Who else is tired of this fucking shitstain Ryan?
He crawls back to Trump after denoucing him and only pledges to support his tax break and repealing obamacare, doesn't even mention Glass-Steagal Vol.2, the wall, H1B, trade deals, term limits and the rest of Trump's policies. Same with Rand Paul. Do they honestly think they can pull this shit with their stupid "conservative agenda"?
Who else is tired of this fucking shitstain Ryan?
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Reducing taxes and repealing Obamacare are the only good policies of Trump.
Pure market radicalism is as bad as communism
yeah this piece of shit needs to go
I really really hope Trump carries through with a purge of the government.
Republicans tend to talk tough but then when it comes to actually following through in shit like this they start feeling a bit compassionate or whatever
Trump had nice words for Clinton when he won.
Guarantee if Clinton had won she would have gone for his fucking throat.
Read it and weep you dirty mestizo
He is the #3 power. Unfortunately his coup attempt against Trump a few weeks back failed so he is toast.
Move to Wisconsin and vote against him.
I moved from Texas to Florida and voted against (((Debbie Wasserman-Schultz))) (she still won of course, and I only moved here for a temporary work assignment lasting 8 months)
Right now they are all mouthing the words the script requires so the sheeple will go back to the NFL or Kardashians. The knives are coming out behind the scenes.
That's because the anti-free trade stuff is completely retarded to anyone with a brain.
He is finsihed. That speech he gave during the counting of votes was cringe worthy
already Alex Jones and Roger Stone said that Ryan, McCain,Oconnel and the old guard must step down for their traitorous behviour
Ryan is a dick sucking faggot pussy, he came screaming and running to Trump soon as he won.
Fuck him and his (((nose))).
In the age of globalisation a nation has to protect its own interests and those of its workforce. Certain limitations have to be set for big corporations and banks.
1- I don't care
2- Good
3- Great
4- Good, but doesn't attack the problem
5- Same
6- WTF I want to give $1 to Mcafee
1- You don't need an agreement to trade, just lift barriers.
2- Same
3- Every central bank does that
4- gibberish
5- Good
6- Good
7- Great
1- Great
2- Good
3- I don't know enough to talk about inmigration
4- Good I think
5- Good I think
1- Tax cuts Ok but you have to reduce spending first
2- Read some Adam Smith
3- Just get out of the way and let the market decide, don't influence it by tax manipulation
4- Good
5- Good
6- I don't know
7- Mexico won't pay
8, 9, 10- I don't know
Because they are the
I hate him. I can't wait for the wall.
Well Trump has to make a deal with him. That's what branches of government are for.
Rand Paul is the only one in the senate who still gives a damn about freedom.
But fuck Ryan, that physically fit little weasel.
american education
he has to go, fucking cuckservative the icon of the previous regime
get rid of him, vote that clown out
he was a traitor, Trump will not forget and neither should you
we have to vote this clown out
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
we need to repeal congress' health care plan also
fuck those assholes, they could use a pay cut across the board as well
kick them in the nuts as the opener, fucking brilliant
witness, KEK demands wall
that wall is going to fuck over these Bush Hillary MI6 CIA cunts hardcore, they won't be able to operate their drug cartels
kick them in the fucking nuts
To his credit, he spent a lot of time with Scott Walker campaigning around WI when the Hillary camp thought the state was safe. I have no doubt that helped flipped the state red.
That's the joke
Overwhelmingly, the Americans did not want this cheesedick as SOTH.
im tired of your german ass. you germans should go out and protest against angela and take your country back
But the people who do that are all plebeians, I won't associate with them. Until a right-wing street movement with some intellectual backbone forms I'm staying home shitposting.
Why was he a traitor? They vetoed everything they could, and used to courts to stop illegal executive orders. What do you want?
I can't figure out how on earth he got reelected after that budget he passed.
Also don't even try to put Rand in the same boat.
Rand endorsed him ages ago and his been saying for months he would be much better than Clinton.
Doesn't change that he only wants to pass deregulation laws and will sit out any vote about trade, Wall Street regulation or immigration. You saw the debates right?