>the 4 major cities and the Mexican border
As a Texan, that's because we are the epicenter of Illegal Immigration. Texas needed Trump the most.
It really was a landslide.
Could it be that rather than a racial or classist divide on our hands, the thing we should be concerned about is the urban/rural divide?
The user that drew this really knows his shit
>literally the entire state is blue
God damn it fuck Massachusetts. How did we go from the birthplace of America to its final resting place?
Most of it is sparsely populated, redneck infested, rural land.
Big cities, where real people live, didn't vote for a fucking orange joke.
Based Oklahoma
Here's that attention you wanted.
Yep. Another four years of Obama and Texas and Arizona would be blue.
Thank God for Trump. Without Trump we would be fucked.
Vermont and Massachusetts confirmed for most cucked states.
Oklahoma confirmed for most based state.
BASED USA heartland
will never be conquered
I'm glad russia is annexing your shit hole.
Maybe Russia can just deport all the city dwellers in Ukraine and keep only the rural folks.
its a wonder how Illinois didnt goto trump
or Newyork for that matter
a fucking city shouldnt hold that much weight on the rest of the state
>Be Oklahoman
>No blue counties
>Reddest of the red
If nothing else, we can be proud of that.
this desu, brexit was just the beginning
More people voted for Hillary though
Rural people should just stop being racist.
Urban people that live next to immigrants have no problem with them.
Rural people that have never seen them are scared of them.
>believing the meme, she got doubled votes and cheated, SHE STILL LOST
Trump truly was playing 9d chess, he played the electoral map like a champ.
she tried to win by cheating in states and areas she already won
The Chinese communists won china with support from the countryside. The cucks in the city will fall in line.
But they do have a problem with the inmigrants.
It's why they won't go to "that part of town" and will earn you to avoid certain neighborhoods too.
>two districts in Connecticut voted for Trump
>I don't live in either of them
I hate this fucking state.
Fellow Texan, here. The urban area around all 4 of those cities extends into the neighboring red counties. In fact, the county just west of Dallas contains Fort Worth, another major city.
Don't worry, anons. Those cities will be made great again once the deportations start and the jobs come back to the blacks.
>Except for Austin. In fact, Travis county was the only county that voted *against* secession in 1860.
it's always the population centers isn't it?
We need to meme trump's approval to record highs now. That way in 2 years we have even more "alt-right" republican congressmen and get shit done at lightspeed.
>let's nuke the population centers
>lives in Tampa
this is literally industrial towns + countryside vs cities
Jew york city needs to fuck off from the rest of the state already
Upstate New York is apparently holding a secession referendum in 2017
all the pink counties are full of tons of leftists slightly outnumbered by dumbass conservatives
all the red counties have 500 or less irrelevant people living in them and a combined gdp of $0.21
really makes you think
The true meaning of sacrifice means giving up so that others may have it better.
>linking a cracked.com article
>based Long Island
You couldn't be more wrong you stupid Austrian faggot. Shut the fuck up you clueless dickhead.
Fuck this gay state, voted Trump anyways but seriously fuck the faggot liberals that have ruined this place. We have more beaners and shitskins then you faggots even realize
>the only districts that voted for Hillary are the east coast Kikes and the spics on the border.
>Whites voted trump
>blacks in the south voted trump
>asians voted trump
The jews are losing and their pet squatamalans are going to get thrown out.
Based Oklahoma and West Virginia, fully red, fully noncucked
Trump is predicted to win the popular vote. The gap closed. Only 20,000 off now.
Too bad we can't throw out these kikes with them
>Even the majority of Cali & Jew York voted for him
Cities were a mistake.
Well at least my county in New York was red. Thank fuck.
Awww.. boohooo :,^{
Where are you getting that?
Gas rural America. Let no one survive.
Jacksonville, Florida, a city with more people than Miami, voted Trump
Jesus Christ Sup Forums. He's going to win the next one!
Praise kek
Letting a bunch of kikes and third world shit skins take over our cities was the mistake.
West Virginia and Oklahoma free of the Liberal filth.
This is the chart the people whining about the electoral college should view. If we didn't have the electoral college, you'd be looking at an almost guaranteed democrat president every cycle that pandered to 2-3 states and major cities stuffed with immigrants.
It makes me wonder what the result would have been if every state has the same system as Maine and Nebraska.
>Got a bj for voting for Hilary
>This still happens
>All dem tears
>Muh privelage going through the roof
Feels good man
All black by the way, for anyone who didn't know.
Miami's population is actually quite small. The city is under 500k.
Now, Dade County is fucking massive. It's something like 5 million people broken up into dozens of towns. In Broward county (For Lauderdale), there is a few """""towns""""" (Davie and Plantation) that have nearly as many residents as Fort Lauderdale itself.
I am a retard, Dade County only has like 2 and a half million residents. The over all urban area (Palm Beach County, Broward County, Dade County) is like 5 million,
Right on the wonderful Clinton News Network. They are predicting Trump will win the popular vote and it is closing.
