ITT Stuff you learned recently

ITT Stuff you learned recently

Puerto Rico is actually part of the USA.

I honestly had no idea it was up until yesterday.

Other urls found in this thread:

that swiss and germans have essentially the same language

I learned its called, Puerto Rico.
Not, The Port of Rico

is Trump gonna make us a State now

King Obongo said he'd do it but never did anything about it

is this bait?

You're not going to be a state because that means free democratic seats in the Senate

Hopefully not for much longer. It's a shit hole, we need to get rid of it.

Most of americans don't know either

Sure as hell ain't making you a state. Hawaii should be the last State made from whiny bitchy natives that think they deserve more federal funding to float their shit ass economies.

I hope.

soon USA flag will get two more stars and recognise 14th british colony. then we have all timelines consolidated.

I'd like to either force PR to be independent at this point. Its a colony that doesn't even have the constitution apply in its jurisdiction.

Let it go. Maybe allow it to join the British commonwealth if they still have a hard on for being a colony. Otherwise I think they'd be just fine independent and much better than the stinky DR

You have to vote for it you half a mexican.

Your parents turned it down at every turn, because they feel the benefits aren't matched by the taxes.

Wait who went to war with Spain to take control of the Philippines and Puerto Rico and tried to get Cuba as well? Oh yeah the US then gets mad when they have to take care of the population they just took over.

You guys didn't want to incorporate on any reasonable terms before and now nobody wants to deal with you since your entire island is in foreclosure...literally. Every house, every park, even the fukken government land is in hock and well past is payment date. The US barely managed to bailout itself.


>ITT Stuff you learned recently
Germany is lost

It won't stop gun-toting lunatics from thinking that citizens who moved from Puerto Rico are "illegals" from Mexico or Guatemala or something. It probably won't stop the authorities, either.

Don't worry, user. Ricky's gonna make us a state, for real this time.

become independent orpart of spain but dont become part of the anglo enemy

>he actually believes this

What the hell are you talking about? Our economy don't work because of the taxes we got from you. You're jewing us hard. Also your 1% uses us as a tax haven to hide their health. Stop jewing us and we'll grow.

Trump is gonna buy or and make it into a golf course

> to hide their health
Who are the Lich's in the american governement Portoanon?

>let me side step the argument

To be fair the pupils are probably all turks/italians/arabs

Our economy is in the shitter because our leaders spent half a century taking out loans like fucking retards and killing whatever industry we had in favor of more commerce and consumerism.

>people actually voted for that fuccboi

Spain can go fuck itself, they're even worse off than we are right now.

he already did, the golf course went bankrupt

What went wrong bros? I voted for her.

First of you filthy rican learn English if you are going to attempt typing in it.
And we blow tons of money on all of the PR criminals we have to lock up here in the US.
You know, your fellow shit countrymen.

We learned from the yanks. We did as they have been doing. The US government take loans from the Fed and our industry got killed by the 936 that was Puerto Rico's NAFTA. NAFTA = 936. Don't hide the fact that we have taxes on us that makes impossible our economy to grow.

Nothing. The fact that she got 11% of the vote is a victory in itself.

I didn't vote for her, though.

did you do it as a protest vote? I'm genuinely curious.

Fuck that bitch. Why didn't you vote for Bernabe? You fucking babbon


We blow lots of our money on your shitty overpriced maritimal trade. Give us the ability to trade as we please, you fucking jew

lol yeah that compares to the money we blow and the personal suffering we get from your filthy little spic monkeys in our land.

You stupid nigger, electing with your dick. This is why the yanks don't want us.

fuck off, im puertorrican and my allegiance is to the USA, i served in both the chairforce and the army. i went to iraq as a combat soldier. ive never been arrested and i work for a living. heres me in a trump rally in tampa.

I didn't vote for her.

And Bernabe's a low-energy socialist anyway. He got less votes than the PIP faggots, again. How do you do that?

Puerto Rico's cool

But it needs to fix itself and develop more GDP.

