We're famous now bros, smile for the cameras

>‘We actually elected a meme as president’: How Sup Forums celebrated Trump’s victory

washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2016/11/09/we-actually-elected-a-meme-as-president-how-Sup Forums-celebrated-trumps-victory/

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>One thread filled up with hundreds of Pepes to help meme Florida over to Trump, as if their energy could help Florida stay red.

>not believing in meem magics

>those article comments


Shadilay brothers


Never change 4chinz

> Make the mistake of checking front page


Fuck off we're full.

Also article missed the whole point where Sup Forums started up forward bases in Leddit.

>tfw you were part of it

we did it Sup Forumsros!!



meme this

liberals are the nazis now


They are really burning flags? What the fuck?! That should be the symbol of your country not of any particular political group. If anybody needed any indication of who are the stupid/bad guys in it, it's the fucks that burn the flag.

With great power comes no responsibility!


>Wrote another 4channer: “Holy s— I just cant believe (((they))) are allowing this.” The triple parenthesis are a racist meme meant to signify that someone is Jewish.

side status: orbital


at first the text is liberal. but in the end he enjoyed being on Sup Forums he will come back. i bet my D u b s (currently banned word. WTF is Sup Forums doing? you cant control k e k s power.)

Trump ran against Hillary
He got a concession speech

We ran against the washington post and other news shits.

This is their concession speech for us!

it sounds as if the boards efforts were organized and its all a big conspiracy.

"Do they not see the digits controlled in the cybersphere of the board? None holds them up except Kek. Indeed in that are signs for a people who meme." – Book of Kek 21:6


Feels good, man.

Still can't believe a mandarin image board grabbed the media by the pussy.

>One thread filled up with hundreds of Pepes to help meme Florida over to Trump, as if their energy could help Florida stay red.

They themselves radicalized Sup Forums around 2013.
They created us.

I don't think half the people here would be on Sup Forums and this active in politics if there weren't constant articles about feminism in video games or ghostbusters and shit
Its such an absurd situation

Its like they bullied the nerds so much and Sup Forums just did a school shooting on a national scale

>Free speech is news
fuck this gay earth