Why is Europe so leftist?
Why is Europe so leftist?
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Because muh Hitler, and because this poll is wrong, like all polls
>Hillary Clinton
Based Bernie would've won
>Clinton overwhelmingly chosen over Sanders
Shows how little they actually know about our candidates.
Stil believes the (((polls)))
Bernie Sanders is the best choice.
he's like Socrate
Indoctrination and whites living with whites thinking forced multiculti ficki ficki is good. From my experience it's not the same with the people who actually have to live with the subhumans, although I'm only headed off to the ghetto apartments next year when I finish my degree and get ported out from the student areas.
European medias were completly silent about Clinton, only Trump-bashing. They think CNN is the most reliable news source of the USA
>says the Sup Forumsock who barely knows europe from breitbart.com clickbait articles
pretty rich
wouldn't bet on it
on index.hr, the most leftcuck liberal shithole lugenpresse media outlet in croatia, they had a internet poll on how would croats vote in the US elections
without being raided by Sup Forums, Trump got 60% of the vote
>7 countries
I'll bet you it's all western Europe
in slovenia its closer to 90%, even with the media constantly bashing the shit out of him and especially Melania.
but thats just how the balkan countries are, im 110% sure that Shillary would win if Germany or France had a say.
Probably UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Holland and Belgium
they had it too good in a homogeneous society. time to get enriched.
>7 European countries
>b.but goy, we're totally not doing bias polls again.
>Probably UK
lol? No, just Scotland.
A guy have known for fifteen years now was alt-right when he was young, he used to have a celtic cross zippo and the obligatory yearly Mussolini calendar straight from his hometown, Predappio.
After he joined the navy he went full libtard, or so I've been told.
slovenes woke as fuck
here people tend to shit on right wing because HDZ is so absolutely shilltastically shit, and they also bluepill people a lot
hope zivi zid starts throwing redpills now that they're in parliament
dindt' you learn anything yet?
never trust polls
UK and eastern europe is uncucked
The media. Dont worry, Geert Wilders will be Prime Minister here.
Look what so called "media journalists" write on twitter with a big fellowhood. People like that need doxxing - use a translator to translate German to see how fucked people are here and blind and brainwashed
Sanders was an enormous idiot that other European politicians regularly had to regularly remind that what they did wasn't socialism.
He couldn't even win the nomination so the idea he would have won the election is hilarious
hat's an insult to Socrates
Yeah, no Poland in this poll. Poles for Trump!
Gib link to MÖGA plz
I'll wait for the next election. If the retarded cucks in this country vote Merkel again, I will leave. Since there are so many doctors amongst the refugees it should be easy to replace me.
Centuries upon centuries of prostration to Royalty. Submission is literally programmed into your DNA, hence the overwhelming acceptance of migrants. You bow to those more powerful than you.
Because social democracy worked super well for Europe for a time, and people still remember it fondly. When us euros talk about the good old days, we talk about the time when moderate, patriotic leftists were in charge. Not right wing, and certainly not this new, self-destructive lunatic fringe left that imports terrorists and tries to outlaw european culture.
most of slovenia is still redneck town so people are pretty conservative. the capital is pretty much fucked and infested with nigroids and other subhumans, the current goverment is pathetic also.
hopefully we vote in SNS (based Jelinčič) or atleast SDS again.
>western Europe
aka real Europe
no way merkel wins again desu. would like seehofer in that position
Those are (((polls))), not polls. Trump would win in most of Europe.
AfD or bust my friend.
Seehofer is nothing but Merkels lapdog (what has he actually done to stop Merkel? the answer is nothing). If you haven't seen through the good cop bad cop show I feel bad for you.
Aka the Europe controlled by Jewgold.
No one propose me to vote.
Media indoctrination. People just say what they want to hear so they can get leftist idiots off of their backs. Lots of friends and family on a birthday or something suddenly said after a few beers they secretly want Trump to win. But you'll never hear them say that at work or on facebook.
I have to say I am glad to hear that, the only Slovene I know is a guy who moved here from Slovenia to study and he is as SJW bluepilled as one can possibly be.
Good to see you're holding out still, Kekspeed user.
>someone in yurop knows who kasich is
laughing my butt off tbqh
Speaking for my own nation, the swedish people is incredibly cowardly and lack any kind of virtue. They follow whatever is mainstream and accepted while attacking anyone that threatens the status quo.
This. All except one didn't mention anything about e-mails here
>Trusting any polls now
They were saying the same about America up until a couple of days ago
Yes, you will get G-SDP next time.
Have fun.
Anyone who promises to deport muslims would win in most of Europe. People are so sick of them, they would vote for a world-destroying meteor impact if it just promised to destroy the muslims one millisecond earlier than the rest of the world.
Did Sanders even had a chance? I mean never New Yorkers and Californians would have choose this communist...
What do we get out of anti-Russian jingoism?
>trusting polls
It's like you haven't learned anything.
media shilled Hillary hard over here
not a word was mentioned about her emails,isis,libya or benghazi other then " she was found innocent"
trump meanwhile was bashed beyond belief
>low-information voters brainwashed by local media overwhelmingly vote for Clinton
hmmm, really makes me think
For burgers:
Bernie was always saying that what he wanted is what was done and worked in Europe. This is simply false. Nordic countries are completely capitalistic but have a strong social safety net. Also, Bernie, in a country like Portugal, which is a leftist hellhole, would be considered far-left.
Mostly due to the fact, that the Anglo cucks europe and all white race in general by the means of fabian society (and it`s predecessors) since the first french revolution.
