Reminder that only uneducated fucks and old people voted Trump

"In the 2016 election, a wide gap in presidential preferences emerged between those with and without a college degree. College graduates backed Clinton by a 9-point margin (52%-43%), while those without a college degree backed Trump 52%-44%. This is by far the widest gap in support among college graduates and non-college graduates in exit polls dating back to 1980. For example, in 2012, there was hardly any difference between the two groups: College graduates backed Obama over Romney by 50%-48%, and those without a college degree also supported Obama 51%-47%."

Other urls found in this thread:

University is a part-time hobby for the upper-class globalistic yuppies, going to university doesn't make you intelligent in a lot of cases, it's a social club for rich people for more connections

>Reminder that those with higher incomes vote Trump, your "education" is one nobody wants to pay for


Uneducated people rationalising educated people as the real uneducated people makes my brain full of fuck

45 % of college educated women voted for trump... So suck a nut

>go to college
>be dead broke and it debt, work a McJob
>vote for gibsmedats

Not hard to figure out, pham.

The problem with university is that there are too many useless, fly-by-night degrees in shit like Women's studies and humanities in general. Unfortunately these qualifications tend to overshadow what university is supposed to be about: acquiring scientific and theoretical skills in tangible industries

>people who didn't go through the liberal indoctrination machine don't vote liberal

If you're trying to show that there's a correlation between higher education and intelligence, try not being a fucking retard.

The only retard here is you. There's no indoctrination machine; smarter people (who end up going to college way more often than retards like you) tend to hold progressive ideals. Every single piece of research support this fact

>inb4 the jews blah blah
>inb4 you can't trust research blah blah

>every single piece of research
show some

In my university there were plenty of students and professors that had rightwing and nationalistic tendencies. I never understood this higher education = leftism meme.

> Unfortunately these qualifications tend to overshadow what university is supposed to be about: acquiring scientific and theoretical skills in tangible industries
Who said that? People go to college to acquire knowledge

They're the exception that confirms the rule. Of course there are right-wing people in academia, it's just that leftism is the overwhelming majority

>There's no indoctrination machine
Sure, the mandatory white privilege and feminism seminars are just a pure coincidence.

>Every single piece of research support this fact
So post some.

reminder that The God Emperor Trump said he'd release the 28 pages of the 911 report unredacted.

maybe people care more about the truth than identity politics.

just maybe.


Got any proofs on that? Otherwise I'm going to assume you're just bullshitting me.

>The lower intelligence extreme orients toward the left because it is populated disproportionately by leftist beneficiaries (e.g., economic and racial minorities).
i'd like to see what these people define as 'very high' intelligence btw
outside of social faculties most people tend to be in the middle or on the right of the political spectrum


According to these the "uneducated fucks" you don't seem to like would have voted for Hillary, not Trump.

Factor in gender faggot and show us the results

Leftism is only common in younger generations simply because these younger generations have to struggle for comparatively little in life to their parents and grandparents and think this wonderful idea of everybody getting shit for free would actually work in the real world.


I already linked three studies in this very thread. Literally go on Google Scholar and search "leftism intelligence".

>i'd like to see what these people define as 'very high' intelligence btw
Usually g.

Doesn't change the fact that smart people (who go to college more often than stupid people) are usually leftists, therefore my point here stills holds true.

Do you have research backing this up? The more intelligent you are, the more you tend to hold progressive beliefs. This is a phenomenon seen across all age brackets.

Youre implying only left-winged parties can hold progressive beliefs which is not true(maybe in the US it is the case)

>educated people contribute more to the economy than uneducated people
>their higher incomes can be taxed for more

They literally pay for themselves.

Ok. Will you admit that you clickbait title is incorrect?

College graduates are fucking dumb

It's fucking irrelevant. Fuck off


MS in CS and MBA. >$350k salary. Voted Trump

>Only the uneducated voted for DrUmPf

Mid 20's mechanical engineer, published in multiple research journals, degree from a top 20 program in the country, good job, not in debt, voted for Trump.

Just because you have an education doesn't make you smart. Lots of people are dumb enough to pursue degrees that will do nothing other than put them in debt.

8% of niggers voted for Trump. Average nigger IQ is 85.

Kill yourself jungle monkey.

>Claims to be smart
>Posts anecdotal evidence

>Just because you have an education doesn't make you smart.

Well you got one thing right user.

Money is all that matters anyway my man. If he's really an engi there's a good chance he falls into the upper income bracket anyway.

Yes yes, good shill, good shill. Here's a head pat and 5 cents.

Can't wait until this election shit dies down. What will Sup Forums not shut the fuck up about in a month? The Refugee Crisis I guess.

>Believing a chart where people self-report their income

Oh user, not you too

I'm in my first year of college right now and I just voted for Trump. Checkmate, faggot.

As opposed to the ones where people self report their education?

reminder that uneducated is a codeword for unindoctrinated

Say what you want, we still won.

The left is busy crafting the post election narrative.

You see, the problem is white people. Why are they voting for their interests? They're racist! White people voting as a block for white interests is racist!

>White people are the most split ethnicity in the election.

Of course it's perfectly natural that blacks vote 88% Democrat (down from 93% during Obama), because it's just in their own interest. It's because white america is so racist, they have to vote that way. :^)

Also the uneducated voted Trump. This is because they are dumb. Uneducated means dumb, after all. We liberals know so much more because we have college degrees. Also we're the party of the working man, we care about the common people.

>Wait, why are we losing the votes from these dumb racist hicks who are worried about their jobs?

They're just scared of immigration because they're racist. Also immigrants only do jobs that whites don't wanna do.

>But privately we'll admit that immigration is hurting the uneducated working class the most.

"Why don't they just get educations and program the robots that will end up doing their jobs anyway? :^)"

I hate this world so goddamn much.

Here's the stats by the way.

>They literally pay for themselves
>can't even pay their loans back
top kek

This. The 'gap' (9%) really isn't all that significant. Even the racial divide wasn't as pronounced as it had been predicted. The real gulf here was that between cosmopolitanism 'progressives' and everyone else.

This is literally the only piece of information that matters in this thread. The only college graduates that voted for Trump are the salty debt slaves that got a useless liberal meme degree.

Yeah I wish more would realize this.

Our old PM was a Rhodes scholar and he was a fucking idiot. Don't pretend like voluntarily turning your self into a wage slave makes you smart. STEM or bust, everything else is padding the stats.

And only poor people and the mentally handicapped voted Hillary.

Dear Democratic Party,

Perhaps the reason you lost is because you insult everyone who disagrees with you as dumb, racist, rednecks, even when they're none of those things.

I realize it sounds cliché. I was more or less saying that education is about the most broad grouping for voters. You've got everything from frat star business majors, to neck beard engineers, to sjw gender studies majors.

I'm a doctor and I voted Trump.
Get fucked shitblood

I've got three degrees and I make 6 figures and my wife and I both voted trump

If you want an income floor on voting I'm all for it

Maybe Democrats should try to remember that "uneducated fucks and old people" have a vote too, next time.

You can't win an election if you dismiss half the country as bad people who don't count. They do count. That's democracy.

Not surprised you hate trump, just like every other non white