Nips react to Donald Trump. Thoughts?
Nips react to Donald Trump. Thoughts?
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This guy is the most redpilled.
The comment about the stock market crashing is funny considering it massively spiked soon after the initial drop.
Come Nippon, join us in the sun
>The Japanese man-yuta
He is a cucked SJW fyi
How can random nips be more informed about Trump than fucking burgers living in the USA? These random nips actually know about trump policies instead of screaming rayciss and grabherbythepussy.
2 of the interviewed were worried about US leaving Japan and North Korea attacking them; kek, defend yourselves, jagged teeth.
Also, the elders are pretty based.
Imagine living surrounded by people like you. Mostly calm, rational people with a strong work ethic. Wouldn't you be more inclined to want to help your fellow man, have a bigger safety net for those who fall on hard times knowing few people would take advantage of it?
Soulless ant people.
>implying it wasn't artificially caused by the kikes to scare the people who hadn't voted to go out and vote for Hillary.
Journalism in Japan isn't dead. And of course that takes active participation by the viewers to read/watch reliable news sources to support it. They're also pretty obsessed with what happens in other countries.
>informed about anything
Anyway Trump will meet Prime Minister Abe next week in New York
>They're also pretty obsessed with what happens in other countries.
I don't think you are Japanese but no we are not really.
Higher average IQ
They seem pretty indifferent, but I mean if people in other countries saw how fucked Clinton was, surprising she couldn't see it.
a sober analysis.
i like japan.
please stay japanese.
>People on the other side of the world are more understanding and level-headed about our country than we can be
This is fucking embarrassing.
Japan status : based
They just didn't like the idea that Trump would suddenly withdraw all the defense and leave them completely vulnerable.
At least their country isn't infested with sandniggers, britbong.
Interesting the video had an edit cut at this point when he obviously had more stuff to say....
good. the military whities are only here for a paid vacation anyway
I've got a qt Japanese friend who works at a language school there. Her, coworkers and teachers are all anti-Trump, she thinks he's crazy. At the same time they are somewhat happy if the Americans leave Okinawa if Trump rescinds the defense treaty. I told her that would be bad for Japan especially with China trying to expand.
Japs are too pacifist now, and seem to live in some dream that if they dont invest in their military, they wont have to go to war again.
Such hatred ignorance and bigotry!
Yeah, I don't know how they can't perceive their own arrogance here
Talking shit about the US while still wanting US forces to defend them, and they are not happy about having to form stronger alliance with South Korea if the US reduces presence, all the while enjoying shit we are providing costs a fuck ton of money to have military bases there.
Lots of americans are really fucking sick of this attitude of us putting military bases in there countries and double talking about it.
"Go home filthy gaijin, you are stupid!"
"I was just kdding gaijin, please protect me."
Watch you tone, remember what happened the last time you got rowdy?
Haha someone's butthurt that the military guys take all the cute girls
Source: was stationed in Sasebo and am moving back to go to college in Nagasaki. Always saw how butthurt people get when you tell them you're in the military. Especially the piece of shit English teachers. Get a real job.
Surprised that japs are so against the US pulling its military out.
Have they just been being tsundere all these years they've been complaining about it?
that's China
literally who?
>This guy is the most redpilled.
Japan is Redpilled.
They put the Red Pill on their flag, man.
>implying the stock market crashing isn't good
>implying it wasn't jew that had everything on Hillary win pulling out.
jews losing money makes me diamond hard
Will the Japanese people be accepted into Trump's America?
What is his stance on Asians as a whole?
He will make waifus great again
It's almost like we're bombarded with constant propaganda that distorts our perspective
this jap guy is a lefty male feminist cuck, his opinions are fucking stupid and illogical from living in his isolated shoebox, he doesn't even know what the real world looks like. He gets all his info from MSM and cucked social media. He needs enrichment. Don't conclude all japs are this cucked 2chan people are like us, they know the real truth these stupid normie cunts deny, they have broken the condition ing
They dont want to pay for it. Much easier for baka gaijin to do it.
Where was that video shot? Is that a particularly affluent area?
this desu
whites btfo
vulnerable to what? NK can't do shit and China does whatever the fuck it wants in the region anyway. What exactly are you there for?
Japs are just being freeloading niggers.
>Anyway Trump will meet Prime Minister Abe next week in New York
I don't like Japanese fag Yuta either. He's as cucked as JapanProbe and all these other english based Jap sites and personalities. RandomYoko once said that she gets interviewed by Jap media all the time because she's like the only english speaking native on youtube who actually has nationalist views.
The funny part is that normal Japs are exactly like 2chan. It's just the fluent english speaking assholes who act like fucking retards because the mere act of understanding english makes you susceptible to American globalist brainwashing.
I used to wonder why Japan never to bothered to learn English as a second language like most countries do but now I understand why. English is the main vehicle for spreading globalism and multiculturalism.
>please watch people that don't know anything about (foreign) politics talking about politics for 10 minutes.
Why? Because they are Japanese?
Can you fatass weebs stop being junk dna for one day?
considering we had a large part if forcing japan to have a proper military to defend itself, it would be a little bullshit if we just pulled out without giving them time to prepare. i am all for getting our forces out of there ultimately tho.
Trump loves japs and supported Japan having a military.
Go back to raping Hans' wife, Ahmed.
Honestly they mustn't be very happy. Didn't trump say he was going to make Japan pay more for all the USA military bases in Japan or something like that?
if they want to keep american forces there, they're told they need to pay
some general(?) guy said: "if there is no reason to pay them (keep them in japan), then we won't"
I think they're meant to rebuild their military themselves
this also applies to Germany which is a real blow to Germany.
interesting times ahead.
they aren't allowed to have a army though so unless trump changes that they're fucked
he is willing to give them Freedomâ„¢ Brand nukes
so I think he'll drop Article 9 if the feeling is mutual when he visits