>be mtf trans
>out in sierra navada's fishing with dad and brother like a normal person
>come home
>find out trump won
>sweet, now people like me will stop being thrown off of buildings or shot in mass in night clubs
>find out almost every other tranny is throwing a bitch fit
>fucking faggots
>find out my state made pistol grips and .308 AR lowers legal
>went to local gun shop
>the guy tells me he just unlocked the good stuff from MAGPUL and put it out on the floor
>bought all the parts to build a pure evil AR15
>sitting here eating lemon pepper rainbow trout and laughing at liberals
Be mtf trans
Other urls found in this thread:
Well done. :3
Post benis.
>mtf trans
That's a weird way of saying man in a dress.
what, lemon pepper trout or MAGPUL?
>Taking trout as food fish
>hillary wins
>imports millions of middle eastern refugees/migrants
>get thrown off building anyway
how stupid do you feel OP?
>That's a weird way of saying man in a dress.
naw i a cute
>Sierra Nevada
You're still a mentally ill tranny. Kill yourself.
Are you passable?
Fucking vomit, kys you freakish abomination.
I fucking love traps
t. attention whore
I feel sad for you.
The people you support think you're a freak and the people you're laughing at hate you. Nobody gives a fuck.
Post feminine penis. I need it for research.
Why are commies saying Trump is homophobic when he's the one defending the boipucci from Islamic invaders?
>Sierra Nevada
series of lakes in central california you dumb nigger
>not eating what you kill
I guess I am a man then, more of a man then you
This shit is why your fellow transgenders were horrified by Trump's victory, OP. If Hillary won, Muslim immigrants would still have to follow the laws protecting transgender people, or be severely punished for breaking them. Now, Trump and his Republican government can change the laws to disenfranchise you as much as possible.
You have made an objectively bad trade.
Would fuck the mental illness out of you, no homo
>not even passable
I want a semi-automatic Rifle
Not really. But okay.
fapping to maga traps is the least we should do now to celebrate what just happened.
elliot is that you?
Would fuck you like a sheep.
MTF tranny isn't a trap you dumb cunt.
He could pass as an ugly girl though.
Do you still have it?
nice device for kill yourself in future
Is that som
I'm MTF too and yea you're just a man in a dress
Why do you trannies INSIST on inserting your sexuality into EVERYTHING. You could have easily told this story without the tranny porn and tranny details.
Tell your retarded gay friends that Muslims are the ones who kill gays in public
You can either be a cute twink or a freak in a dress, choose wisely.
You look pretty good. Image quality could be better though. Don't let these idiots get to you.
How much was it all? I'm gonna buy one real soon.
kys yourself faggot
otherwise MAGA and good luck
At least this thread has really been treating you as a female whose value is nil solely because of her looks, irrespective of what she does. Enjoy gender norms.
>2D traps
my dick is exploding
>3d "traps"
see image
Mental illness should be illegal like it used to
Hey, it works for some and not for others
>Hate Muslims and faggots.
>Glad Trump won, but now gays are not going to be killed.
Feels bad. Oh well thank you Omar for your service to this country.
I want to penis you.
Post more pls.
you are very cute! would chase
Why are people saying that Trump is homophobic and transphobic? When did he say anything against these people?
I've been following most of his speeches and he seems to really not care about gays, like "whatever, it's not my buisness if you like cock" and wants erach state to decide.
On trannies I've seen nothing, besides maybe calling everyone in america including the lgbtqbbq to join him.
He's not even that conservative.
You're pretty cute. Can you rate me? Maybe give me some makeup tips.
I fucking love my country. Freedom forever baby!!
Super cute. I hope you find a good man someday and hope you take the saying that sometimes it takes a man to do a woman's job to heart.
You're gayer that OP, faggot
I love people who don't think that other people need to love what they are in order to coexist.
If you ever find yourself in Haramburg of the German Emirates, just shitpost abou it on Sup Forums and we can meet up.
>I fucking love traps
Because they are fucking retarded. The "right wings" obsession with appealing to homosexuals is in America is nauseating. The people who founded this country had sodomy listed as a crime that carried the death penalty.
You're cute. I'd be happy to have you work as a house helper for my wife.
Hmm. not bad.
post feminine benis
You. I like you.
Would fug and maybe date if you were a good girl
LOL nigga is this that trap from chicago who goes on mtfg?
is that u nigga? lmfaooooooooooooooooooo
lmao f uck you grace
This is some gold standard bait.
