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Funny isnt it?
>tfw it's already nearly 2017 and you will have to go through the weird feeling of saying COME ON ITS 2017
Just looks wrong bros
>we're salt farmers for the next 4 years
we just can't stop winning...
>that blame shifting
Grow a fucking spine!
LOL this English cuck is so narcissitic that he actually thinks he influenced Trump to run. What an enormous fagetron.
First they laugh at you [retracted] then you win
>what is comedy?
This limey phaggot lobsterback needs to get the fuck out of this country stat. He has left a huge reeking trail of subversion and is largely responsible for propping up the Potemkin reality in the feeble minds of normies that is driving this country off of a cliff.
Are you asking on behalf of Oliver?
He'll cry on-air when Obongo goes ...
Cant wait for his new episode
>tfw you do your job as a propagandist too well
top fucking kek, i don't watch his show but i can't wait for the next episode
I also thought it was funny, and I still do.
Also can't wait for Trump to meet Boris Johnson.
Shit will be hilarious.
The funny thing is how they always talk about Trump being a political nobody who just showed up one day and then won the presidency.
The guy has been more or less involved in politics for decades and throughout this whole time championed pretty much the same principles.
The reason he now ran for office was because every other politician he supported fucked up and couldn't get the job done, so now he is going to do it himself.
>what is greentext?
mister Trump i'm already tired of winning
Can you just make a pause?
Oliver isn't funny, but it doesn't excuse you autistically taking his "jokes" literally. That is what an autistic person does - they don't understand context or hidden meaning. I'd get yourself checked for existing on the spectrum.
Shhh, no tears now. Only victory.
>mfw it's the current year
Sometimes i wish my great grandparents joined in the creation of America.
Id acctuly want to be American in 2016
8 years, mate.
It's going to be a bountiful harvest.
best pic of the whole night
It's over Oliver.
2015 has past. Your chronological power has waned.
Your. Time. Is. Up.
It's what republicans call "serious politics" hahaha amirite guys please watch my show
u n d e r r a t e d
An article from Vox called the election months ago.
And it's right too. Liberals assume they're better then conservatives - mentally, physically, sexually. It's a disgusting sort of way to view the world, because they end up mocking them. The most poignant thing in the article is this:
>Nolan is perhaps the funniest and most articulate of those pointing fingers at the "dumbass hicks," but he isn't alone. It is evidently intolerable to a huge swath of liberalism to confess the obvious: that those responsible have homes in Brooklyn, too. That they buy the same smartphones. That they too are on Twitter. That the oligarchs are making fun of stupid poor people too. That they're better at it, and always will be.
>He made a big mistake in the past about the presidential candidate
I know this might be hard to understand Pierre, but by implying fault, he is personally taking blame.
>muh 2016
>2016 was the year globalism died
It is indeed funny.
>Your. Time. Is. Up.
what is fueling this retarded fucking sentiment? all the media personalities you think are going to have something happen to them are just going to go on doing what they do because they'll still have a fanbase in the half of the population that didnt vote trump
>steinberg told trump to run for president
>being this new
>so now he is going to do it himself.
That's a lesson I learned from my father, If you want to be sure that you get something done properly, do it yourself.
>literal al-qaeda terrorist and son happen to be Arabs with murican citizenship
>Obama drones them
>Trump and cuckservatives: OBAMA KILLED AMERICANS!!1
WTF was that bullshit about? Why was he so cuckservative back in 2013?
I wish I could be this gleeful
I'm a Jew and I voted for Trump. I live in SoCal and my coworkers literally thought it was the end of the world today. How do people really buy into the "Trump is Hitler" meme? Seriously, it was more somber than a grave yard. Their sadness was actually making me sad.
This is an interesting read, albeit a tad long winded and repetitive.
Isn’t it funny? You know, when I came here three years ago, and I said that I wanted to lead a campaign be the 45th President of the United States, you all laughed at me. Well, I have to say, you’re not laughing now, are you?
The reason you’re so upset, the reason you’re so angry, has been perfectly clear from all the angry exchanges this morning. You, as a political party, are in denial. You’re in denial over Barack Obama, or Barack Obama’s call last year for as many people as possible to cross the southern border into the United States has led to massive divisions between states and within states. The biggest problem you’ve got, and the reason, the main reason the American people voted the way that they did, is because you have by stealth, by deception, without ever telling the truth to peoples of America, you’ve imposed on them a globalist union. You’ve imposed upon them a globalist union.
What happened yesterday was a remarkable result, it was indeed a seismic result, not just for American politics, but perhaps even for global politics too. Because what the little people did, all the ordinary people did, what the people who have been oppressed over the last few years and seen their living standards go down, they rejected the multinationals. They rejected the merchant banks, they rejected big politics, and they said, “Actually, we want our country back. We want our constitutional rights back, we want our borders back. We want to be an independent, self governing, normal nation.” That is what we have done, and that is what must happen.
Probably because there was no sort of trial in the courts before this decision. You know, that fundamental right that all American citizens have, to face their accuser and stand trial before a jury of their peers.
I'm not saying the mudslime shouldn't have been wasted, but every American citizen deserves a trial.
Due process have you heard of it.
He's saying it's dumb for that to be okay yet pussy out on waterboarding.
Doesn't that happen every election?
Trump isn't even extreme, he's a centrist.
Far more worrying is the all Republican congress.
Wouldn't be surprised if they'll push for a war with Iran, which then causes millions more refugees to shop up in Europe. - that's my only big worry.
That and climate change - but I'll be dead before that gets too bad anyways.
>climate change
Trump 2016 disagrees with cuckservatives and Trump 2013, so I'm satisfied.
>Far more worrying is the all Republican congress.
This. I consider Trump as the first independent president. He beat both Democrat and Republican establishments in the Executive but I'm not fond of a Republican-controlled America, to be honest. Cuckservatives are the worst.
Without him they wouldn't have won shit
Trump knows how to cut deals and get shit done anyway
> How do people really buy into the "Trump is Hitler" meme?
>Doesn't that happen every election?
Yes, they pull out the Hitler and KKK memes every election. Even used it on Mitt Romney and all that fucker does is drink milk.
>worried about climate change
>finger on the trigger
>while pulling on the slide
So easy to tell a no gunz