Well, Internet, do you want her to win?
Well, Internet, do you want her to win?
Other urls found in this thread:
as long as it isn't hillary i don't care
>gets rid of bushes and clintons
Why is it a thing for Wives of shit Presidents to run for Presidency?
>"The Internet"
>make the world great again.
Time to purge the Jews!!!
Does anyone actually like that disgusting gorilla, or is it just the press hyping her up? Even the Norwegian media was shilling for her.
>wanting 4 more Obama years
Kys senpai.
holy fucking shit are they really doing this?
I say it's fine as long as they don't try to rig the election again
Its a MAN!!!
>if i wanted a president whose only life experience is taking other people's money and sucking nigger dick, i'd vote for a kardashian
Those quotes could also have applied to Hillary. The Dems clearly have learned nothing since Tuesday.
I'd take mouthy Michael LaVaughn Robinson over some dried up raisin liberal cunt like Pelosi.
Trump friend of Israel.
>let's try it again but with the black one!
lmao so fucking desperate, glorious times we're living in brothers
There is nothing wrong with her lad. She's more liked than her husband. Having said that, it's probably because she isn't the president.
>A Democratic president's wife
>Winning against Donald Trump
> her
yeah, her school lunches, what a policy
>Walk on stage, say a couple words then bam she'd win
Yeah, just like with Hillary Clinton.
>First real black man in office.
Imagine the memes.
Millennials hate her because she fucked up school lunches.
Yep it's her turn. Do it.
Don't worry, senpai, after 4 years of Trump, they'll realize how bad they've been fucking up since Reagan.
No !
I finally want a female president !
uh i bet she wouldn't donate her salary like Trump is, and no she could not win
Where does this meme come from?
The Obamas fingerprints are all over the pay for play scandal. It will be a direct repeat of this election.
Please. Throw me in that briar patch.
Michelle isn't from a long line of corrupt politicians that have dedicated themselves to ruining the country for their own gains.
At worst you can cite her as complacent with Obama's over-idealistic vision for America, however Obama was merely a puppet, he and his wife weren't literally evil people like Hillary.
Hillary didn't deserve to be the first female president. Michelle might not be the most qualified but considering she's not Satan sure, she can have it.
Evita Peron. Because it always works out so well...
>black man in an office
> not actually stealing all the pens
She is a WOMAN and BLACK
That is some multi-virtue signaling
they cry and cry against a system, but want to enforce people like hillary and globalist... the fuck they must have a tumor
Don't give them any ideas!
I voted Trump in 2016, but Michelle seems way more reasonable. He can't trust this guy with his finger in the nuclear button for another 4 years.
She won't win.
Bush Clinton Bush Obama Trump Kanye
The media and SJW actually believe this.
Oh fuck
>The internet really, really wants Michelle Obama to run
Is this the same internet that is supposed to base racists, sexist and homophobic?
You obviously don't know enough about the Moose.
The first woman President would he a man
I think it's going to be very dependent of how the first 2-3 Trump years went.
If it's going good, he could be re-elected.
Ch checked
Fucking kill yourself senbai~
kek confirms.
Also, yeah they seem incapable of learning. This is something we can take advantage of.
Joan Rivers and other's have been saying Obama is gay and his wife is trans (because she has a lot of similarities in body shape to a man).
This is the state of Journalism right now.
So Michelle Obama is going to take Hillary's place?
>show up
>get the job
That's how affirmative action works for niggers, actually.
Criminally underrated.
Media is hyping her up becuase they know obamacare and hence his whole legacy is about to be demolished.
Last ditch effort to help they mentally cope with the fact of the matter
President trump will abolish his shit too. No doubt about that, just hope they don't crash the economy too hard before trump gets in.
His hands will be full.
Trump will be 74 in 4 years, I'm not sure he would even want to run for a 2nd term at that point and if he does I'm not sure the voters would want someone that old reelected given the last president that old was Reagan who began to have the onset of dementia in his 2nd term.
>say a few words
That's the difficult part
I think kek grew ten sizes that day.
There are not only dub(S) everywhere now but interesting number patterns all throughout this thread.
Nice to see the American media basically calling their readership a bunch of fucking plebs, Jesus.
I think you mean yaaaasss
Not only black but a BLACK WOMAN
She's better marketing material than Hillary
I already feel bad for her
>voting for a trans.
This. The journalists dont even try to hide there bias and asspain.
No. She's too good for the next election. The next Democratic nominee should be a charismatic asshole.
>implying trump will ever give up the presidency to anyone other than his son
You've changed Shylock, you've changed mang
eight years of trump here we come
Start digging for dirt. It's imperative that Trump gets reelected.
Please do, Trump will make it 3/3 on dynasties destroyed.
I've always been curious about this cos it's funny as shit, however I've never seen any evidence other than memes or trolls to support this claim.
Man that meme would work here where they throw that guy out of the building.
>woman president
>black woman president!
>change your ideas? BAM
Shots fired
Jesus fuck, they're making you start shilling 4 years in advance?
Oh man we get 8 years of Trump. Can't wait.
trump has a ceiling guys
he can only win one election
only one election
Liberals have primed the country for a woman president so much that if Trump pulls off 8 glorious years, Ivanka is getting in
> Gorilla
Imagine the possible memes
Next president will be Kanye West
No, no no no no Jews, FUCK you. We're not going to have both a woman AND a black president. We earned this victory, now leave us the fuck alone.
CTR pls get disbanded
She is actually without qualification though.
Even Trump had experience running a large bureaucracy, managing finances, and working with boards, which is analogous to politics.
Her pussy is the only part of her with any relevant presidential experience.
It'd be smart. Hillary almost got in because she was a woman, but being the most pathetic one of her whole gender kiboshed that. Obama, wife of a relatively well liked and unscandalous president could do very well. And they are just frothing for their girl president.
Keep an eye out on if she starts giving speeches. I doubt they'd figure out that money doesn't matter, so they'd amass it again.
No. Keep Obama away from the fucking White House by any means. They're almost as corrupt as the Clintons except stupider.
>gets 13℅ of the popular vote
Dems are going to run another worthless candidate? lol go right ahead.
Same tbf, after this election I'm just grateful Hilary is gone. Literally anyone can be a President or Prime Minister now, I've stared death in the face.
Checked and keked
The cyberweb has spoken
No, it's time for a female president instead.
Can't wait
It must be noted that you refer to both trump and 'ms' Obama as 'he'.... is there something you feel uncomfortable sharing with the group?
I want to hate fuck tumblr-chan.
>the media that said trump had 1% chance to win the nomination and presidency is now saying michelle would win easily
top kek
I don't think he'd stand a chance.
Will she at least eradicate the jewry of cities banning front lawn gardens?
All you guys are are still in fight mode from the election... Literally two days ago. CALM THE FUCK DOWN!.
Trump has a minimum of four years with two years of rep controlled house and senate.