>If Hillary won, Muslim immigrants would still have to follow the laws protecting transgender people.
That is a bold faced lie.
Yep that's a man in a dress
Killing degenerates like you is the only thing muslims get right.
need more laser
overall androgenous though nb
Well, it is the current year, homosexuality has been normalized in the western civilization since then, you might think it was pushed during the last 50 years or so but the matter of the fact remains that society in general is accepting of homosexuality.
I don't see why legislation shouldn't reflect how society changes. Your logic strikes out as muslim logic.
Good for you. I hate how people think just because i'm gay i am leftist.
Can i hug you user? :3
No hope arguing, the SJWs completely coopted the term trap.
RIP ideal of gender roles lessening and masculine women and effeminate men being acceptable, if you're a slight bit girly man or masculine girl you're apparently a mentally ill self mutilating caricature of a human being that votes Hillary and loves muslims, thinks all white men must die and worships radical feminism.
I will forever be salty.
I don't care what society accepts. Homosexuals should be burnt alive or drowned in a bog. I'm right and anyone who disagrees with me is wrong.
That's a man baby
you don't pass to me senpai
t. fellow mtf
In what world is that androgynous you insane English teacher?
>walking to the store today
>see a nigger
>raise my fist at him because of based Trump's win
>he fliches and practically does a fucking combat role away from me, running in fear
>probably pissed himself, too
>threatened to beat the shit out of the girl i like
>she's a cocksure and smug 4/10
>not anymore
>told her that i'll strangle her to death and rape her if she didn't go out with me
>because of trump i said her death would be celebrated
>scared shitless, but now my girlfriend
>just blew me an hour ago
Shit was so cash, thanks Donny
>tfw mudslimes do not care about foreign "laws"
>rape and pillage at will
>set up their own Sharia law police in neighborhoods
>when the hive grows large enough they elect themselves into office
>make their own laws
Fucking libtards
>gay and tranny gnazis will rise within your lifetime
Like they're not in their 20s or whatever and have some clear masculinization but also like forehead is not bad and stuff. When you just briefly glance at that pic it seems somewhat feminine desu.
Get laser and chin FFS at minimum and might might be able to pass, at least by face.
Can't really argue against the fact that natural instincts suggest that homosexuality is wrong, too many developed civilisations were forbidding it.
But the thing is that who you want to fuck in the privacy of your bedroom is personal buisness and as long as nobody gets hurt why should it be punished with death penalty? It comes out as "but muh fee fees" logic.
You could be slaying pussy right now if you would have just stuck it out with your penis man. Being a man is way better than the alternative. I know this now.
>Being a man is way better
Well nah not really
It's just that transforming isn't remotely viable atm, and sometimes playing hard mode can be rewarding
Then they're gonna blame white male for depenalization of rape.
you just gave me a boner, like your the ultimate tranny. I dont even know what you look like but if i could i would high five you right now
See what I mean?
uh sauce?
All homosexuals are AID's ridden child rapists. What someone does in "their bedroom" is my business because it impacts me and it impacts society. The reason Muslims were able to invade the west is because we are weak and spiritually rotten. A society that lets homosexuals wander around and rape children freely is a society that is not going to survive. Acceptance of homosexuality and promoting feminism were a psi op to destroy western civilization and eradicate the European race.
watch this when you have the chance.
Same, desu. All these straight, white (scandinavian) upper-middle class liberals are crying about the "hatred" that won the election. Patronizing assholes. Yes, let's bring in more muslims, more spics, and ignore violence committed by blacks, and make life more dangerous for trannies, gays, and women cuz fuck whitey, and fuck Donald Trump, right? Suicidal morons.
pls be my gf
post pics faggot
Would probably fug desu
Don't listen to the cunts
You are what you are and that's alright. You're still one of us for supporting Trump
May the gods smile upon you
>All homosexuals are aid's ridden child rapists
But that's factually incorrect
What shampoo and cream do you use?
Well I'm also trans and I guess my own sense of what passable look like is somehow warped by countless nights of mental anguish staring into the mirror because looks male as fuck to me. Maybe it's better to defer to the cis people's assessment.
They are all rapists at the very least. How do you think they became a so called "homosexual" in the first place? If they haven't raped someone yet its only because they haven't had the chance to.
>MFW Sup Forums has been infiltrated by Communist faggots that want to destroy civilization.