What did HuffPo mean by this?
What did HuffPo mean by this?
They meant that America will be great
Still triggered that Shillary didn't win
sounds great exactly what i voted for
>Huff Poo
In short?
Finally America is free.
It means America is becoming great agains
Pretty vain to name a healthcare program after yourself. Stupid too, now that it's going to be repealed.
Yeah, like all those celebrities who promised they would leave...
>nightmare for muslims
So peaceful and beneficial for normal, white, Christian americans.
Best day of my life.
>madam tnediserp
See? I knew she was swedish.
To be fair, he didn't call it that. It was the ACA, then the media ran with their magic negro complex
It was named the Affordable Care Act, Republicans called it ObamaCare.
>Down with USA
sounds like they don't even love the country to begin with.
>Huffington Post
why would anyone get their news from a source that gives equal weight to politics and the Kardashians?
lol they're doing him a favor
They meant that donald trump wants to torture people he doesn't like, wants to scrap public healthcare funding, is an avowed islamaphobe, and will personally hammer in the final nail in the coffin of the medium-term future of the planet by reversing three decades worth of hard won victories against climate change because he's a college dropout who wouldn't know climate science if it came wrapped up in a red sweater at a town hall debate.
Also he'll make a supreme court appointment which they're worried about, as if the judiciary acts at the beck and call of the president and isn't extensively quarantined from the executive and legislative braches of govt
It means Americans rejected the leftist pozzcuckoldry the (((media))) pushes. Also need El Rato in SCOTUS.
>america fixing itself
never underestimate how stupid some people really are. people who get their news from facebook (aka morons and stay at home moms) eat this shit up
and people who get their news from infowars post on Sup Forums and think the repetition of digits in a number is the height of comedy
Aussie fag actually posted their nameXD Islamophobia isn't a thing faggot
that you peter? pls give me an argument from first principles, i love it when u talk world weary to me
trump is going to round up muslim citizens and waterboard them
prove it wrong
wtf i hate the epa now
I'm going to do nothing for the next week but read liberal tantrums and watch msnbc and cnn. There was some random sjw cow on msnbc last night that was shaking with rage, her voice was cracking and she was on the verge of tears.
It was so fucking glorious.
He hasn't even got in office yet and they are going crazy
never forget
muslims are 100x more 'conservative' than republicans.
Why do libshits ignore this fact?
Because they don't care what you think.
>tfw you just KNOW based Brady did vote for Trump
muh feelies
remember that diversity is strength. everyone needs to be a different color, race, religion, and now gender to be cool n stuff
Skin color
>, is an avowed islamaphobe,
Trump will probably kill fewer Muslims than Obama, and one hell of a lot less than Hillary.
But it doesnt matter because the lefts goal is destruction, not social justice or whatever
does Sup Forums really think that climate change won't be a huge issue in the coming decades? nobody is saying that we're gonna turn the planet into Venus, but if you think that buttfucked crop yields, increasing tropical storm severity, and rapidly expanding deserts won't fuck human civilization in the ass without lube you're delusional
I blame the media message for violence, riots in America. Meme war on all journalists and reporters. ATTACK!