Neuroscientists have found out that there are two parts of brain, back "animal" brain and prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for higher cognitive functions, introspective and abstract thinking. The bigger your prefrontal cortex is, the more human and the less animal you are, as it controls impulses and it's thickness has extremely strong correlation with IQ. And guess where this part of the brain is located?
Less steep, bigger forehead = human
can confirm
Pineal gland, the most import part of the brain is missing in your picture
Great lesson, but why is this in pol?
No surprise white colonists assumed natives have no souls.
>tfw to intelligent to reply to this bait
Why is this bait? You can google every part of my post.
So, bigger forehead more likely the person is more intelligent?
Is this recent data or?
In different animals
it's adapted from apartheid.
which was adapted from nazi medicine.
>So, bigger forehead more likely the person is more intelligent?
Yes, higher abstract thinking and impulse-control at least. Visual and motor parts of the brain are in the middle and back of the head, so you can be smart but clumsy at the same time.
..and nazi medicine which was given to US in exchange for asylum?
What is the difference between how the prefrontal cortex works compared to the other areas? Different connections or wiring?
It's a known fact in medicine since a lot of time ago
Good meme
>What is the difference between how the prefrontal cortex works compared to the other areas
Other areas of the brain all govern some part of the body - fingers, thumbs, hands and legs, eyes, prefrontal cortex however controls other areas of the brain, not body parts.
I have known about it but I have never taken it for granted. I bought into the meme sometime long ago that it was how the brain was wired, not its capacity that determined the intelligence. For example some Jews kept talking about Einsteins small skull.
However, like previous photo we have great people too like current probably greatest scientist Ed Witten with a big skull and forehead.
Your picture depicts brain size, not size of prefrontal cortex. The single biggest part of the ain controls solely vision, which explains siberian sharpshooter/sniper legends.
Yeah, but I meant more in the way is the cell structure different at the prefrontal cortex compared to the other cells?
Is it all the same brain cells just that they have different functions? If so, do we know what algorithim or strategy the prefrontal cortex cells use?
Same matter and even looks visually the same as the rest of the brains, but it's the part of the brain that controls other brain parts instead of body parts.
You can have a small brain with a proportionally big prefrontal cortex. In any case these are just correlations, it makes more likely that the person has a high IQ, but its not a law.
Brain functions, as you probably are aware of, are a lot more complex than that. Molecular differences also play a role, hence why scientists have found a shit ton of genes involved in IQ.
Amerindian and asian populations are shorter and tipically have smaller bodies, then its safe to asume that "motor and sensitive" regions in the brain are smaller (the axones occupy less of the cranium) than in european/black populations. With that said its highly likely than the extra cranium capacity goes to the frontal and particularly prefrontal cortex.
This is the same reason of why whales have such gigantic brains but aren't that smart, all of the brain mass is just axonal mass for motor and sensitive functions.
Then that means figuring out what the prefrontal cortex does differently then the rest, since it's of the same matter could unlock means to gene therapy for intelligence and potentially A.I.?
I know both US and EU have projects investing millions or billions of dollars in hope of mapping out the human brain. But I havent heard any recent news or progress in a while. I doubt they havent made any progress, since sinking that much money seems kind of hard. Do you think they have found something they are not telling us?
It seems a bit counter intuitive to me, but perhaps it isnt if you can explain it well.
How can motor and sensitive areas of the brain take up so much space compared to abstract thinking? I feel as the latter would require more space not less, but maybe its just my human intution that says that.
I want to draw some parallel between that and a computer but I cant come up with any atm.
Ed Witten is jewish
> then its safe to asume that "motor and sensitive" regions in the brain are smaller (the axones occupy less of the cranium) than in european/black populations.
Lol, it's exactly the opposite. The bigger and thicker the part of the brain in proportion to the part of the body it governs, the better control is. Asians are famous for their exceptional motor skills for example and good vision, which are governed exactly by the back and middle parts of the brain.
> Do you think they have found something they are not telling us?
I have no idea, I just found article from early 2016 basically confirming that prefrontal cortex has been narrowed down to the part of the brain responsible for imagination, thinking about your own thoughts, impulse control and academic success/life outcomes.
I think theres a difference between Jews like him and the Globalists trying to destroy and conquer everything or the greedy entertainment Jews who have operation to change face and name change.
Basically those who isnt trying to push some Zionist Agenda on everyone else that isnt the same blood as them.