You should probably bulldoze the slums into the sea and build more productive infrastructure.

lol your allegiance is to the US but you vote for that used car salesmen?
lol thanks.
Btw here are some of your fellow ricans.
Go have a talk with them before you start talking your shit.

Pocket change to the money we blow buying you the drugs we make here.
Hitler would have slaughter you filthy Jews like the reptilians shape shifting globalists you are

Fucking ignorant eurofags


YEAH well neither do you, you fucking scum



They're all socialists here. At least, Bernabe is the only one who's capable. Didn't you watched the debates? Well because we vote for tradition and the only people who voted Lugaro were young people.

I bet you didn't know Puerto Rico was american until you read my post either

Why don't you demmand your independence? you have nothing to do with the americans you are hispanics.

if it makes you feel better, puerto mean port. it translates to rich port actually.

I really don't care what happens to this garbage island that kept refusing to officially become a US state and now is pissing its pants at the very real though of becoming the next Haiti.

Thank god I was born in NY before my stupid spic parents decided to move back to this hell hole like fucking idiots.

I hope this island of parasites sinks into the ocean.

Fuck off, I am American.

>they're all socialists here
>the guy who won wants to reduce government spending and hand over public utilities to private corporations

>Why don't you demmand your independence?

cuz they give us free money

I've known that my entire life, ya fucking loser

Un like eurofags who think because they know who the u.s. president is, I'm not actually ignorant because I pay attention to everything.

American exceptionalism doesn't include Europeans


>You stupid nigger, electing with your dick. This is why the yanks don't want us.
Well, if men voted with dicks and women voted with ovaries then Trump would've won 460-0

yes, because they exist,im related to them somehow. just like youre related to pic related as well then.

we are american citizens, being hispanic or chinese or eskimo has nothing to do with anything.

>>the guy who won wants to reduce government spending and hand over public utilities to private corporations

you forgot that he also plans to give everyone free healthcare

nigga is more socialist than Hillary

u can't be a state until you guys make more money

if you became a state you would have more taxes and it would strain too much on your lower class

How will it feel when the Atlantic provinces secede from Canada, join the USA as a protectorate and gain statehood before you?

Stfu you filthy shape shifting reptilian. Trump is gonna cut your illegal blood thristy nation from tax payers money and break the fed. I hope Iran blast you off of the map

No, you are not americans, you are hispanics, you have no dignity, even cubans have more dignity than you.

Puerto Ricans don't know how to self-govern, you Boriquen dumbasses always vote for shitheads.

thats funny, keep your dignity and third world status,we will do our own thing.

Nah its not really the same




Still waiting on ours

Any source on that image please?

Actually you just spoke up on behalf of PRs so yeah you have to be held accountable for the others.
btw I would rather be related to a cuck then a criminal. Guess which one mugs your mother?

We make you lots of money. We need to renegotiate our deals so you don't Jews us like you have been doing for decades and put us on equal footing with other states.

Hey, you Zionist double citizen, you are the one who has no shame and no dignity. We are US citizens and we want statehood unlike your apartheid illegal state.

Which is funny, because per capita, it's one of the poorest places in the country

nope, if i use your reasoning then every puertorrican is in the latin kings and every one whatever group you are is a liberal cuck. seriously, you prbly should rethink this conversation.

>I rather be a fucking parasite than fight for my island.

That's what I read

I don't have double citizen, I'm salvadoran, centroamerican, and hispanic, I'm not a colony of a country that doesn't wants us.

F A M why is it this hard to put one more star on our flag?

One thing you guys should know is that we're not all coco beaners, the people who live on the coastal regions around SJU are white and much more civilized than the filthy niggers that don't work for shit down in the southwest. Becoming a state would be fantastic for us because the way our economic system has been established provides more benefits to those who work lesser paying jobs and the politicians who say they'll save our economy usually just run for the job itself like a bunch of fucking Jews instead of trying to fix the system to help fellow Puerto Ricans move on up to make us look better as an island. We can't go independent because the way things are right now would surely put us in the shitter. That's why many of us want to become a state to get a better governor and actually have the right to vote instead of just being citizens because of our territorial status. A lot of people here follow American culture, including me. Me and some others were rooting for trump as well.

how can a parasite produce so many soldiers for their empire?