This. Media was like MSNBC when it comes to Trump vs Hillary in Portugal - even right-wing newspapers. Trump was vilified in Portugal. When he won, burgers were criticized by most pundits in Portugal.
I prefer a world run by Anglos than another nation.
Media told us H24 that trump is hitler. People drink the cool aid without questions
Because literally every media outlet (including publications like the Telegraph, Daily Mail and Spectator) jumped on the bashing Donald Trump, only really saying that both candidates were terrible (while consistently ignoring Clinton's corruption). It was easier and sold more, playing to our inclinations to be smug over Americans. A simple message that plays on European desire to denigrate Americans.
Sanders lost to Clinton by around 3 million votes. I know Sup Forums likes to say Hillary rigged the primary but 3 million votes is kind of hard to make up.
Sanders was never going to win, he was a novelty that appealed to millennials who wanted free shit
>socialized health care
>socialized everything
>rampant socialism
>no gun rights
>high taxes
>no one complains about any of those issues
yeah i wonder why... change the culture in cucked europe and then we can have a conversation about it
>Trusting media
>Trusting polls
it's like you haven't learned any lesson from the last year and a half m8
Because all the good men who were patriotic and cared of their homeland were slaughtered on the battlefields of World War 1 and World War 2. After then Europe were cuckified for decades and now were in completely supercuck mode. Sweden for example is the greatest cucknation ever on earth, and I'm ashamed to say Finland is following Sweden's footsteps like a retarded moron.
I wish I could have born to United States, it's the last corner of real freedom in this world. I really hope D. Trump won't be the "agent" whose real purpose is to change USA to same insane cuck mode as it's in Europe. I really hope I'm wrong.
anybody voting Hillary over Bernie is a fucking retard. Honestly if you are against Trump (which is totally understandable imho) then the only choice is Bernie.
Europe would've voted for a republican?
Because we aren't all retards, the American education meme is actually true.
just wait till the cultural enrichment takes hold
ok Brexit man, whatever you say
>we aren't retards
>he thought the nhs was a good idea
Okay my german perspective:
>jump forward to generation 1968
>Fuck establishment, fuck authority, fuck my ancestors
>University as a breeding pit
>Those leftist students, become teacher and journalists
>Indoctrinate new generation
>Those must be more leftist, because how else will they get this "I am a better human than you" feeling
>University again breeding pit
>going full circle
Those people standing in their perfect position. Higher mddle class.
They get to point fingers at the richer people and blame, while smirking at the lower income, as stupid.
Sweet, another poll showing Trump loses. Those aren't ever wrong!
>not all first world countries have universal healthcare
You CANNOT make this up
Hilary it's finance and caviar left, Bernie is a hardcore socialist.
It's about priorities. Americans clearly value individual freedom more than Europeans. By necessity, any government restricts freedom, and a "progressive" government necessarily restricts freedom more than a conservative one.
They ain't got guns so they have to be.
Trump is no different to status quo. He's false. It's like one step forward, but two steps back. Just another deceiver to fool humanity.
And Europe is already completely lost. There is nothing to be done anymore. The game is over.
Sanders lost because of Blacks. He destroyed her in white states. Sanders may be naive to think his base outside of the college kids were not also Trump's base. There is a huge intersection of Trump and Bernie's base outside of the college kids and alt right.
tell me how great it is
The educators are liberal. Sad!
Do they not realize that CNN is pretty much considered tabloid-tier in America now? Over the last ~6 months pretty much everyone I know who used to watch these network news stations all cancelled their cable subscriptions. No one is taking CNN seriously anymore, nor pretty much any other media platform for that matter.
It is called politician politics to bring the Deep America in its ranks. He doesn't believe one word he stated.
Hey if Australia could vote.. well pic related.
Not meming here, America isn't as free as you think.
The reason we don't have guns here is because we don't think it's worth the mass shootings which comes with them, not because we're cucked.
You don't have to pay a gorillion dollars for healthcare (I know you pay for it in tax, but it's far cheaper)
>le cuck meme
If they included the UK we'd push Trump up by 30%
>some retard aussie news reporter told people australia would vote clinton if we could on election night
ahahah eat shit you stupid whore... no we fucking wouldn't
T. Angry Londoner
what do they say about Melania? I'm surprised since she got relatively little attention here in North America, I mean a few times she was mentioned after giving speeches or whatever but compared to Trump or even Hillary it was very minor.
There was actually a poll in Austria showing the majority of people being for Trump.
All of the real men died in WW1 and WW2 leaving only numale cucks to reproduce. The few real men they have now are sprouted from superior Anglo seed from occupation forces.
Its not so much leftist as it is not being totally batshit insane
Based Australia
Australia is the Texas of the Southern hemisphere.
Have you watched The Project. I never used to watch it but I fucking love them watching them bend the knee and backtrack so far up their own arses.
>You don't have to pay a gorillion dollars for healthcare (I know you pay for it in tax, but it's far cheaper)
that's your answer OP. i don't see it changing until the sovereign debt bubble bursts
It's like the elections didn't teach you anything. Every media said that Hillary would win, because they believed in they own vision of the world.
The main problem of Europe is lack of candidates that can be voted for (and in Russia you'd get dissapeared if you try). If a good candidate appears, people will vote for him.
Why is Europe so leftist is because it was rebuilt during first FDR then Truman administrations which were both left leaning already. Add on the fact that the US has been doing most of the defending of Europe from the threat of the Soviet Union after WWII, Europe had excess of cash to spend on social programs.
And now with the US cutting back Europe is finding it harder to pay for all those social programs and is falling apart.
"Socialism works, until you run out of other people's money" -Margaret Thatcher