Do you have any explanation as to why the motor sensitive areas of the brain would be bigger than abstract thinking prefrontal cortex is? I can't wrap my head around as to why it should be.
yeah, shitty as fuk chart
That's basic antisemitism, read Jean-Paul Sartre bro.
tfw dumb and small forehead
my head is kind of small overall
So chileans should be very intelligent
Why is the avg IQ 90 then?
I dont have that much respect for modern philosophers. I view philosophy is like science but with unfalsifiable theories, better than nothing but worthless when you have the scientific method.
I dont see how its antisemitism either.
There's one example to break your simple logic - there's one jet pilot with a small head, small forhead, small brain with an iq of 170 that beat on various tests even high IQ physics professors and other educated and natively intelligent people.
It's not all about size - it's about how the neurons are packed, and how many synapses links you have.
I know that doesn't looks like antisemitism bro, but Sartre explain it very well. I'm sure you will recognize yourself in his book " reflexion sur la question juive". This is an important lecture.
because niggers like you are dumber than whitey
The frontal and prefrontal cortex is highly wired with itself and other regions in the brain, but its not dependant of your body mass. Yet i can't explain how abstract thinking can take place in such a small place, i believe its a mistery for now.
But i can explain you why motor and sensitive regiones needs so much mass. In the picture attached you can see a brain neuron and his path towards the middle finger, the neuronal body is in the brain cortex (the most external part of the brain), the neuronal axon is everything else. The neuronal axon goes all the way until it reaches the spinal cord level, and then it goes to one small group of cells in the hand. As you can see neurons travel inside all the brain. The more mass of cells you want to move or sense, the more mass of neurones you need to do so in the brain. In bigger animals such as whales, you can see gigantic brains, but most of it is axonal mass.
I can try to draw a paralel between a computer and the brain. Inside a notebook the motherboard in carge of the bios and system itself doesnt actually ocuppy much of space (this would be the neuronal bodies), most of the space is occupied by the keyboard, the cd/dvd reader, the usb ports, the video card, and the motherboard related to its conections (axons).
>The more mass of cells you want to move or sense, the more mass of neurones you need to do so in the brain. In bigger animals such as whales, you can see gigantic brains, but most of it is axonal mass.
That makes sense when you say it like that.
As for the rest, including the picture, makes me wonder if it isnt a more efficent way to construct a individual. Octopus have sensors at their limbs directly controlling what they do instead of sending it back and forth between the brain and the affected area. But maybe this isnt the right thread to discuss that.
And then you spell "too" wrong. Nice try, fag.
I attached a picture in which you can see the grey matter (neuronal body) and white (neuronal axon) matter. This is the middle part of the brain, as you can see pretty much everything is white matter, and its function is pretty much conect the brain with other regions.
In the prefrontal region, the grey matter is a lot bigger, which permits to have more complex functions.
Remember than neurons can only be in a stimulated state or not, they can not give other signals, so if you have more neuronal bodies you can have more complex combinations (think of it as a binary system, you can have more combinations with two digits (10 01 00 11) than with one (1 0), thus between more neuronal bodies you get more combinations hence a higher degree of complexity)
We also have that sort of thing, its called a reflex. A reflex arc is something that goes to your spinal cord and comes back without having to rely in the brain. An exmaple of this is when you feel pain.
Let's say you are reading a book and i poke you with a needle in your finger. The neuron in charge of pain will instatly send the signal to the spinal cord and you'll take your finger away, just then you will probably start to feel pain.
You can find patients in coma or without a brain that have these reflexes.
The problem with a thinking organism with only reflexes is that we would be prisoners to our bodies.
Right now we have neurons that also let us stop a reflex arc, for example when you make your body keep quiet when your gettin an injection. Of course between more pain is inflicted the more difficult is to control it.
Oh yeah pic related is such an intellectual. Sorry but this assumption is horseshit.
I love similarities and patterns between the human brain and how computers work.
I understand that with binary system as well, in other words if we get bigger prefrontal cortex we will be able to come up with more abstract thoughts, although that could mean forehead and skulls which would force more C-sections on mothers. Seems like a natural progression.
>The problem with a thinking organism with only reflexes is that we would be prisoners to our bodies.
Your right, moderation is needed in all things it seems.
Once you can figure out the prefrontal cortex completely, and being able to replicate or create a artifical brain that works the same way, then there will be a rat race to control and harness it. Unless it happens in secrecy.
Not sure if newfag or double bait
yeah guys, if you have less testosterone development and therefore a less pronounced brow ridge then your forehead will be less steep and therefore you're practically a genius unlike those high-test brutes. It's also why women are such renowned geniuses.