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Fuck, please let this happen. If enough of these faggots leave it'll make the rebuilding about 200x easier.

I honestly want to promote this.
Export the liberals.

>The Canadian immigration site crashed repeatedly Tuesday as states closed their polls and results began to come in


what did they mean by this?

None of the crying liberals would be able to move to some other country. It takes more than just packing your things and getting on a plane. They aren't able to do things that require responsibility.

They should all go to Guam. They did a straw poll and Hillary won.

Mass Media (Judea) declared war on Trump

this, you have to be vetted to determine that you'll be an asset to their society

what a concept

>Mass Media (Judea) declared war on Trump

So whos gona care, only 6% believe them anyway. I also have the strong suspicion that 6% are the usual suspects.

All this does is that they accelerate the death of the old media.

>only 6% believe them anyway
But it's not only the media. Teachers are also part of that and they brainwash millions of americans every year.

The old media is not dying they are just hurt. Liberals still watch CNN

funny how they want to move to other white countries. why not africa? south america? middle east etc..

mainstream media has lost all credibility. These Semites all predicted a trivial Clinton win




>all degenerates go to Canada

we're full

This. To say they're so adoring of brown/black people, why do they always refuse to go live with them? Hmmmm...

Saudia Arabia? Morocco? Uganda?

They love to use mexicans to push their agenda but they won't move there

But americans behave like CNN want them to behave. Just look these anti-Trump riots.

Those liberals would get so broken by moving to most of Europe.

If you behave in Germany like Americans, especially liberals, do - vocally shouting your opinions and refusing any arguments - you will be in for a bad awakening.

The only ones who ape America here in Germany are teenagers and certain parts of certain universities.
(Go to Bremen university to see a cesspool of degeneracy if you can. The banners everywhere are telling. Half of it is vandalism and many of their protests block train line 6, which is the one that ferries most people to campus)

These liberals are always stoned. They don't actually notice if people are treating them well or not

This, desu. Couldn't be happier about them leaving.

None will go. Maybe like 1 celebrity that wanted to move anyway.

Prepare your anus.

>harry (((Cockburn)))

Export them to the Middle East

That should fix them right up.

We should never hear from them again

When will the jews actually say out loud they want to exterminate us?

Canada? Europe? If they hate white people so much, why move to another white country? They should move to Africa or Mexico.

Probably never.

They are currently more successful in killing Muslims atm.

They will never admit anything

They say it all the time.

ship all sjws here. they will have a nice group-therapy.

They are not welcome in europe anyway

>Brownskins only, preferably muslim

>Barbara Specter will never go to jail because she lives in Sweden

it hurts

*now that
Do they even have an editor?

Stay the fuck out. We have indian doctors, chinese surgeons and engineers competing with each other to get in. We have no room for a 20 year old liberal arts major drop out.

Yes. It's called FactCheck

Again, I love how these people will only move to other white countries. No talk of South America or Africa.

By all means, lefties. Get packing.

All these salty tears are even more entertaining than the cucking of europe

What a time to be alive

we could force them to go to Brazil or Africa.. it's not that hard

Can't wait to see the SJW destroyed by our "refugees engineers" in Paris.

Sound good.

If you don't let me in, I'm telling Trudeau on you for being a shitlord and assuming my age and employment identity, shitlord!

Does it mean there'll be some vacant space in USA?

I have an idea. We could meme Switzerland as a safe haven; they supposedly have a deal where they automatically send most refugees to Uganda.

American exceptionalism at work again

Fuck off faggots other countries have their own problems to deal with

Stop exporting your whiners abroad

We're full

Anyone who comes to Canada will be deeply disappointed, despite how it may seem with our media Canada is way less politically correct than America, every democrat American and European liberal I met who moved here said they were miserable and Canada isn't what they expected . This is in Toronto too, can't imagine what it's like out in the sticks for them

I've been seeing a lot of talk about Australia.


They are full.We are full too.
They should look for a place in greenland or antarctica