Genius idea to punish California

California is going to vote on leaving the union because they are a bunch of unpatriotic flag burning SJW pussies.

They also have delusions of grandeur of abolishing the Electoral College, some of them faggots are even petitioning for it.

California has 55 electorates, the only state in the union over 50, far more than ANYONE else, they greedily hog them and they are always blue.

My proposal.

Electoral College reform.

The number of electoral college votes a state gets can not exceed the current number of US states. This would cap California in at 50, unless it breaks up into smaller states and some of those have a chance of going red and it's not just a sea of blue on the west coast.

them voting to leave the union is literally the best thing they can do now. its a solid excuse to put them down properly

They can petition all they want, but the Republicans got a majority everywhere thanks to the electoral college. Do they really expect anything to change?

> guy gets elected in legal and democratic process
> people scream that this is not democracy
> first reaction: run away

Great. I don't like Trump, but I'm not going full coward and run away from my own country.

At least the fundies got it right 8 years ago - settle down, buy guns and ammo and fight for America. Situation flips now, liberals just up and run away. Great.

Fucking thanks.

If California leaves the US will remain republican for decades

Isn't it illegal for a state in the Union to secede from the US? So if Californian officals declare California an independ state, then the US can legally send in the troops and reclaim California.

Let them leave honestly.
Let them have totally open immigration.
Let them take every single Mexican and Central American who walks on in.
Let them crumble under the weight of the welfare they will have to dish out to these rent seeking human garbage.
Let them utterly fail to maintain and preserve their infrastructure.
Let them starve to death when they can't feed their own people.
Let their farms fail when they cannot secure enough fresh water for agriculture and human consumption.
Let their crime rates explode when they receive no outside help from federal agencies.
Let them have their own special snowflake nation.

Let them die.

Just let them leave and slap a large tariff on CA products. Every serious business will instantly flee to America.

>Isn't it illegal for a state in the Union to secede from the US? So if Californian officals declare California an independ state, then the US can legally send in the troops and reclaim California.

That is correct, and that was what that whole Civil war thing we had was all about...

We would reclaim it. You know damn well that Trump has no love for California because they hate him so much, they vandalize his hollywood star constantly.

Don't do this to me guys I`ve lived in California my whole life, trump winning was the first sign of hope in years. We can be based if trump deports all the mexicans and redpills the blacks/libs.

But who will get them water?

Time for a "March to the Sea" campaign on San Francisco. Burn everything

Of course you will have the option to just leave California

>be California and leave union
>"fuck you America well show you"
>cuck the democrats for the next 1000 years to never win an election
>allow Yellowstone volcano eruption or large earthquake to blow them the fuck up
>"oh no where's my federal funding"

Because they don't have guns to fight with, ayyyeeee!!

This, we can isolate them as a cancer quarantine zone from the rest of the union, and when they fail and their entire population falls because they have no resources, no means to sustain themselves, and are a bunch of useless fucking gender studie and liberal arts major and hollywood pedophiles (all the actual tradeworkers and intelligents worth a fuck will have abandoned it for the shithole that it is), then we swoop in and re-annex it once they're all dead.

The only state that can legally leave the Union is Texas because it was it's own country before joining.

>legal and democratic process
legal and democratic process
legal and democratic process

Strictly speaking and from a purely legal perspective, the Civil War did not establish that states could not secede. It merely established that the Confederacy could not secede through a unilateral declaration of secession.

It is hypothetically possible for states to pursue secession in other ways. The fundamental issue, from the perspective of constitutional law, is that secession would have to take place with the full approval of the Federal government, presumably in the guise of Congress.



All this rioting and protesting seems redundant and hypocritical, don't you think?

How long is this tantrum going to last?

Practice what you preach.

Most underrated post ever.

Didn't they lose that right at the end of the civil war?

>California wants to leave the US and become an independent nation of pure faggotry
>South half of California is mostly rednecks who will never approve of this proposal
>North half of California ends up seceding and separates from south effectively cutting off water supply
Trump's not even in the White House yet and he's already making america great again.

Fucking this. The sooner they leave the sooner they'll expire.

>secession would have to take place with the full approval of the Federal government

Isn't rejection of federal power was seceding is all about?

Secession isn't illegal. The federal government just hates losing all the tax revenue.

cali should secede. it's like 5th richest country if it does, america would still have to leech off it too lmao

Common misconception. Texas never had the ability to secede.

California won't do shit. The Civil War proved that the government won't allow anybody to legally secede; you'd have to beat the U.S. Army. And how the fuck would they do that? Where's their military? Where's their manufacturing base? You think the illegal immigrants are going to enlist to fight and die against an overwhelmingly superior force just so some limousine liberals can fulfill their need to virtue signal? How much potable water does Southern California have ready to use at any given moment?

