do you permavirgins actually think YOU and your anonymous forum site made Trump president? Hhahaha!!hAhahaha
Now that the dust has settled
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Let's get together again and remember where we started.
Sup Forums actually did a lot by shitting up other sites. It was genius.
Sup Forums and /r/the_donald are taking credit for electing Trump
is this another meme or are these retards actually serious?
Sup Forums had an impact for sure but not nearly as much as most people here think.
Lots of good troll accounts on twitter and other social media.
Lots of "dirty" tactics though, the #SpiritCooking shit was a bit over the top but probably got some Christian votes
I just want to forget the absolutely retarded Palantir time-traveller threads, sometimes this board makes my head hurt because some autist want to roleplay /x/ too much
pol be like
>so we made brexit happen and now we made trump happen, whats next my Sup Forums warriors?
They're serious. Kek. They are quite young though so don't judge them too harshly
Hey CTR.
What's up loser?
let them have their momentary sense of self-worth.
once the euphoria of Trump's victory fades away it'll be replaced by the reality of their pathetic lives.
Of course not, it was the American People.
Most underrated work was poll rigging in early Reb debates.
In all fairness, Trump won this. The man has run exhaustive schedule for 1.5 years. My hat goes off to him. No one should take any of that away from him.
Loser, Loser, Loser, Loser.
What is CTR?
Is it like JIDF?
You have to be a special kind of lad to actually believe their were PAID shills for this crap
praised be our KEK (memes be upon him)
foreigners and non believers (libs) should remain that way
meme magic is ours, let them sleep on their fantasy
>He got paid $1.34
>By people who think of him as a worthless nerd virgin
>lost horribly
>to Nazi autists
I don't have a face for how pathetic CTR is.
There were, but definitely not anymore. Funding has run dry.
We got Hillary Clinton to post an article about Pepe as a nazi symbol on her campaign website. We made pol memes mainstream for the normies. You can't tell me we didn't have any influence in the election, its simply not true.
There's a lot of butthurt hill shills ITT
>You can't tell me we didn't have any influence in the election, its simply not true.
you didn't have any influence in the election.
Nothing you say matters anymore honestly, he won, don't be so assblasted about it
No hide your power level, we'll need them to underestimate us for the next election.
i wanted him to win the soo joke's on you laddy
Yeah, pretty much. Wasn't the media convinced that nazi frogs were driving trump?
m8 next election the democrats are going to be out in force. it'll be very difficult for Trump to get a second term unless he knocks it out of the park.
turnout at the next election will be massive
>Wasn't the media convinced that nazi frogs were driving trump?
are u asking me that?
why is straya so stoopid? (lol!)
Jokes on you, I was only pretending to be retarded
Hello autism incarnate
or they'll all be in Canada. Prepare for the mass exodus of America.
Nope it was Reddit and Ebaumsworld
Let them have credit, it allows Sup Forums more freedom
Based on what i'm seeing, it may have not.
A few people with large Twitter followings use this website
why do CTR always use balkan VPN's, are they cheaper?
remove kebab
>Trumps propaganda arm
>did nothing to get him elected
Whatever you say, (insert insulting name for croats here).
why don't we spuds have an alt right political party
Election's over. We won, you lost. :) Pack it in.
Trump stealthily mentioned Sup Forums.
Hillary explicitly pointed to us.
In some of the tight states like Fla. you can't tell me that pol initiatives like vote by SMS and and Draft Our Daughters didn't have an impact, if nothing else to keep people from bothering to vote.
I hope kek punishes you
We do now, it is called Republican.
How old are you kid? 5? You don't know what a rhetoric question is? GTFO and take your shill proxy with you. You lost and you will keep losing. Hungary support, Brexit, Trump etc etc. It's just the beginning your end is in sight.
Butterfly effect.
A single meme can cause a bunch of Tweets and Facebook posts, which get picked up by mass media, which can cause political responses, which can cause millions of people to vote differently.
....or can fall off page 1 before anyone has ever seen it.
I'm 20, will be 21 in late April. I was thinking about inviting Frank to my birthday this year, but considering what he's been saying about Lucija I probably won't. As to the other half of your post,
Sup Forums unironically believes they memed a person to the white house.
Molyneux may be right with the cause of the 25% of Latino support for Trump.
Catholic latinos do not take "Spirit cooking" very well and that was straight fron Sup Forums
>being this buttdevastated
I'm dead serious :) We won this election and nobody will take that away from us :)
>now that the dust has settled
Do you permavirgins actually think that YOU CTR shills actually made Hillary president?
Shouldn't you be fleeing for your life ex-CTR scum ?
They will clean up after they're done with hilary.
>there's a grain of truth in every meme
It's the internet era, even hillbillies have a huawei 40 bucks smartphone now, and they all love memes, they all follows memes like everybody followed pokemon go. Sometimes even a frog will do.
Pol's worldwide shitposting unironically raised awareness to the average white joe about what was voting Hillary was all about: fucking them over.
Pol basically rode the coattails of the Shillary campaign, which on tv all the time, to led voters to do the Right thing.
It was truly magical because you can bet your ass not even pol itself nor the firmest believers thought it could work so well.
*which was on
I guess CTR is still shilling, trying to make us doubt our influence so we stop memeing. Globalists must have some more things in the works and they don't want to be disrupted by this here gaggle of autists.
Stay mad :^)