What could Puerto Rico even do if it were to be independent? Sell bananas and cocaine? Its interests are tied to the US, whereas during the Cold War Puerto Rico was of undeniably high strategic value given its proximity to Cuba and compatibility with forward deployment scenarios in the Atlantic. Besides culturally speaking its the highest concentration of English speakers in Latin America.I'm half Puerto Rican,Spanish is my second of four fucking languages and Im proud to be a US citizen, motherfucker.

Look up Suzuka-sama or Nanashi for artist

they are jealous of us and wish we were dirt poor and uneducated like them. pay no attention to salty south americans.

Reminds me that my dad is an Army vet and fought in the Gulf and Iraq Wars. Also my sister is in the Air Force. Everyone expected me to join the Army or Marines because I'm huge and strong as fuck (did Tough Mudder for fun). Maybe I should join, military service seems to be our biggest contribution.

No you spoke up for your heritage so you need to account for the bad ones.
I never spoke up for my heritage which you do not even know what that is.
You went by a flag of a country with all types of races/nationalities/heritages in it.
Once again even IF I am white I would rather my ilk be cucks then gang members.
Seriously you should try to be in the conversation.
But requires lil bit-o-logic.

Hopefully Spain remembers. if not we need to send more Rough Riders.

Its really what Puerto Rico is actually very useful for the USA. We produce a large amount of military manpower per capita. me is pic related in Iraq. i removed kebab.

Shouldn't the spikes and pit be on the other side?

Cheers mate. Have this ancap meme.

I thought you were from Israel. Its because this tablet doesn't render your flag right. It really looks like Israel's flag. You need to understand how the world economy works. Until we have Jews controlling monetary policy worldwide its a good strategy to become a state. That's why Central and South America are poorer than us. They want us and that's why we're still not independent.

You stupid nigger still don't understand that our economy will never improve until we become a state or the global banking cartel gets wiped out?

ok,buddy, whatever you say.

You realize being born in NY makes no difference as you would have been born a U.S. citizen being born in Puerto Rico...

viva la puerto rico.

Only the people of Puerto Rico can make it a state and they vote against it Everytime.
They are even allowed to vote if they want to be their own country.

its better on BOTH sides, that way they have to deal with it on this side as well if they manage to climb over it. Trump does things well.

Most of Americans don't know about the concentration camps we built to deal with occupying the Philippines. The Spanish-American war is a friggin paragraph in most history text books right before they get into the whole, animal farm workers movement socialist crap they spend waaaayyyyy to much time on.

There is more information in a civics text book about the political climate in the 1960s than on the spanish-american war. We learn more about ancient cultures and history than actual American history. It's a travesty.

Only Puerto Rico can decide their future

>ok,buddy, whatever you say.
>I don't have a point to make, so I quit.

No fuck you, yank. Those Latin nigger weren't grown here. Those niggers were grown over there. Those are your fault not ours. We don't have those gangs you have over there and neither we have gang culture over here. That shit is non existent here.

>I'm not actually ignorant because I pay attention to everything
you sound like a fat retard

We gave the Philippines it's independence.

We also never took actual control of Cuba because we didn't want a bunch of niggers being able to move into the country. We hoped for a friendly independent state given it's strategic location towards the American south west.

Che Guevara took care of the nigger problem down there, maybe we can try for cuba again.

sure thing,bud,sure thing. you win.

You trick the Asian niggers into thinking you were going to make them a state tho

it was a stupid typo

There's no denying PR is a tax haven for the wealthy gringos. We fight together on the same army for generations.

Honestly I wished PR had the big boy pants to try and strive on it's own. But our people doesn't know how to deal with corruption, they just see it blatantly and do nothing. We need more feds here overwatching the goverment to stop this corruption. That's why i'm in favor of being a state.

>sure thing,bud,sure thing. you win.
>I quit with no dignity and can't sit down as my butt hurts.