You think Donald Trump, the economic protectionist, is going to let the world's sixth largest economy just walk away? You think a Republican controlled House and Senate are just going to let you do that? Even if you did, do you think your dysfunctional neoliberalism idpol is going to create a prosperous country? You're a post-industrial, service-based economy. Once silicon valley leaves for the better economic environment in Texas (and thus cementing shitlord Texas's status as all powerful economic hegemon), what edge do you have in technology or science or anything really? Crop production? Nothing compared to the midwest. You'd have an already-failing entertainment industry and a tourist industry that gets less attractive with each illegal spic that sneaks across the border into your liberal paradise. On top of that, you'd have to import water from the U.S., who would gouge the fuck out of the price. Fuck off.

tl;dr California ain't doing shit

The 10th Amendment essentially grants the right of secession. Nowhere in the Constitution is secession specifically mentioned.

You have nothing but Silicon Valley, which is overwhelmingly populated by foreign workers now. Intel just fired 12,000 Americans to replace with lower pay street shitters.
Without Silicon Valley your state would be nothing.

You faggots would literally die without constant aid from surrounding states and the federal government.

As the Americans openly supported Brexit just to get some happening, we will make sure the European people support an independent California. Referendum when?


we have all the smart people, we have all the farms, we have all the technology, we have all the industry, we have all the money

obviously we will never secede. just remember who runs this shit

>we have all the farms

Until your next 5 year drought happens and other states don't bail your ass out.

Precisely. They will all die. Which is why we need this. We will raise the water tax above 45%

Referendum never. Fuck off, Soros.

I think a more realistic stipulation would be citizen campaigns to make huge multimillion population cities into districts that have their own delegates set aside from the rest of the state a la Maine and Nevada. I'm an upstate new york fag and i can say with confidence that if NYC had its own separate delegates, the rest of NY might actually be able to go red, but otherwise that's just never going to happen.

Underrated post

Incredible. They believe they have never affected an election.

Why not? I thought Unions are such a bad thing?

Let them leave and make America Red forever.

They can leave. Nothing of value lost.


Take away californias electoral college power and the dems will never win an election ever again

Oh god please make my vote not a waste of 30 mins in 2020

If they secede and we get to fight a civil war and then Reconstruct them, we should gerrymander the fuck out Cali and make 4 republican states to take its place.

Ok which one of you started that website?

you are so stupid

The Electoral College is undemocratic. It puts all the power in a few battleground states for no good reason. We should get rid of it and make every American equal, not some more equal than others.

Did you know that CA voted twice on the death penalty on Nov. 8? And did you know CA voted to, not only keep the death penalty, but speed up the process? We're literally the next TX, don't throw away this potential.

so when is he going to leave the country, along with the rest of his commie Hollywood friends?

Well you do have a shitload of illegals and gang members to process, might as well make it a one time deal in the express lane.

When states chose to join the union, they did so on the condition that the president would be chosen by the electoral college. If it's abolished, then the contract is void and the south can secede legally.

we know your game nip, california will stay american

You are a fucking retard. That's not how politics work.

doesn't the 10th amendment allow for any state to secede legally?

Lets send them off.
I think all Californians in other stated need to have their citizen chip to the US revoked and deported to Mexico.

That's Morgan Freeman, not Sam Jackson.

Yes, that's why the United States is a representative republic and not a democracy.

We're going to need your advice on how to do war crimes nippon buddy

A caliexit would be a GREAT thing for Republican politics. A huge blue state would be gone forever, and a lot of butthurt SJWs would surely move to California. The knock on effect of a Caliexit would ensure a Republican USA for the next century or so.

That's how it's done in Brazil. It sure works wonders!

Calianon here... they should split us up so it's more competitive. Obviously North and Central Cali are blue but East Cali is red and South Cali is a toss up once you factor in San Diego and Orange counties.

These dumb fucks and their service based economy don't realise they are the head of a bloated tick.

The American economy would nose dive if California left. They are one of the few states that aren't welfare babies.

commiefornia resident here

please do it

i will take my bullshit neutered ar15 and fuck some hippie shit up to defend the union.

we have been demnading the state split into pieces, please i fucking dare you lets do this with bullets

Gulag them to death

America is a democratic republic, we are not a direct democracy.
It is with good reason too. The few urban centers should not have the absolute power to dictate policy for the people of the entire nation.

What should happen is Voter ID legislation should be passed as an amendment to the constitution. Voting is a right only for US citizens.
Encouraging or facilitating illegal immigrants unlawfully voting in our election should be a felony with a mandatory minimum sentence of life without possibility of parole.
Sanctuary cities should have their governments raided by ICE. Politicians aiding illegal immigrants should be immediately stripped from office, have all of their financial assets seized by the state, and they should face a mandatory minimum sentence of life without possibility of parole.
People who commit identity theft receive life in prison.
Mexico encouraging its citizens and its own central American immigrants to enter the US should be treated as a hostile act. We should cut off the entirety of their financial aid until they repatriate their human garbage.

With the sub human spic problem ended the Democrats would be able to falsely inflate their numbers and have a stranglehold on the US with California's 55 electoral votes, nor would they have any advantage in the popular vote.

There is no problem with the electoral college, only the shitlibs who try to exploit it.

