Austrian Nationalism on the Rise - MAKE AUSTRIA GREAT

Fellow Sup Forumsacks, in the wake of Trump's sensational victory, we MUST keep the momentum going.

BrEXIT has lit the fire, the fire of the white Europeans, we will NOT be beaten.

The next step will be achieved 4 December 2016 - the Austrian Presidential Election. NORBERT HOFER of the FPÖ - populist, conservative, anti-immigration, anti-EU versus the pro-EU cuckold ALEXANDER VAN DER BELLEN of the GREENS.

Our lord Kek has shown us the power of meme magic, we cannot let this go to waste. Hofer must be memed into the Presidency, Austrian nationalism will rise again.

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Democracy is dead.
Why do you call yourselves National Socialist's when you support elections and democracies?

>Austria-Hungary, but modeled like the US with the freedoms and the guns

I can live with that.

May Kek be with Hofer


That's how we got Hitler in...

he never said he was a national socialist, but hitler campaigned for election too senpai idk what your point is

this isnt austria. The pic includes austria, but it is not just austria, nor austria-hungary monarchy

why would you even include all the east block countries?

Why would we want hungary, serbia or all the other countries again? Countries north of us would at least give us an industrial advantage, but not the ones east of us

Fuck off cunt, this is Serb clay.

why does austria really really like being multicultural? something so disgusting should just be put down. give the land to bavaria

>Europe's far right has been bosted by Trump's win - Guardian
>After Trump and Brexit, populist tsunami threatens European mainstream - Reuters
>Europe’s anti-immigrant leaders are taking Trump’s show on the road - Washington Post
>Hofer’s rise could portend similar movements across Europe - CBS
>TRUMP TSUNAMI: EU braces for 'revolution' amid Austria, Italy, France and German elections - Express

franz ferdinand had plans for a danubian federation like that before he got killed by terrorists

Get in here:

Send us your meme magic, we have right wing candidate running against a literal green communist.
Czechs and Hungarians are just Austrians speaking a weird dialect desu

get fucked LUL

How come the national animal of Austria is an Austrich?

> Democracy is dead goy
> pls don't go voting, your candidate will never get into office

Idk, why do you call yourself an International Socialist if you're not a full blown Stalinist?

not even once tb.h

Lol, tyrol will be italian for ever. Get over it :')

How can we help if we can't speak German?

More like Italians will forever pay more taxes so that a bunch of Austrian farmers can live in luxury and autonomy :^)

So what's the situation on the ground like?

More support for Hofer than he had in May?

Thats because we like you :)

You will fall to the muslim and we shall conquer you.


I'm very optimistic senpai



We need some more German-language memes for this

Good old times. Just do it! Gott erhalte den Kaiser.

Why would you want the Austria-Hungarian monarchy back? It was the literal definition of a multicultural cesspool.

Unite here.

As far as I can tell Hofer is in the lead. He's maintained this lead for quite a long time and so far has not looked like relinquishing it - but it is slim.

KEK with us until the Endsieg

because it was WHITE multiculturalism.

Multiculturalism =/= multiracialcuckism

>implying slavs are of any worth.

Our Leader Timo Soini. JYTKYTETÄÄN!

It's just a meme, not saying I want it back. The concept of Austro-Slavism is trash tbqh. Bringing back the monarchy in Austria I could get behind however.

NYPA......oh wait!

>implying hungary and czechoslovakia arent based

We need all the dirt on the green party, help us out fritzl

We only know about election fraud, but we need details
also other scandals of former leftists in power

>unironically including Nazi Golden Dawn

>implying the austro-hungarian empire only consisted of hungarians and croats

I'd be up for this. Just expel Bosnia and keep Herzegovina. No mudslimes and Serbs allowed.

use brexit and america as examples, take our power and get shit done!

>slavs have no worth

Why is this not blowing up??

This is about a Trump supporting, gun-loving, anti-immigrant, deportation-suggesting right-wing candidate in the fucking home country of Hitler


Because Austria routinely calls re-call elections if he looks like he is gonna win, the media scares the shit out of people by telling them the nationalists might win, and then boom people vote for the other person.

>German democracy

But Austria is only 1/8 of that area.

but we can fix this, the other person might not win this time.


We need austria hungary, but without austria. They are too cucked.

austria is based

Is there a problem? Those are Danes just like everyone else who lives here.

Travelling down from Sweden, friend?

No I was born here to a irani refugee family. I'm danish.

Try harder next time.

>I was born here to a irani refugee family. I'm danish.
Shooting spree when?


>entreaty to Austrian nationalism with a pic referencing a multi-national imperial possession retained by an ancient and incestuous family