This picture explains what liberals and conservatives really are. Liberalism is urbanism. Conservatism is ruralism.
Political views are a direct function of population density.
Both groups see the other as fundamentally insane because their different surroundings lead to completely different notions of what society is. The difference, in this context, between "rural" and "urban" is that a living situation becomes "urban" when the number of people they must directly get along with in their daily lives exceeds approximately 148.
This special ~148 is called Dunbar's Number. It's an approximate limit to the number of people the normal human brain can sustain individual psychological models of, for the purpose for maintaining a functioning social relationship.
When that functioning social relationship is maintained, elaborate and formalized rules for social are not necessary. Each relationship can be negotiated on an individual basis using communication both subtle and overt. Overarching rules are unnecessary, and no one uses them, because they lack precision. No size fits nobody.
But when there are too many different individuals around for every single person to have a mental model, not only of that person, but of how they relate to the others, then something breaks. Relationships can no longer be negotiated, interactions can no longer be personal. Suddenly, people start needing rules, and rules means authorities to make them, and praetorians to enforce them.
I'm sure intelligent readers can see plenty of other ramifications at this point.
Thus, ruralists have relationships, not rules and urbanists have rules, not relationships. The implications for sexual strategy are numerous, but the most important is this:
Slutty behaviour is an inevitable result of urbanism. Giving free rein to hypergamous instincts and AF/BB strategy allows a woman to satisfy sexual instincts and maximize resource gifts from males, but its drawback (from the female point of view) is that it destroys relationships (both with men, and with the social network in general). In an urban, and urbanist, environment, a woman can replace damaged relationships with new ones, as there are plenty of strangers around, and people are social networks tend to be wide, but shallow (many, but weak, bonds).
Ruralist environments, by contrast, restrain hypergamy. Women in these environments are dependent on the social network not only for status, but for survival, and social networks tend to be sparse, but deep (few, but strong, bonds). This means damaging relationships with hypergamy is unsustainable, because those damaged relationships are more valuable, and cannot be easily replaced.
So what's good for men?
It depends what you want. Unchecked hypergamy is good for you if you are looking for sex with as many different women as possible with as low as possible an investment of time, effort, and money... but it sucks if you want an LTR. If hypergamy is kept strictly in check, then there are more good candidates for LTRs, but a critical shortage of sluts.
This matters because opportunity rules everything. No matter how tight your same-night-lay game is, you're going to strike out with the Amish. No matter how alpha-male you are in your relationship, hoes gonna ho. To get what you want, learn the skills you need, but also place yourself where those things happen.
Kek, they are trying to not be shut down by Trump.
How would be the USA be effected if the West coast was nuked? No memes, would the economy survive?
is that a jigaboo belt in the south?
This is a really great article user, thanks for linking it
Nah its not 148, more like 20 to 30
mrascience at its finest
Or rather, they're voting on calling a state constitutional convention
This. It was really a "now or never" election for the right.
We need to cut off Southern California. Those faggots want to secede, and so do I.
Probably. The only thing you'd be killing would be the entertainment industry. Most of America's money & power is New York.
Am I right here?
We'd get a lot less Chinese crap. American manufacturing would be great again.
That's how I see it aside from the Californians.
How much interest is there for secession? I know I'd be pretty sick and tired having all the political, economic, social and cultural weight of my state lie in one far-off city/
The backward, uneducated places voted Trump? This is a shock.
not if by survive you mean stay pretty much the same
people who think west coast = le kike movies and weed and nothing more xDDD are either high on meme fumes or retarded as fuck
it'd be like Europe losing the economic impact G*rmany. Though at this point I'd almost be willing to go there.
but didn't the rich want Trump and only poor shits wanted Clinton?
No such thing. I expect better from you user, you should know that by know.
yeah, replace Californians with "dude, weed"
Southern Florida isn't just rich old NY Jews, it's also packed with niggers and various halfrican spigger mogrels.
Massachusetts area is mostly influenced by (((academia))), Yale/Harvard/MIT are the indoctrination centers for the bankers and other elite.
Otherwise that looks about spot on
My bitch ass ex probably voted Hilary in Columbus.
>Grand Rapids
famalam Grand Rapids turned Michigan red for the Donald. Liberalism ends in Ann Arbor.
Oklahoma has been solid red since 2004.
NE and California is a lot of rich kikes.
Fort Worth here, the DFW metroplex is yuge and all surrounding counties around little d are populous and red. Texans of Latino descent in my county don't like illegals either.
Oklahoma is setting an example for the rest of the country. We voted Cruz in the primary but over came our differences with Trump. It's not about us as individuals or the state of Oklahoma, it's about the greater good of the country. No one here said "fuck you I voted for Cruz, Trump can suck my dick, I'm voting for Hillary." No, we united and what was best for the country.
I wonder what happened here