How will pol ever recover?
Anonymous hatefrogs btfo!!!
How will pol ever recover?
Anonymous hatefrogs btfo!!!
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fuck pole and fuck white people
You´re a wizard Harry
>writes all white sorcerer story
>thinks she's part of the movement
she only writes of magic, we make it happen
>anonymous hate frogs
>near billionaire straight white woman tells niggers and pakis how to feel
can't wait for the evil monster in fantastic beasts trilogy to be a frog
She needs to be raided.
thats a piece of art right there
I wanted to check your digits so bad bby :(
I'm not a hate frog.
I'm a love frog.
"What I cannot create I do not understand." - (((Richard Feynman)))
Harry Potter sucks.
Sup Forums is not racist
Dumb frogposter
>But what would do, do?
Check mate hally poofter.
There is one good lesson in her works that every child should learn
Do not trust the Media
>I write about wizards and magic let me tell you how to think
Harry Potter was the first series I read as a child. Is her new series worth pirating, for nostalgia purposes obviously.
Seeing this pompous cunt assblasted is the sweetest thing this election could have given me.
couldn't tell you. i have interest in it for nostalgia as well plus it's in new york
but im not paying that cunt for a ticket
>let the bullies run amok
someone should link her this
JK Rowling wrote Harry potter as a hate filled story about a young boy who had the weight of the world placed on his shoulders, and was cucked out of everything great in his life by the avarice soaked asshats who called him friend.
Oddly enough, the Harry Potter series was a psyop.
Ive heard about the psyop thing before, and the way its pushed down our throats that does seem the case, but for what purpose? What is HP trying to achieve as a psyop? Genuinely curious
JK Rowling wrote a book after the Harry Potter series.
She tried her hand at adult crime novels under a pen-name.
It got awful reviews and awful sales.
Then she decided to 'reveal' she had written it, and suddenly wouldn't you have guessed, the book started selling a lot more.
She should stick to children's books and stay out of the real world.
He has ansme cunt. Its Pepe the toad or frog or whatever
It takes every moment it can to tell you that wanting your race to remain pure is evil and that diversity is good. Hermione, a mudblood, which is the equivalent of a mulotto, is touted as the smartest character in the show. Meanwhile, anyone who hates mudbloods or muggles are shown as evil, inbred, mean, ect and the house the prides ambition and cunning, Slytherine, is shown as an evil house because wanting ambition is clearly evil since you can't be better than the fuckwad who did nothing with his life.
Harry is also surrounded by several slam pieces who want to get with him and he settles for his ginger best friend's little sister, who was essentially the school slut and dated a nigger.
evil people just want to see others suffer, sometimes there isnt any intricate reasoning, just hatred
PROTIP: JK rowling used to publish under a pseudonym, so for this whore to put anonymity in such a bad light is typical of their hypocritical nature
Pepe is a meme of peace
Jesus Christ yes meme this into existence
Ah that does make sense, typical globalist agenda crap.
"No, the world needs more white people telling other people how to act."
Just keep the ball rolling.
Didn't she write a series of books about a group of genetically superior Übermenschen who were born with superpowers? Didn't she refer to people who weren't born as superhumans as inferior muggles? Also, isn't that the plot from Matilda by Roald Dahl?
Stop Finland!
The Chronicles of Narnia was better desu.
The hacker known as 4 Chan is at it again!
Dumbledore was just looking out for him. Mixing with a muggle nigger, wtf Harry..
Literally writes magical books about a red head that gets cucked
>I never read that bullshit
Didnt he get best girl at the end though?
not funny. im a part of hatefrogs anonymous. it's not easy. the ride never ends.
>Privileged white women with a white savior complex being offended on behalf of minorities
I can't be the only nigger that's offended by white women when they do this. Maybe that's why I like to hate fuck them. I bet she lives in an all white, rich area and doesn't even give 90% of her wealth to charity to help the less fortunate. I mean she has so much money no way she needs more than 10% of it all.
no seriously though
it was just some stupid drawing people posted in "feels bad man" meme threads forever ago
how did sad frog become president
Pepe is an old meme. He's run his course. I'm looking forward to seeing what Moloch brings us.
shouldn't you people being invading right now Rowling's twitter?
Weaponized autism my friend
The general writing in Harry Potter is god awful.
The only reason its any good and had any success is because of the world and character building (a politically safe and relatively untapped world that anyone can self-insert into) which was pretty much abandoned in the 5th book but already had enough momentum to keep going.
kids arent critics
>"feels bad
with a lot of virgins and anime lovers
your country should feel guilty
canafagot posting {{{kabalah}} bullshit, not surprised (back to plebit cuck)
Didn't liberals turn on her recently for not making a character gay in one of her books or some shit?
Why are liberals so delusional?
>let the bullies run amok
How can they be so blind?
Damn that that internet hate machine!
Kekstradamus approves
Okay but this one is old.
We better enjoy the next 4 years because after that they're coming for us.
More like the worst one. At least when we talk about qts in the movie.
I want reddit to leave.
clearly trying to appear like a saint for your own benefit, book sales, reputation etc
maybe post anonymously you hypocritical bitch
But mister red dot you aren't white. The honorary thing doesn't count. You have no white-guilt for them to shamebully you with.
At least we know our methods are vile.
>What is HP trying to achieve as a psyop?
Fighting agains the establishment will get you cucked.
don't forget this women changed the actress of a litlle girl because the character she played was based on one of her high school bullies and she thought she was to pretty to play a bully
she's that petty
>Harry is also surrounded by several slam pieces who want to get with him
He get's cucked every damned time though.
Ron Weasley ends up getting all the girls, and he does fuck all for 7 years.
Meanwhile, harry potter saves the whole god damned world, and gets shit on by EVERYONE.
>let the bullies run amok
Yeah, it's been Trump supporters who've been threatening and insulting Clinton supporters, not the other way around. Old cunt.
Don't threaten my frog.
If that twitter poster had used an image of a black girl instead of a sad frog, she'd be profusely apologizing and checking her privilege.
Another one living in a gated community surrounded by 24/7 security to keep the brown people out.
>I wrote a children's book
>i dO words good, do.
He was a real human bean.
Harry raised his wand to Voldemort ready to banish him again, forever. But a nagging, whiny voice in his head made him hesitate.
"You're a WHITE MALE" it bitched, "It's the CURRENT YEAR and you're attacking a disabled person, like, I literally can't even right now"
The voice had a point, after grabbing Hermione by the pussy in potion class, Harry didn't want any more shitlord points for Gryffindor. He decided to check his able-wizard privilege and magicked his penis another inch shorter.