Guys, I'm legitimately weirded out. Is meme magic real?
Guys, I'm legitimately weirded out. Is meme magic real?
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Check em
Fuck, so close.
Ha, faggot
Yes.. Anymore stupid questions?
You are redeemed my son
yes and it belongs to us
amateur, watch this
After seeing this election play out with all the gets i am almost certain kek is among us and we are to serve in his guidance. Too many gets.
Unless ive been tricked by scripts, but i have faith.
Check em
Keks works in mysterious ways
Very few can wield its power though.
chill out a bit Kek has to recharge his energy, it took a lot to make america great again.
“And on the seventh day KEK finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.”
It is
Of course it's fucking real.
Jack Canfield has talked about this for decades. He said this is how elections are won... the law of attraction.
Trump is new hitler.
Kek is ancient egyptian god. Trump is kek
Agreed, we are not worthy. We must praise his name in humble patience
hey faggots
check my fucking digitss ya cunts
Yes the meme magic is real.
Be careful with Kek. He is an old God of laughter and irony. He has no affiliation with anyone. He literally does it for the lols. The only Good you will see in him is his non affilliation with the rest of the old gods. Actually, he mocks them like fodder, because he knows they are weak. He wants to see them fail, so he can laugh and laugh and laugh.
But when he's done with them. Where will he seek entertainment?
Kek, oh Lord of Chaos, should I quit smoking?
This should be our next banner.
Smoking is actually good for you.
Check my post number for proofs.
Kek will build mexican wall
Of course it is
kek for the kek god -PRAISE
I found working out was easier when I quit smoking once before. Now that Trump is president I feel the need to be the best I can be so I'm going to /fit/.
Also your lack of digits prove smoking is bad for you.
Is Patrick Bateman secretly the high priest of Order of KEK?
we will see when 9999999 and 100000000 habbening comes.
Did I do good?
People are trying for gets , you don't try kek just gives. He is real
Kek truly hates when you call you own get but He is forgiving and blessed you this day.
holy shit
F a g g o t
Our Spanish friend is correct and Kek has blessed him for sharing this deep truth on the nature of Kek.
The posts on this shithole mean nothing. You are all defective and scathed. Unredeemable, you must tighten your nooses and jump.
Yes it's called also called memetics or more popularly propaganda. We've taken its power away from those who manipulate the masses through mainstream media and adopted it for anti-globalist purposes using the power of the internet and it's why we now have Donald Trump as the president elect.
dat ID
Stef is one of Us. PRAISE YOUR DIGITS!
I legitimately believe Kek is real now.
Better not miss any of those "your mother will die in her sleep" posts anymore.
I have a theory that the outcome of the future is decided by the amount of people that hope for it. What if meme magic isn't real, but is part of something that is?
>tfw thinking back on taytays post and get
>trump wins
I know its ridiculous and all but a small part of me feels warm
How else would we be where we are today?
yes it is
Do you know what the difference between you and us is?
You can post a shitpost and sour someone's mood.
We can post a shitpost and push a candidate into world's most powerful post.
Fuck of mountain nigga
Go back to halling my shit up everest sherpa boi
Filthy Ankeet's
some /r9k/ wizard or straya shit poster will steal it, like they did with 8*8
How many times do we have to tell you? Yes, it's real as fuck.
Trump shall ride eternal. Shiny and chrome.
Do not question our mighty overgod Kek.
Praise Kek.
He has blessed us with his grace and power.
May you meme in his light so he may grant us favor and bless us with digits.
Praise Kek!