Why did Moloch fail us?
eh he's a cuck mate
KEK has far too much power.
Molcuck never had a chance.
It's a gambit
Harder to make sacrifice with virgin children.
Kek requires mostly digits.
This is just Molochs way of doing things.
Just as God was willing to let the Devil run the world until Judgment Day, Moloch allowed Kek to prevail - so everyone sees how awful the US under Trump will be. In the 2020 election, Moloch will erase Kek without trace.
Kek has the power of millions of us, Moloch only has the backing of a few rich pedos.
include me in the screencap please
very nice
7 is a powerful number.
He's here with us. Praise him.
checked and keked
Death to the false idol!
Kek is the most efficient god, he can do so much with just 16 bits.
00000001 00000001
Praise Moloch
Witnessed. Kek fucked Mooch up m8
oh yeah look at that shit. so real its spooky.
Crazy fucking frog god egregore thing? you decide!
Kek is the way, Moloch confirmed lazy nigger.
Praise KEK!
Moloch be damned!
A curse on his followers!
Moloch is so bloodthirsty, that he will consume those who believed in him
Therefore he doesn't listen to his followers
He only does anything that leads to more destruction
meme magic is real
praise kek
Kek is a more modern god, born from technology. A more efficent and more powerful god. He doesnt require ancient rituals like the ancestral gods did.
I've seen this before. What does it mean??
Remember Brothers. Avoid the path of the fanatic, of the lunatic, lest you fall from the Path.
>false prophet winning
Because your memes were forced, and everyone knows forced memes hold no magic
holy shit
twice in the same thread
the will of kek has been witnessed
Dude I'm new i don't get it. Explain please!
"Come! and see!" and I saw.
fuckin elder god pepe motherfuck moloch
Somebody screencap this shit!
What the hell is up with this degenerate pagan crap? Haven't you learned yet what happens to all the filthy pagans once they go to far, God sends frogs to fuck their shit up. Repent now before you to get to feel the wrath of God.
This is what you need to know.
The power of Kek is eternal my friend.
Because you worship a demon you fucking faggot
Include me in the emu's screencap.
You'd need to hold a good amount of power to do that, sucks to suck.
Praise Kek
>Swede talking about degenerates
Frogs you say?
I see the repeating 7s but I never heard of this stuff before. I've just seen that screen cap with all the post numbers and wondered what it was. I figured it had something to do with kek.
All I can say, is that I am an avid Bitcoin supporter have been following the Trump election since day one, and most recently I have been glued to the pol Eyes Wide Open pedo thread here on Sup Forums. Something inside me feels that there is some great justice has to be done with saving the children from the podesta pedo Ring. But further than that, I don't know anything else besides there's some very strange shit being discussed over there in that thread involving FBI user and tarot cards and how it all seemed to tie together with spirit cooking/podesta pedo underground.
Praise the Lord, Jesus Christ!
Yea I live in sweden, and I fight of the hoardes of immigrunts and degenerates on a daily basis. Have yet to be lynched thanks to the power my God provides. The LGBT atheist sjw cucks can come at me anytime, they're all cucks.
You don't have to rub it in!!
came here to post
Pretty sure Kek was around before the Abrahamic God.
Hey man, you and the other people pushing 'moloch' all the time. Can you stop? I've been feeling uneasy and unnerved every time it comes up. I even get images popping up in my head of it whenever i'm having a calm moment.
Appreciate it.
Wasn't this guy supposed to be an owl or some shit?
Why does the user in your pic have 3 flags? I can remember setting your own flag during several occassions but I can't remember 3.
meme magic is more powerful than human sacrifice, albeit less controllable
Because hes no match for kek. When did you get nternet in your shed sven? You haven't left your cuck shed have you?
wine us
Dont take it seriously newfriend. Sup Forums is satire.
>Pretty sure Kek was around before the guy who was around before existence.
well done... well done.
Abrahamic God is just a fanfiction mix of several other Gods, retconned to appear older than it actually is. Kek was first.
Indeed the Abrahamic God might just be another disguise for Kek, as Kek was known as "raiser up of the light". Let there be light, anyone?
>"raiser up of the light". Let there be light, anyone?
you're pretty good at making fanfics (of history and theology specifically) yourself.
Ahahahahahahahahahaahah, fag.
Checked n rekt
Get Kekkked on, scrub.
Fuck kek. Moloch is the god of diversity and multiculturalism. Drumpf's victory was probably part of his plan. He knows Drumpf is a retard who will fuck up america so that they'll come crawling back to a democrat in 4 years. Nothing to see here.
Egyptian mythology is about 2000 years older than the earliest versions of Abrahamic religion (Judeaism), my cucked neighbor.
It's a well known fact that the Abrahamic religion is nothing but a mix of other, older religions, made specifically to suit the political needs of the time.
you didn't even get a dub faggot, looks like I can steal the property of your god without any reprecusions. Check em
Kek is a wise God, who allows even the naysayers a voice, if only so they have the chance to be ridiculed for their words at a later date.
Molcuck is just too low energy to stand against the might of KEK (pbuh)
of by one... Why is your god failing you so hard bjorn?
Also judging by your post, it would seem like kuk is a passive agressive bitch.
Kek has already proven his power, my child. When the time is right, and if you are blessed, you will witness his power again.
aaaand he fails you again... Don't pretend that you were not warned when the plauge strikes you. But regardless of the differences in our methods, I think we can both agree that we need to get rid of the degeneracy that is killing west. Just make sure that you're on the right side when shit hits the fan.
Checked for kek!
>Swedish Flag
>right side
Praise Kek
>those digits
Praise Kek
We need to feel the yoke of a world controlled by Kek before he return and deliver us to paradise.
As if I was preaching for sweden. No seriously, fuck sweden, they to will have what's coming for them, since they've abandoned the true God. Have fun praising a god called kuk, fits you perfectly.
Mother of god.....
Twice in the same thread and both connected to the holy 7 combo of Trumps victory
>Swede making a kuk reference
>hating his own country
Good goy
Speak for yourself buddy.