All states get 3 points which can be divided between 2 candidates. Easy and done

Let them, all 49 other states will instantly be at war with Cali, and since the only ones with guns in Cali are the reds, niggers, and some latinos, it's an easy, swift victory. Win-win no matter what, Texas alone could destroy Cali in a war.

I told you the race war would be against Mexicans.

Everyone kept saying it'll be the niggers. Nope, it's gonna be Pablo.


Yellowstone isn't in coomifornia mate. It's in Wyoming

Leaving alone is already punishment enough.

Unless we stop California people from moving to a different state, the only thing that will happen is the state turns to shit with the influx of welfare Mexicans. SJWs then move back to the US and California is just an extension of Mexico now

Guess Trump needs to build a second wall.

You gotta give me a chance to hold power first though

RWDS incoming

oh, I thought it had been him. my bad

This made me realize that Muslim behavior is the same as liberal Behavior. Fight each other, kill each other, run away and infest other places with your shitty ideology.

No wonder they love each other.

thanks szymon

I think it would be good for California to leave the Union, and I honestly can see them making it on their own. They host Silicon Valley and Hollywood, and their culture is completely different from that of the mid-west and the south. Southerners are always complaining about the influx of Mexican migrants anyway, and those states could direct the "unwanted Mexicans" to move to the California Republic.

It's a win/win for everyone. I don't know why all these southerners who wanted to leave The Union just a couple of months ago, suddenly want to keep California in the Union, a state they despise for their diversity and their homosexual "harbor cities". It just makes no sense at all. You wanted to get rid of the "libs", non-whites, and homosexuals you despise so much, right? Well, here's your golden opportunity you always wanted.

Let them go.

We've also got a hell of a lot of farmland. Where I live is extremely Republican, even among the Hispanics. Let the cities secede, we will stay and just keep growing food and complaining about not having water.

its not the rednecks who don't want them to leave.

>all 49 other states will instantly be at war with Cali
New Yorker here. We wouldn't be at war with Cali. We totally understand they're completely different from the midwest and the south, and would wish them the best of luck.

>legal and democratic® process.

>I honestly can see them making it on their own

Silicon Valley and Hollywood wont do jack shit when they have to pipe in water from Nevada.

Also good luck with those exports/imports when the God Emperor rings that shitty state in a blockade for having the temerity to defy the presidency. The republicans on the farms in the countryside will be fine, but when LA and SF erupt into riots due to food, water and everything else shortages?

Theyll beg for his mercy.

>You faggots would literally die without constant aid from surrounding states and the federal government.
Not true. Arnold (the governator) and Republicans sank Cali into the hole even further, and ruined their economy. Now that they went full Democrat, and began to tax rich folks like sane people do, rich folks were ok with it because they actually like living there, and now Cali has a SURPLUS, and they're doing great financially. It's actually RED (Republican) states who depend the most on government aid. It's true, look it up!

California could actually survive on their own as a sovereign nation. I think they can even compete with countries like France nowadays.

>They also have delusions of grandeur of abolishing the Electoral College, some of them faggots are even petitioning for it.
But the electoral college IS bullshit. It's an ancient law that only made sense in ancient days and it ruins the value of individual votes across the whole nation. It should be abolished.

First world countries count votes. It's long past due that the US join them.

Split the state in half, NoCal & SoCal

NoCal = easy red state
SoCal = what always goes blue anyway with less EVs

when your country has been hacked by Putin and a Putin stooge installed as puppet, time to revolt to defend America

>. It's actually RED (Republican) states who depend the most on government aid. It's true, look it up!
This is the worse meme you could possibly bring up, redditor.
The states that utilize the most financial aid have the larges populations of destitute blacks, and poor Appalachian miner families.

California's economy depends on importing foreign labor. Your state has no water, you are in constant need of aid from all your surrounding neighbors.
You would literally die within a few months if you were cut off from the rest of America. Unironically, not a meme, you would be dead.

>when LA and SF erupt into riots due to food, water and everything else shortages?

Alright, well that state as you claim is full of mexicans, and homosexuals and libs you claim to hate so much, right? So wouldn't it better for your ego if "Theyll beg for his mercy" later on? Why are you suddenly so concerned about people you hate? Just let them go and sit back and watch what happens.


pol brown shirt nazis true to form

Build the wall around California

Three parts you mean.

Its now looking at North, South, Central.

Kick them out, that's another 55 electorates they won't see again.

I'm not from Cali, I merely understand their plight
>You would literally die within a few months if you were cut off from the rest of America
But you hate them so much, right? Wouldn't that work out better for you if it happened? Just let them go and watch them "die". If you're right then you get to claim you're right while people you hate die. I don't see the problem.

Northern California is literally fag headquarters
Southern California is Spic and Jew headquarters

Trump just has to chuck them over the wall and we wont have to worry about secession.

Look at all those niggers in the south.
This is why "republican" states use a lot of welfare.

I really hope Cuckifornia secedes, one of the worst states in the country.

You typed up all that and didn't make a single argument anywhere.

>Texas independence

great idea!
